Ch 2: Arrivals

After that talk i ran towards the door and into the light and when i got out i saw was like a different world i was on a top of a cliff where i could see green grass ,mountains , villages , towns , kingdoms i thought i t was like the opening cutscene of zelda botw and i knew i was in for a wild ride when i saw the gate behind me it was normal sized door painted with white color

And after that i heard a voice saying "excuse me , do you know where are we " when i turned towards him i saw a man in a red coat with black pants with brown hair and black eyes i thought "huh exotic he almost look almost genesis clone from crisis core or almost dante from dmc"

"so who are you " i asked him

"My name is McElroy i am a gate buster and i just passed through the gate and reached here and i don't have a clue where i am " and that was the line which got me confused because according to my information only one gate buster can pass through the gate at a time

"i don't know because i also just arrived through the gate now "

we both had questionable look on our faces and we literally stared at each other for minutes figuring out what happened and it was also getting very awkward until i broke the link by saying " ok let's stop we can discuss this later "

we both agreed and went forward as there was a pathway carved out which led into the a forest as we were walking down the path we noticed a woman walking down the same path and began to speeding down the hill while dropping 2 gem stones a blue one and a red one from her sack we both picked up one i thought i could sell this later while McElroy ran down the hill to catch up with her and he finally laid his hand on her shoulder and was literally exhausted

"I think this belongs to you" he said as he handed her the gem

"Thank you this is really important please ask if i can do any favor "she said

I also came speeding down the hill and saw McElroy trying to flirt with her

"we are currently lost and i think you can help us "the way he said that it was like a superhero with super strenght asking for directions was instresting to watch

"Are you guys here for the festival , i can take you there " she replied

McElroy took the lady's hand and said " we'll be honored to go with you" we were both disgusted by him but she had to keep a smiling face throughout "sure " and i thought it would be a good start to collect info so we continue on our current course