
The hero of the Crimson Dawn a name only known to few .

Jay : Well i am not a king anymore just call me by my name and as i have left my position i don't have any kind of authority .

Bronx : Well i cannot do that . And secondly even you have resigned you have full authority on the kingdom as you have earned it by yourself .

Jay : Very well leaving that aside how is she these days .

Bronx : Well to be informal , cranky as always .

After hearing this i chuckled as something like this was expected .

Jay : Any new changes while i was gone .

Bronx : Connection with the surface has been strengthened , a new industrial sector had been formed . And new weapons were intoduced to our infantry .

Jay : Huh new weapons what are they .

I picked up my glass and started to drink

Bronx : Yes weapons such as laser rifles , plasma shield , mana rifles , have been introduced .

After hearing this i was so shocked that i spit our my wine i was drinking .

Jay : WHAT!

After wiping mouth with a tissue . Hmm i know where she got the blueprints for these weapons from . And she said to cause minimal damage .

Jay : Anything else .

Bronx : A group of volunteers have been selected for migration to the surface to establish a base for operations.

Jay : Bronx how did you become a general .

Bronx : Well before your reign i was selected as a part of spies and i worked very hard then i finally became the general .

Jay : Last question , who is celestial wargod Arkos . And what exactly is Crimson Dawn .

Bronx : Arkos is one of the apostles of the God of Chaos . He is symbolised by the sun and we pray to him before any battle and I'm sorry i can't tell you about the Crimson Dawn because it is unknown to me also .

Jay : Hmm i see .

Bronx : May i ask a question sir .

Jay : Go ahead .

Bronx : Why did you resign from your position . Just by being a king you could have gotten a comfortable life and be able to rule in peace .

Jay : I wasn't fit for it . Anyway i am a gatebuster so i can't wait here for too long . Thus when i saw someone fit . I resigned .

Bronx : So you are not from here .

Jay : well yes .

Jay : Anyway your party was fun but i gotta go .

Bronx : Why don't you stay at my place for now , sir You don't have anywhere to go right now right .

Jay : Well if you insist .

After this i spent the night at the Brinxs place and was suddenly awoken to loud knock on my door .

Bronx : We are in grave danger your Highness

Jay : What happened .

Bronx : One more skeleton army is approching towards us and it is thrice big as the first one .

They will arrive in 45 minutes what should we do my lord