Ch : 5 : Electrocution

I woke up from an electric shock and was jumping around turning side by side while seeing the most honoured McElroy sleeping and then a hear a bell from the phone i check the phone and i see the message

You have failed to complete the daily task anymore failures will result in increased voltage

great way to start the day by electrocution while i decided to take a look for all the things in the phone because maybe some of them have unlocked

as i opened the phone a blue interfacelike hologran appeared and now there were many more things

Jay : level 5

exp : 56 / 300

class: none

skills learned : none

stats : str: 6


int: 11

vit : 40/40

how pathetic are these stats i am lvl 5 but may stats are worse than trash and what kind of level up system does it follow it seems a mage build is most suitable for me but i don't have magic yet

Daily quest : Know your magic with the time limit

(5 hours )

that's what i intended to do and i am very excited to get it what tyoe of magic will i get how will it operate would i have to cast spells or is it like avatar can't wait to find out

And as soon as i step out a bunch of people standing in line and it extended i ran so that i could atleast get somewhere and then i waited and waited and waited in excitement and my rising anxiety and the line was so long that it took me almost 4.56 hours to reach in the city and almost to come in 3rd place and i got to see the whole process i will tell it on my turn (i broke it again )

And then i second place with me failing the task any minute now we both were on a platform when i suddenly hear a bell and a voice that you have failed your task prepare for punishment

and i got electrocuted and accidentally i laid my hand on the other person standing after me and he also got electrocuted and fainted i managed to survive that there was no chance i was going to survive next one anyway

When i climbed the platform there was a crystal ball as in every damn game ever and laura was also present she told me to touch the magic ball and it will reveal the magic you can use so i kept my hand on it at first it gave a crimson orange color i think it means i can use fire magic and then it gave a silver metallic color i think i can become metallo

She was stunned watching this it is rare for people even having one but you have two this certainly are a point of interest and then i asked "how is the jewel hunt going " she had a sad face and denied

"Don't worry it will be alright " as i stepped down from the platform to try magic i asked her that if she can help me with magic she accepted my request so we left apparently she called another person and we were off the small village

And in the woods where there was no noise of the festivals just a cool breeze.

" Mana is a formless form of energy that flows throughout the world in abundance."

She further continues

" This energy can be converted to various forms. Like the elements of fire, water and when one reached to higher understanding of this energy, he is able to create more convert mana into more forms "

"to use your element you must feel the mana inside your body and then take it to your palm and change its nature "

the explanation seemed simple enough "

I took a deep breath and raised my palm and tried to gather the mana on my hand and i felt

nothing not even slightest bit of anything in my hands

"hey am i doing something wrong i can't feel anything " Jay asked

"huh that's weird if you focus just a little bit you can, try searching for a weird sensation that roams through the body. " Laura explained

i again focus my full being into my palm and still don't feel anything

"ok is there a spell i need to recite to do something " Jay wanted clarification

"no it is mostly required for higher spells or summoning but they have become outdated and we are using none of those short paths. " Laura explained

After not understanding Jay's condition she advised to ask the chief as she would be much more knowledgeable about these matters.

" we need some advise i think you should go ask the chief " said Laura trying to think.

after hearing that i run to the office where i meet the chief

"I have some questions " Jay exclaimed

"Please , go ahead " said the chief invitingly

"i am not use magic what should i do i tried everything " Jay asked with desperation

" I know that you are a gatebusters as this is the only world which contains mana , you come from a manaless world and it means your body cannot absorb mana so you cannot use magic " The chief replied briefly.

"so is there anything i can do to use magic " Jay looked sad

"you can use artifacts to store mana from the atmosphere " Chief gave Jay a short term solution

"you are really lucky my lad , after a month there will be a raid at the dungeon you can maybe find artifacts there , for that you should probably train " Chief offered while smiling

"maybe you could train with a sword i have one which belong to my late husband if it would get some use i think he would also be happy "

she stood up from her chair and reached for the cupboard besides her she opened the cupboard and pulled the sword from the cupboard and handed it to me

"thank you for this gift " I replied feeling delighted

"it would be a honor to serve a gatebuster and the future hero "

"I think you should try the new sword out " the chief recommend

"Thank you for this gift "

and then i ran out of the office to try it out