Black Hole Sun

(Its one of @thedoctorgonepale's Stands, so enjoy)

Stand name: Black hole sun

Ability type: Long-range Stand

Form Type: Natural humanoid

Special Type: N/A

Appearance: BHS is a large, orange, muscular humanoid Stand witu monstrous features and pink fur as cloth and hair.

Around its body, it has many dark holes. With a sharp tooth jaw, BHS has one large hole in its face instead of eyes.

Cry: N/A


Power: A

Speed: C

Range: B

Durability: B

Precision: A

Potential: C


Solar Beams: The Stand absorbs sunlight to create beams of heat out of any one of its holes. The intensity of the beam depends on how much sunlight the Stand is in contact with. At its best, it can melt through steel wall of ease. It can store sunlight to be of use indoors.

Drawbacks: But if its inside a room or a cloud gets in a way of the sun, its abilities become dampened.


Stand User: Bob Boe

Age: ???(Probably 40's to 50's)

Gender: Male

Height: ???(No Info)

Weight: ???(No Info)

Nationality: ???(No Info)

Hair color: Red(Medium)

Eye color: ???(He Wears glasses)

Occupation: ???(No Info)

Allies/Enemies: Enemies

Story: ???(No Info)