Gauging strenght

I had been stabbed below the rib cage but the bone needle shattered while it's removal . I had to take it out by myself as i held the needle in my bloody hands and threw it away .

My preparations were not going to be enough for this one .

Using the katana which was hanging on my side i used skill : Somic slash . to clear out the skeleton but in doing so i had many crashes because of the cramped hut .

But that didn't stop the witch as she released another attack on my attacking me again with bone needles . Due to the cramped space it was difficult for me to block the projectiles. I noticed the cauldron and quickly rolled behind yhe cauldron . Most of the projectiles were blocked by thr cauldron .

I must get out of here to have a fighting chance .

I used my inventory and took out a bomb . Lit it and threw it in the cauldron . And ran outside the hut .

As miraculously the rain had stopped and the trees were still wet .This meant i could use fire magic to my heart's content .There was just enough sunlight penetrating through the clouds that the hut and the tower could be seen clearly .

And the hut blew up and broke into bits and pieces . The roof of the hut launched into the air and as it landed it shattered into pieces . And for the cauldron it became history .

When the dust settled it revealed an furious witch . Her expression were such that she was a godess about to trample humanity . But she was still composed like a warrior .

Witch : You sure are very cunning unfortunately it stops here .

First you will die and then all of Raizon will face me once again like 500 years before .

New quest : Defeat the Witch of Extinction .

Rewards will be based on performance .

Failure condition: Death .

Her eyes changed colour and started emanating light like a flame . A blue flame was seen as skeletons arose from the ground emanating the same aura as before .

Many skeletons of different types spawned like warrior , spearmen , archers , beast .

These enemies were all cleared witch a single sonic slash .

The words i had in my mind were .

" Pfft this is all you got " . But later i reminded myself that she was the one who caused the incident of Raizon 500 years ago .

Her eyes were towards my every movement . As if she was gauging my strenght . Without wasting a moment she spawned stronger beasts like bone golem and a bone dragon and a three headed dog like cerebrus .

The difficulty rose up quickly . As the golem raised his fist trying to hit me but was very dloe so it was easy to avoid his attack but when i noticed that the skelton dog pounced towards me the jaw of the third jaw opened but just in the nick of time i blocked him with my sword .

From another side the flame dragon used his necro breath on me from above . Shit . I slipped beloe the jaws of the dog and as i came out from other side the golem's fist stopped me .

They were a combo . But i noticed one thing she isn't even moving so this is a perfect chance to attack her .

So i held the second bomb in my hand which i had kept with myself due to my inventory problems lit it and climbed the golem , more specifically wall climbed and burst open one of the skulls with of my skulls and kept the bomb inside him and jumped from his body .

I really envy people who have their inventory right across their face . You don't have to deal with this stupidity atleast . Now onto more pressing matters .

As the bomb exploded the golem collapsed with his body slowly crumbling . This should stop him for a while . And the cerebrus tackled me when i rushed towards her while the bone dragon used his necro breath on me as he flew in point black range .

I was hit by the necro breath . While covered in the breath i felt my skin burning . Using the inventory i removed the breastplate of the saint .

which had the effect pf the nullifying the necro breath .

I no longer felt like i was burning . I made a huge metal spike using magic and i was about to laucnh the spike before the cerebrus caught me in his jaws .

He tried to pierce my skin but was unable due to the breastplate . My right hand was inside his body .

Jay : Omaewa mo shinderu .

As his skull was done in with another metal magic .

2 gone one to go