Ch: 14: Goodbye wong

This ended too quickly i mean i know it was hell for me but still i wanted it to last a while longer just a bit but anyway

We woke up this time thankfully by sleeping through due to exhaustion but i immediately found myself surrounded with guns aimed right on my forehead. I should have directly taken the merchandise to the city

Now how to deal with this situation i quickly turned to the phone to try and pulse them but when i did it won't work and it read pulse(0)

I had ran out of pulses and I had no way to deal with them.

I almost got gunned down when a band of mercenaries came killed them and their leader looked down upon us

"Well well well what do we have here Mr wong trying to steal our merchandise so where is it "

and then reinforcement came from the 1st group and literally started a gang war as they were fighting each other there were bullets fired, blood was shed, explosions left and right.

But due to the confusion we slipped right off their hands we took the corpse from where we hid it and started moving and found a jeep with keys inside ' what an irresponsible driver '

the jeep had a machine gun fitted onto it while i volunteered to drive this time i got an immediate reply " man the gun I'll drive " no time to think i manned the gun and we went off on our way we crossed our paths with bandits who started firing at us but this time i managed to puncture their tire and killed the one of the gunners still many vehicles were on our trail again from somewhere wong removed a grenade and handed me

"where did you get this from "

"by looting the corpse of the dead "

Wong is a true video game veteran and i respect him for that still i knew how this was supposed and threw the grenade and their vehicles blasted and i felt like an action movie hero with plot armor and just after thinking that i get shot in my arm by a man who survived the crash . I shouted due to the bullet and my arm was bleeding severely

Because there were none on my trail wong stopped the jeep and begin medical procedure of removing the bullet

he first removed the bullet then wrapped my arm with a bandage and i forgot he also sterilized it we decided to wait for the night and then decided to move on to the city

While waiting wong told me about how only the skin is sold at a high price so much so that atleast 7 generations can live a very happy and wealthy life . and the emerald will be auctioned at the gatebusters gathering so he will sell the emerald there and we will both be rich and i would never have to hunt again

My arm was still in pain . but it felt somewhat better than before . Wong started the jeep and we both hopped in

After we reached the city there were bandits with red bandana waiting for us in the city so we used a secret passage (The sewers) from outside and reached inside the city and started to go towards the special selling spot wong told me about so we started to move there successfully went and sold the skin as i promised. I returned the emerald to wong and just as we exited the store the bandits

found us and we started to run because we ran out of bullets

We kept running with bandits tailing us trying to kill us they tried to shoot us down not even kidnap after running for a while taking crazy turns we reached the center of the city where the entrance to the gate resided and eventually got surrounded by the bandits as we had no place to go we decided to go in the gate using the emerald from the zaguar while running towards it wong got shot and fell down i tried to pick him up when he suddenly pushed himself down and handed me the emerald

"go fullfill my dream become a gate hunter and clear the trial of gates don't let me hold you back "

While hearing this i suddenly got tears in my eyes but i could not afford to stop running and i reached the gate placed the emerald on the lock and the door opened as i was getting fired at no bullets were reaching me and i crossed the door and left wong to his demise