Parade of a hundred demons 3

I was lying on the ground almost about to run out of breath . My phone landed somewhat far from me so I couldn't even try to recover .

It seemed my mouth felt dry . While I was staring at the moon . I with all my might and power tried to move my hand . Around the pockets of the coat there was a healing item . But I couldn't even consume it .

But out of nowhere I heard the sounds of horses marching . I knew it my end is near I just nearly closed my eyes .

While I felt a forced palm on my face .

Captain : Hey don't sleep wake up come on .

If you sleep now we'll lose you .

A high potion was administered and I felt like the pain in my body was slowly being eliminated . My surround started to glow with yellow lights .

It looked like I was going to meet god himself . Not the ones from here but from the outside .

Healer :

Oh young warrior wake up , your fight isn't yet finished .

I turned to my side to see a young healer besides me . She was talking like a sage .

I tried to get up when two spears were placed besides my. neck to hold me down .

Healer :

It's best to recover first . You shouldn't die before your sins are judge .

Jay :

My comrades need me .

I broke their spears with my hands .

Healer :

We are here to aid you in your quest . This is a command we have received from our Lord himself

Jay : The bishop .

Healer :

The one above all The Gods of the realm have requested me to assist you .

Jay :

Which God ?

Healer :

The Judge . He has order the execution of the divine justice on these ones .

Jay :

We need to hurry quickly .

With this I rushed with an army to the town . While Swa-ra-ka was speaking with cleft . His voice was kind of loud .


That puny human has been disposed of.

Swa-ra-ka :

As you say Lord Phoenix.

Jay with a metal microphone :

Who are you calling puny Swa-ra-ka.

Face me once again man to man .

Swa-ra-ka saw me once again .

Swa-ra-ka :

I accept your foolish challenge .

While Swa-ra-ka was leading the group . This army was lead by the captain I once beat up .

Captian ,: CHARGE .

All of the army roared as the rushed towards the demons . While Jay flew upwards while closing in on Swa-ra-ka.

Swa-ra-ka picked up his emerald like Mithril sword and swung towards Jay with the blunt side . But a mound of metal appeared beneath Swa-ra-ka's feet tipping off his balance .

He fell flattening the 1/4 th of the town .

And from above came a giant spire of metal and pierced Swa-ra-ka.


Using my weight against me . That was smart of you . I won't be now be ashamed of dying to you . Were his last words .

And Swa-ra-ka closed. his eyes .

Seeing a mighty enemy fall (metaphorically and literally) The soldiers morale increased by a lot which helped them clear the demons one by one .

Jay was searching for his companions when he found cleft who was near them .

Jay :

Oh phoenix great you're hear . Listen I need your help . I have been seperated

from my comrades . Have you seen them. anywhere .

Phoenix :

Sure why not . Ill search this side and you search the other way .

Jay :

Got it .

Jay started running the other way . Phoenix behind his back readied his bow and fired it . Jay was directly but by the arrows . and fell to the ground .

Cleft :

Oh how could you trust me like a fool .

Now look at you it seems that you are just dying .

You're not even worth my time now Jay Garrick. It seems that it was just your dumb sheer luck that you offed one of the big three .

He started walking and suddenly one of his leg stopped working .

Cleft :

Paralytic poison when did it entered my system .

Jay : (still on the ground)

What's wrong can't move ? .

You dumb fool you are the one who fell in my trap .

See your foot .

He raised his foot and on the sole was a very thin needle sticking out . It was thin but strong needle . He spread a few needles when he turned but he was just focused on Jay so his instincts missed him and he took stance the needles penetrated his shoes and eventually him .

Cleft ,:

You shouldn't be able to buy this much lethal paralytic poison anywhere .

Jay :

We'll this special thing I got from a special place the black market .

Cleft :

I take my words back Jay Garrick you are indeed a warrior but a cowardly one who relies on underhanded tactics .

Jay :

Says the sore one who fell for it .

Meanwhile .

Soldier :

We. have lost too many men to the demons .


It seems we have to forfeit the mission and retreat .

Healer :

No one is going anywhere . This is an order from the Lord himself we must fullfill it even if it leads to our death .

Captain :

But what is even special about this one person that we are sacrificing much .

Healer :

That's what The Judge is interested in him for some reason .

Thus through many losses they still countinue to fight .

Cleft :

Come on let's take this man to man without tricks .

Sea of flames .

HE spat flames from his entire body .

It flowed like a raging current . Every

Jay : Sea of flames .

The raging current crossed each other and hit each other .

Jay couldn't hold on longer his mana was being expended at. an incredible rate . His mana got emptied and sea of flames ended .

The flames got to him . The currents tossed him to and fro . If he didn't practice fire he would have been long dead .

Jay : Rim . Come to my aid .

Rim : Got it .

Jay. got encased in the fire Armor . It wasn't that he wasn't being burnt . But the Armor repelled some of the heat as it exhibited its own flame .

He slowly pushed towards Cleft . One step at a time .

He was continually expelling heat .

Demon :

Cleft stop your attack we are losing men .

Cleft stopped his attack .

cleft :

You're still alive .

Jays Armor collapsed as he was drenched in sweat he managed to hold on .

But he collapsed due to heat exhaustion.

Cleft :

You're years away before taking me down .