
The veil of light shall soon be removed . The kingdom of Chroma shall soon be in ruins . This is the time when the era of the demon king will arrive . Soon enough.

Roy : I want your to work under me .

Jay : Then I want answers . What is your aim . Why want me .

Roy : Slow down boy , right now we are playing a game of chess where I am the black king .

And my daughters are the white .

Jay : So you know your daughter's are working against whatever you have planned .

Roy : Yes , I have known for a long time. But it Is still a matter of fact that they are my daughters . And I am their father . And a father always looks after their children .

So I give them a fair chance . They fail they restart .

Jay : You didn't answer my first question . What is your motive .

Roy : Hmm let me repeat again we are currently on a chess board I am black and my daughters are white. But...YOU are GREY . Right now you stand nowhere . Either side with me or my daughters . There is no in between understand .

Jay : So I I side with your daughters it means I should eliminate the black side as per logic .

He stood up from his seat and looked down upon me. A very serious face , it gave me an uneasy sensation .

Roy : I heard you recently fought against my Master.

Jay : Master what do you mean ? .

Roy : Maybe this name will clear it up .

The Witch of Extinction .

Jay : Who are you ( sword unsheaths ) ? .

Roy : I suggest you sheath your sword right now .

I am not like my weak and frail Master. I will not hold back .

Jay : Your Master died in my hands what do you think will happen to you .

Roy : Don't get cocky you don't have the strenght to fight me .

I still didn't back down .

Looks like I have to discipline you.

I felt an immense pressure on body pulling me down . It was too heavy to bear . I collapsed on the ground with the pressure on my body .

Roy : Now tell me which piece are YOU .