New start

Returning to the present . I am waiting for McElroy while sitting on a rock .

Meanwhile Mc

Mc : Once i get to the surface i will kill him .

Mc was 100 meters deep underground .but he quickly resurfaced .

Along with nori nam .

Mc : Bastard i was worried about you . Dammit i thought you were crushed .

Nori nam fainted from low oxygen .He was soon taken to an inn . He was fine

McElroy: So what's pur next plan . Jay .

Jay : I actually have no idea .

McElroy: As always we are broke so we should make some money .

Jay : How ?

McElroy: You know how (smiles creepily)

Jay : No we are not doing commissions . We are not going back there . You know i hate him .No never ! .

McElroy: Then what do you propose we should do ?

And thus after days of travelling we reached Elba again . But this time we were treated with respect . The thing we could never acheive . From our knowledge we were promoted to A rank .

But as soon as i met the guildmaster .

Guild master: Have YOU DECIDED ON A SUB CLASS YET ! . He slammed the table .

Jay : (In the same tone ) Yes I AM NOW A MAGIC SWORDSMAN . I mimicked him slamming the table.

Guildmaster : I AM PROUD OF YOU BOY (slamming the table again )

Jay : THANK YOU SIR (this time the table broke due to intensive slamming ) .

Jay : Ill pay for that sir (polietly).

Guildmaster: No need . Now to the main matter are you here for some commissions .

Jay : Unfortunately Yes .

Guildmaster: I have one suitable for you .

He hands me a page .

"This has been on the board for years . No one is able to clear it . Here this is an A - rank mission .

For more info you must travel to the duke's house