
The land was blessed with clean rivers and fertile land . Everything one needed to survive was here .

So of course it was a matter of time that someone would come after it .

There were in and around 26 sieges on Chroma but it successfully defended by itself everytime .

But this time Chroma fell to invaders . Those jealous of the land . If they can't have it they would burn it down to ashes .

But the king decided to open the tomb and took a decision .

It trapped itself inside an endless and incomplete cycle .

Everytime the king would renew the seal even though he ended up forgetting about it.

Thus was the tale behind the

The cycle of Chroma . To end it's fall it was meant for . Being a prison is what it became .

We picked up the weapons and went to the tomb .

Before up was a giant door . guarded by two Armor statues .

In the door were molds for the sword .

We placed the sword in their corresponding openings . And the tomb opened .

The room was a spiral like structure with spells of ancient language written all over . A stalagmite and a stalactite were connected with a single green emerald like jewel .

Even though the room have ominous feeling we stepped inside and I removed the jewel . The jewel was not bigger than a big emerald using in a ring or pendent .

We quickly rushed outside the courtyard and before us was our doom waiting for us fully dresse up in a tux and a blue collar with stripes exposed from the suit .

Roy Williams .

Roy :

I was tired waiting for you Rachel . You should have let me know you're going to the palace . I would have taken you myself .

It was impossible for him to be here we had eyes on you .

Roy :

Oh and your eyes did you mean your sister . She at home in a deep sleep .

Oh don't misunderstand she's still alive .

(ominously ) .

How did he ? Did he just read me Mind ?

Rachel had saw Jay trying to stand upto Roy before . But had failed .

So before a. fight sparked she tried to negotiate .

Rachel : I'll give myself up and apologize . Just let them go .

Jay wasn't able to move even though he had fear resistance .

This wasn't fear it was dominance .

He looked to the ground and moved ahead . He wasn't a hero or anything.

He never was but life had portrayed him that way .

From the time he took an city size blood demon to the time he fought against The Witch of Extinction he was Afraid for his own life .

A hero always looks out for others .

But he was never one . Never wanted to be one . Surviving due to his wits .

This whole charade was because he just played along what was ahead .

Even now he felt heavy guilt . Not being able to anything . This is not any movie or comic . That this would be solved by any power of friendship or

the stakes of saving his loved ones .

Jay walked past Roy for 5 meters till Roy called out to him .

Roy :

The jewel of yours hand it over .

Jay grabbed it from the inventory . Staring it for the last time he thought that what could he do that will make a difference.

Suddenly Jay's phone rang .

Main quest .

Defeat or Kill : Roy Williams .

Rewards : Depend on performance.

Failure : Death and trapped in the loop .

Fate had once again made a choice for him .

He grabbed the jewel and threw it towards Roy .

He caught it without turning back . Thus finding himself a sword protruding out of his stomach due to his ignorance .

Roy still unfazed looked at Jay .

And unleased his gravity and everyone was on the ground . He walked towards Jay

Roy :

Do you know who do I Hate the most .

back-stabbers and cowards and someone fighting without intent .

And you're all of them .

You admit this that's why you're powerless against me .

Jay suddenly heard a whisper .

" Use my power , Call my name " .

Jay called upon Rim

Jay :


His body shrouded itself in reddish and orangish light .

He slowly started to resist the effects of Roy's gravity .

Jay :

I may be all oth the things you hate but I am not powerless .

The light dispersed and revealed a

an shining Armor .

The helmet of the Armor consisted of

A dragon head like appearance .

The Armor was like a war Armor with the insignia of the sun and a cape strapped to it .

His boots were like orangish colour with steel with attached across them .

And his weapon the A sword wrapped entirely in flames except the hilt .

Roy : My my what a great appearance but how well does it do in a battle .

He unleashed his sword . Jay leaped with great force and Roy who was blocking by holding his blade in one hand and hilt in other .

He broke the sword in two pieces .

Roy :

This sword was made with the strongest materials available in this land .

Zetaerium , .Looks like your form isn't just for show

On Roy's back was a sword wrapped on his back he moved the blade from his back to his arms .

And unwrapped it .

When everyone glanced upon the blade it shocked everyone . But the most shocked were Jay and MC .