(It's one of @thedoctorgonepale's Stands, so enjoy)
Stand name: Cyrus
Ability Type: Long-range Stand
Special Type: N/A
Appearance: Cyrus has a female figure and a flower face. She's white with patterns and rides two large hands with mouths on the palms.
Power: B
Speed: D
Range: B
Durability: C
Precision: C
Potential: B
Limb Seed: Anything the Stand/User touches, growd hands(usually) which the user can control at any distance.
(The user can grow other limbs, but prefers to only use hands mainly).
These hands come in a variety of sizes. This depends on how close the Stand is to the hands. The maximum size is about on par witht the average car. The hands can grow other limbs on the palms, like eyes for spying, ears for hearing long distances, or mouths for speaking, or in cases when the hands are large enough, blow an air current strong enough to launch a human.
Stand User: Fina
Age: ???(Probably late 20's)
Gender: Female
Height: ???(No Info)
Weight: ???(No Info)
Nationality: ???(No Info)
Hair color: Black( Very long)
Eye color: ???(Block by her hair)
Occupation: ???(No Info)
Allies/Enemies: Enemies
Story: ???(No Info)