
So who are you Black or White .I barged inside the room . Where Jay had collapsed and wasn't able to stand up he wasn't unconsious nor he wasn't trying to wake up .

" Sir what are you doing please , forgive him he is still in training " .

" Instead punish me for his sins "

Didn't know the whole story : McElroy.

" Silence , this doesn't concern you . Now get put before I punish him more " . I immediately left .

The heaviness was lifted on my body . But I was still having a leftover sensation of heaviness on my body .

" Now who are you , Black or White "

This is a trap it has to be I am going to die even if I select a side . Thus is my gut feeling .

Now choosing the daughter's would be an easy choice for me . But for some reason I am.not able to say it .

At that instant he sensed something . My left hand had started glowing . The crystal shone brightly and I felt a surge of power . It gave me the power to rise from the pressure and stand before him once again .

I blacked out once again . When I woke we were seated on the chairs before . Except his expression had slightly changed .

It felt like he was staring but at the same time he was not .

" You , you weild power dangerous than anyone . You are nothing just a trip mine . You can detonate anytime and cause eveyone do go down with you " .

" You are unfit to weild this power , now I.understand how my master fell before you " .

" Just so you know before you die , Inwould have liked you to work by my side " .

I felt a sensation , there was a knife in my heart . But there was no sensation .

" This is my last gift to you , a painless death " .

I have healing factors , skills .

Regeneration: disabled.

Recovery 2 : Disabled .

Automatic healing : Disabled.

Healing spells : Disabled .

Healing factors have all been Disabled.

Bleeding : Increased .

The blade was stuck in my heart so it meant I couldn't carelessly pull it out now . And even if I pull it out I will die .

So this is the end . Well I Don't what will happen now .