
Mr. Pi who is confirming whether it's really Lia's motorbike, when it is clearly checked it turns out that it is indeed Lia's motorbike.

Mr. Pi is surprised, he looks in all directions to confirm that Lia was still around the place, but Mr. Pi did not see any trace of Lia, "This is indeed Lia's motorbike!". Said Mr. Pi.

"Really, then Where is she going?". Mrs. Nima asked, her expression turning suddenly complicated.

"I also don't know, we'll just have to wait until she comes, maybe she's busy with other things so she left her motorbike here!". Answer Mr. Pi.

"Okay!". Mrs. Nima was ready to wait for Lia, and she didn't mind at all.

The husband and wife were standing right on the side of the road, they looked in all directions, but Lia had not appeared either.

The two of them were still waiting until they actually met Lia, but in his mind, he felt something strange, his feelings became bad.