The siege of Chroma

The fight between them was already one sided to begin with . But due to it being the last time they ever meet.

They decided to trade blows softly . Until the fall of her knight the black knight .

Her heart begin to grow ice cold so much that the blizzard could be felt all over the palace . Turning the floor into ice .Jay and Allen who were fighting slipped on the floor .Allen in his rage threw his scissor blade at Zel .

But Rachel blocked it . Heartbroken she collapsed on the floor. Their plan was almost borderline perfect .

Now 1 out of 3 dead and no hope of reinforcement.

It was just a matter of time till The scissor blades fell . Died at hands of Jay . He picked up his scissor blades.

And scanner with his phone .

Name : Scizzor blades .

Rank : Legendary

Atk : 189

Description :

These blades when used together can easily cut a human in half . Like a scissor is to paper .

One of the relics of Chroma passed from generation to generation

and the other relic .

Name : Gunther .

Rank : Legendary

Atk : 166


What happens when you put a sword and a gun together . You get a Gunord , gunsword , Swogun ,aghhhh . Ah yes Gunther

One of relics of Chroma .

And now only there was on relic remaining.

Zane entered the castle .

Zane : Well thank you for winding up this incident quickly. But now I have to ask you to leave . I will send you your compensation shortly . And also please submit the treasures of my family

Jay : As for compensation we want your relic .

Zane : I can't grant you that but you can ask for anything else .

Money , title , position , land .

MC : access to the Tomb and use of your relic .

Zane :

OH now I understand you're not the mercenaries I have given orders to .

Too bad as my promise wasn't to you I would have to finish you myself .

He removed his sword . The whip sword . It scattered into several different fragment and started attacking others .

And then joined back together . As everyone conscious fended themselves from the whip

But suddenly when he used his whip .

An flaming ball struck the palace . Disrupting hs attack .

Outside the window Chroma was in flames and soldiers were pouring inside the city . Killing the soldiers on duty and capturing the people . They would soon reach the palace .

Zane was shocked but recovered and started whipping . This time he went insane . He let out an insane roar that reached outside . As his life literally seeped out from his body in the form of blood .

Aslan :

A kitten mustn't roar like a lion .

While Rachel realised something .

Rachel :

Oh no , today today is ,!

Suspense .

Everyone was focused towards her as if something important was there .

Rachel ,:

WE must hurry today is the last day of the reincarnation cycle . We must do it today no we must do it now , hurry.

This is the day when the cycle ends and a new one starts .

The final day :

The Siege of Chroma .