
Outside were 5 men with black coats and black masks on them but the symbol was different this time . Instead of one line there were now 2 .

But were overpowered instead . What did you expect . But they also commited suicide with the pills in their mouth .

Terry: Oh no they are after us . We must quickly get out of here .

Jay : Why are they after us .

Terry : Because of her .

Jay : Why do they want her .

Terry : You didn't let me finish my story .

Jay : I think we should go somewhere safe first. Got anything in mind .

Terry : Yes but it's far away .

So after 3 hours of travelling on foot we arrived at an abondoned house .

Jay : Cover the window panes . Block the door .

Mc : Everything is secured now continue .

Terry : Okay here it goes .

After that Evan was never seen again . The only thing he had left behind was his portrait . Maybe he forgot so i kept it with myself so that one day i could return it to him .

At that time was our last day at academy .Where i saw her for the first time . Grace . As her father wss a travelling swordsman. He never used to stay home . So his wife used to visit her friend often . And the bond between them increased . So one day she said .

"You are here with us most of the time so why don't you stay here " . She thought it was a joke but her friend was completely serious about the matter . Thus Grace grew in duke's house . Even the duke used to adore her because he didn't had a child himself . She had a good lifestyle . She was covered in jewels and dresses . She had good education and her value was high in the society .

She sometimes used to travel with duke to various places . So during our final day at the academy the duke came to give a speech and that's when i met her . And on that day i fell in love with her .

I wanted to see her again . But i had my dreams which i couldn't forget . They took first priority.

But due to a stroke of luck wherever i went she was just happend to be there . I thought she was after me . Fate wouldn't let us seperate from one another .

Then we started talking to one another . But it didn't end up well . Because we thought the opposite person is stalking us .

Then we started talking . And i got promoted to lieutenant. And eventually we started going on dates .

Destiny wanted us to be together .I even got the permission for us to be together from the duke .Our life was perfect maybe too perfect

But then everything started to fall apart . One day during my frequent visit to see Grace . I couldn't see her . As i was barred from entering the mansion . But i couldn't hold it in and tresspassed the mansion . And starngely there were weird people guarding the entrance . I was getting more and more suspicious .

At this time there were no people in the mansion . It had been completely isolated . He was sitting on a dining table with some people with mask but had different symbols on them .

He was disscussing to sacrifice Evan's daughter .

Evan's daughter was so beautiful she was considered as an incarnate of god . And thus they planned to sacrificed her . At this point i was extremely terrified . Even the duke was resenting.

But he still agreed to give her . "Why , why you are her godfather . Why do you still do this " .

There was nothing on my mind except her . I snuck out of there . Grace was a student she would return straight from the university. She studied business management so that she could help duke in his chores .

She was in the carriage returning from her lectures . But she would always stop in the middle of the way to get some fresh air .

I had to capture the time frame to get her . The distance between them would be 5 km . Due to my enchanted gear i received as a lieutenant . I used mana from my soles to speed up my running speed .

And i caught up with her .

I smelled something like burning from the lower rooms . And i saw the room was on fire . I tried to cut off the oxygen from the room but still the fire wasn't stopping . It was something that they did .

So i just used water magic and extinguished the fire and went outside .

And saw a whole platoon of those people outside . I barred the door from inside and went upstairs.

Jay : Everyone they have tracked us down

RUN !!!