Capture .

" You just made my job easier " .

He looked down on this equipment

" You carry some interesting equipment,"

Hmm a pouch filled with potions and spikes .

A tablet . I tapped on the screen but still it won't turn on . There. were no signs of the phone being damaged .

A katana . An interesting choice of weapon .

He unsheated it and he was shocked .

Call the command center . Right now tell them it's important.

Hmm yes you see this is here something odd . What shall I do with it collect it .

Hmm destroy it ? Ok ok I get it .

The sword was destroyed .

But it shook the entire system . Except one .

Jay's heat exhaustion was very severe as he was asleep for 4 days . In the eyes of the round table he vanished during the conflict .

Jay felt a call o him .


Jay , Jay wake up .

Around me was everything emerald green . I felt held against something.

McElroy: You're finally awake .

McElroy was dehydrated severely to the point he could die anytime .

While on his other side inside a barrier was Viva trying to punch through the. barrier . For each of us there were specialized prisons made .

Still everything seems fuzzy to me until water was splashed on my face from a bucket .

Before me was a grunt fully armed to the teeth literally his teeth were like a shark's .

"Wake up you piece of shit , how much will you sleep .

" I'm awake now " i replied in a tone when a person is just woken up . The grunt exited the cell and immediately came back with an enforcing officer who was wearing a white uniform , His face however invisible

Officer :

I'm going to ask you some questions answer them truthfully and I will guarantee your release .

Jay :

Yes I got it .

Officer :

Now tell me where is the Witch of Extinction?

Jay :

She died .

Officer :

What are you talking about she's immortal.

Jay :

Ive seen her die . She just turned into a corpse .

Officer :

Bullshit .

Jay :

During my fight with her I cut off her limbs so she wasn't able to cast a spell .

Officer :

Off all mages you should know you can use mana from any part of your body .

So. why didn't she fight back .

I told him every detail including how I was taken to her and how was her state when I first met her and then she changed .


To think she was hiding in that wretched forest for years . But why you .

Jay :.

She wanted vials of my blood to get her youth back or something along the lines .

With that description of her I gave McElroy was suddenly reminded of the dream . He had in the spirit forest . It was a dream but it felt very real .


Just a few days ago I saw her in my dream .

All the. features you have were the same as her . And I have never met her .


Silence , you will speak when asked .

Officer :

My next question. Did you kill Duke


Yes or No answer truthfully .

I didn't know that the Duke Thesaurus was this much of an important personality.

Jay : No .


But here we have a similar statement from a while ago . That you confessed to killing him .

Jay :

I didn't kill him it was his own daughter Grace who killed him .

And this is the truth .

Officer :

question for you .

( He threw broken pieces of my sword before me )

Jay :

Nooooo my precious sword how did this happen .

After many precious moments . Jay had developed a liking to the blade. It hurt him deeply inside . The blade he forged with his own two hands was shattered before him .

It threw him in a wrath . He tried to use his. strength to free him from his shackled . But he failed .

Grunt :

For shits like. you we always keep the appropriate accomodation.

You can't escape . No matter how hard you try .

It was made of metal but not earth ones . Something different. Mythical ones maybe .

I don't have a counter for that .


Where did you get this sword .

Jay :

I gathered all the materials compounded them forged them at the blacksmith shop.

Hammered it for 21 hours .

Officer :

You crafted it by yourself? without any guidance.

Jay :

The blacksmith was there for some parts to help but that's it .


Tell me about the blacksmith

Jay :

Why are you obsessed about the sword.



Ahhham sorry please countinue

Jay :

He was a stout and powerful person .

He was very skilled in both art and craftsmanship .


Was he a dwarf .

Jay :

Maybe .

The officer muttered something within himself .

Officer :

Last question. Would you like to.

Jay :

No I'm sorry but I cannot join as I have decided to stay neutral.

Officer :

Fine , if you don't want to join I won't force you but I warn you if you once again come between our operations

(Highly intimidating)

we will endlessly hunt you down to the ends of the lands and destroy everything you have until you have nothing left and no place to hide .

Then torture and your friends to death .

Do I make myself clear .

Jay :

But are you fine with letting us leave .

Officer :

Keeping you here is just a waste of our resources . And we'll be confiscating Mariel since she is our property.

This is the price for your freedom.

Jay :

But Mariel never left the dungeon .

Officer :

Whatever form she takes she will always be the property of the organization.

No further comments .

Boys throw them out .

Jay :

Answer my question why are you fighting against the gods .

Officer :

Where did you learn of this . Oh yes Mariel , no but this info is classified.

Where did you learn it.

Jay :

On on of the shelters . But why go through this much secrecy .

Officer :

You're hiding quite a few yourself aren't you . The former King of Raizon .

I am also quite interested in how did you time travelled back and killed the blood demon with the collaboration of one of the gods .

Viva looked at me with doubt .

Officer :

And you , you must come with us .

Grunt :

What about them .


Inject sedatives into them and throw them out somewhere far from here .

McElroy tried to open his bindings via magic but he couldn't use any .

The space created for McElroy was so dry that no water existed there . And the ground was fully covered preventing use of magic .


She will be safe . Try something now and later and it will put her in danger .

McElroy stopped resisting .

Afterwards we dozed off to sleep