Do not accept

"Why do you have to live there! There are still many empty rooms here, do you really love Lia...let's admit it!" Jing mi asked again, he furrowed his brows as if mocking Marvin.

Marvin covered Jing mi's face with his hand, "Don't make any more noise! ​​Now go to sleep!" Marvin said.

"Alright! Jing Mi immediately covered herself with a thick blanket.

Marvin smiled at his friend's strange behavior. "You bastard! Marvin then left his friend alone.

Marvin went to Eezar's room, he saw Eezar was daydreaming alone "What are you doing?! Marvin asked.

Eezar shook his head, Eezar's face looked very pale, Marvin approached Eezar and stroked his cheek "Papa son why are you frowning?! your face looks so pale!" Marvin said, Eezar seemed to be hiding something, he couldn't bring himself to express it.