
Hey . hey wake up .

I woke up to an abyss the entire world was covered in darkness . I couldn't feel anything. I couldn't smell anything . So this is cost of losing the game .

Hey . Hey

Somehow this one voice is getting stuck in my head . And I tried to reply

Where are you .

Suddenly I started glowing and within came a small light . It was like a small flame . It spun around my body 3 timed . And it took the form of a legendary beast that has been extinct and now only exist in stories .

A small mecha robot . While somewhat looking like optimus prime while being completely different . Well this is actually unexpected I expected a dragon or something fantasy like a spirit or a ghost

Hey hey hey buddy so how you feeling . Ay first I felt nothing now l only feel something .

I am I'm Crimson or just call me Rim . I have chosen you to use my power .

From the start . But due to unknown reason the communication between the host and me was disabled . I don't know why .

I could only act when you were in grave danger . But now I'm actually relived .

Anytime you wanna call my power just summon me using my name I will be there . Now see ya .

He vanished into thin air

That felt actually rushed and very weird .

Oh hey you're in a dream so wake up .