Arctic Monkeys

(A/n: Forgive me real creators, its just for contents and i hope its not copyrighted)

Stand name: Arctic Monkeys

Abiliy Type: Long-Distance Stand

Form Type: Natural Humanoid

Special Type: Colony Stand

Appearance: Arctic Monkeys are over 5000 in total, their sizes are small as a ant. Arctic Monkey is appearance of a small Among us-like characters with different types of colors(Like Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, Black, White, Purple, Orange, etc.)

Cry: N/A


Power: E

Speed: B

Range: A

Durability: A

Precision: E

Potential: C


Completing Tasks: They don't have special abilities but they can life something hundred times their weight, they're like ants in size but with immense strength. Its not an ability but whenever the user thinks any activity or something he desires, the Stand automatically do what the user wishes. Similar to Boston, the Stand goes around the area or the World to get the materials what the user wishes and the user could command his Stand to built and do some work to complete their task.


Stand User: Brian Hedonmosk

Age: 10

Gender: Male

Height: 140cm

Weight: 33kg

Nationality: American

Hair color: Brown

Eye color: Red/Blue

Occupation: N/A

Allies/Enemies: Allies

Story: When he was seven, he was a huge fan of Elon Musk who keep building machines in a genius way. In the year 2020, he awaken a Stand but something very coincident happen, his Stand is very similar to his favorite game Among us.