Pink Floyd

Stand name: Pink floyd

Ability type: Close-range Stand

Form Type: Natural humanoid

Special Type: N/A

Appearance: Pink Floyd is a humanoid Stand of a feminine figure, has a very long pink hair upto its knees. Its skin appears to be red and it wears a White Lingerie clothes and a white loincloth, and a black fingerless gloves; it also wears matching high-heel shoes. It's eyes are sharp as a cat and its eye color are both yellow and red pupils.



Power: C

Speed: A

Range: C

Durability: B

Precision: D

Potential: C


Defense Reduction: The Stand can reduce and decrease the target's defenses the more damage the Stand gives, making them easier to defeat or destroy.


Stand User: Emma Johnson

Age: 34

Gender: Female

Height: 163cm

Weight: 52kg

Nationality: American(Los Angeles)

Hair color: Pink(Very long)

Eye color: Red

Occupation: Actress

Allies/Enemies: Allies

Story: She is one of the most sexiest and beautiful actress in america. People loved her and she is very famous, people call her many names and the most popular one that they call her; Goddess.

When she went to italy to meet her dead father's former home, she awaken a Stand. She has no idea how or why because her father is also a Stand user who works in a organization in this country; Passione.

Then she met one of the members.