It was nighttime and we had finished dinner made by the maid . More specifically a salad . Just a salad . Her exact words I should quote
" You mercenary should eat something healthy once in a while " . When she cooks and serves us she gives the aura of a demon lord waiting for a response .
Her meals are absolutely the best and we can see hiw much effects she takes to keep the mansion clean and sparking . She overexerts herself so much that we every single day have to say thus line " Take it easy " .
I believe her very much . But I think this is sus . From every manhua manga manhwa I have read there is something sus . I hope not . Anyway .
We were in deep sleep that night all of us . While intruders entered the house . They used sleeping gas to put us into deep sleep . And snatched McElroy.
Meanwhile .
Jay : zzzzzzzzzzzzz .
Maid : zzzzzzzzzzzzzz .
Elsewhere .
Pov change .
I felt something cold on my face at such a force that it woke me up . When I opened my eyes infound myself in some sort of dungeon on the side there was an incense burning . In front of me was a jail gate which was locked . And before was the commanding officer .
He put out the incense and sat on the bench .
He was looking much more sinister than before .
Officer : So Mr. McElroy we have bought you here for interrogation . Please comply with us then we will free you .
McElroy: Ok ok I have nothing to hide .
Officer : Who was responsible for the murder of the Duke.
McElroy: I don't know .
Officer: LIES UTTER LIE . We know you did it now confess .
McElroy: What proof do you have that we did it .
officer : I don't need proof I can see it in your eyes .
Those eyes of yours are trembling even if your aren't.
McElroy: Still that isn't enough proof .
Officer : Oh I have enough I just needed a confirmation.
Officer : Your teammate Jay Garrick hmm . Don't you ever think he is ignorant of your existance . I mean of you weren't there it would have been the same as if you were there . Maybe he only joined hands with you so that he could gain something from you. But when he became stronger . He became ignorant of you .
McElroy: Horse shit .
Officer : When we first met . He didn't even give you a chance to speak even though you both would have defended both of you anyways .
McElroy: No this is wrong .
My head started aching and spinning . I was thinking that somehow he made sense like a fool I started to believe him .
The commander smiled . " Now McElroy tell me who is responsible for the murder of the Duke " .
I was very enraged by Jay . I was just about to take his name . When the gate exploded and a blond figure came from the gate .
He freed me and killed the officer . He put his hand on my shoulder .
" Remember I will be the only one to kill Jay Garrick , deliver my message to him " .
He left the jail and sort of dissappered into thin air when I tried to chase him .
Now it's jailbreak time .