
Stand name: Kiss

Ability Type: Close-range Stand

Form Type: Artificial Non-humanoid

Special Type: Bound Stand

Appearance: It appears as a simple lipstick that any girl owned it.

Cry: N/A


Power: E

Speed: E

Range: E

Persistence: A

Precision: E

Potential: E


Power of Love: Whenever she kiss someone male or female, they fell in love to the user, manipulating their hearts and desires. It is impossible to reject the feeling and the only thing the person do was let them do what the user wishes. If she kisses everyone in a city, their like zombies who loves their mistress.


Stand User: Hedone Montana

Age: 30

Gender: Female

Height: 170cm

Weight: 70kg

Nationality: Greek

Hair color: Silver

Eye color: Yellow

Occupation: N/A

Allies/Enemies: Enemies

Story: She lives in a huge town in Rome, when she was a kid, she wasn't all that very pretty, just a bit average. People doesn't see her pretty and whenever she sees beautiful women, she despise them. Everyday, she got a lipstick on her for no reason. When she was 24, she uses it for the first time and it happens. For a few months, she create a cult and made her own sex dungeon on her own desires. Her main goal is make everyone in the world see her beautiful.