Stand name: Radiohead
Ability Type: Close-range Stand
Form Type: Artificial Humanoid
Special Type: N/A
Appearance: It appear as a average size humanoid, its skin has a robotic features, and it wears a purple jacket with grey shirt inside, black jogging pants, and a yellow Nike shoes. It's head is literally a radio box.
Cry: N/A
Power: C
Speed: C
Range: C
Durability: A
Precision: C
Potential: C
Radio play: Radiohead could activate its radio head hearing every radio broadcadt around the world.
Ballistic Scream: Its offense ability could create a large feedback noise, over 150 Decibles, making the opponent's ears blow up.
Stand User: Drake Daily
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Height: 188cm
Weight: 70kg
Nationality: American
Hair color: Black(Very long)
Eye color: Black
Occupation: N/A
Allies/Enemies: Allies
Story: He's a famous African-American rapper, over 15 million fans. Unbeknownst to anyone, he was currently a member of an organization in Italy, cuz his father was once work there, it also makes him interested in it, but joining in the underworld is different than imagining it.