First slash

Skeletons and necromancer are annoying in fact very annoying when you're fighting them i now even hope i won't run into one of them .

It's been 9.30 minutes since i am fighting a bone dragon to which fire magic is useless .

I should do something to take that airborne .

Wait ! why am i even trying to get him down i can instead go up . I removed my boots as she was watching and took off . I became a human rocket as i supplied my feet with mana and propelled with fire magic and i was able to fly . But wasn't able to keep my balance between my two feet and crash landed quickly . I am so done with science experiments.

In my rage i supplied my mana to the earth for synthesis and i bent down with my fist in a upright position and stood up as i raised my fist towards the sky and crushed the bone dragon's skull and withdrew the spike which became the floor .

Now the real battle will begin .

Maria : It seems that i have to deal with you myself .

I attacked her with iron needles to which she counter reacted with her own needles .

All the needles i was launching were getting countered . She counterattacked with a row of bone spike which i avoided gracefully as a wall of bone formed around me and tried to crush me . I somehow instinctively dodged the attack by diving to the side .

It now 10 min . I took a deep breath and took my stance . Sonic slash .

As i dashed towards the witch and brought my sword from the sky to the earth . An downward slash . But she was standing there holding a small bone about 5 inches in lenght and blocked my attack while being unfazed .

Maria : It was fast but still not enough . Her speed was faster than me .

Maria : From now on i won't be holding back .

As as she said that the wind started flowing violently .