Gathering of races

A long long time ago . Unaware of each other's existence they used to live .

They used to live at different places.

In these lands once can experience all seasons .

Living on a gathered and hunters system .

They were first all the same but they started developing different characteristics. Such as long ears , dwarfism and some had beast like appearances .

These were the dwarves , elves and the beast kin .

Many other races such as orcs , goblin rose from an entirely different extinct species.

And last and not the least the humans .

These species were thriving due to god's grace and supervision .

The Elf enjoyed long lives .

The dwarf enjoyed their strength and craftsmanship.

The beast kins enjoyed their species benefit .

Then one after another some species emerged that were human like but they were merged with plants .

Now called the dryads and treants

The demons lived on an southern island where they still countinue to live .

This sparked a light for explorers who searched the lands far and wide . In order to find new beings . In this times it wasn't about finding treasure .

When the explorers published their findings .

The people who read them would be in awe .

Many medical , anatomical , taxonomical books were written . Increasing their information about these species .

As through little by little contact was made and progressed further .

Many years later .

A council was made where every member of various species were present .

They enjoyed a long time of peace.

They thrived . And the civilization advanced by leaps and bounds .

970 years before the present .

They vanished and only humans were left who roamed the lands .

No bodies were found . No trace was left it was as if they never existed .