Adamantium mimics and The Cave of Reflection

Once again out heroes McElroy and Jay are moving somewhere they don't know .

What adventures or misadventures are waiting for them .

They once again travel by both ways by air and on foot .

Crossing mountains and forests becomes easy with jetpacks .

And finally after travelling for an astonishing 45 minutes we reached a cave

From outside the entrance of the cave was covered in pitch black darkness .

Era :

we're here



Jay :

Here ?

Era :

Here .

Jay :

We have enough mana left I think we can cross the mountain cave easily .

Era :

We're going inside the cave .

Jay :

At this point I'm not surprised .

I lit a fire in my hand and we headed inside the cave . It was pitch black inside so dark even the walls of the cave were not seen . Still step by step we kept moving forward and saw from the ceiling a ray of light was hitting the ground .

We approached the spot and then the ray split into different directions covering the entire cave in light .

There were stones and gems that reflected the light . There was a hole in the ceiling from this a lump of metal fell through it .

That lump of metal began transforming and it turned into a living doll . With joints and body parts of a human . And the faceless head faced McElroy and it's body began transforming into its shape .

Same thing happened another lump of metal fell through and this time it took Jays form .

Jay :

What sorcery is this ?

The dolls rushed towards both of them . And started fighting . Through they were metal they made the moves of a human . But taking the advantages of their body they transfigured their bodies in such a way that their attack patterns were almost undecipherable.

When their arms attack were blocked a leg would sprout from the torso and kick them . Breaking their guard and taking its advantage .

McElroy was struggling with the fight . And that's when his gaze turned to Jay and saw that his doll was already turned to pieces .

Jay could already break natural metals so it wasn't much of a big deal .

McElroy :

I could use a hand here.

Jay rushed to the scene and used a palm attack from the sides at the elbows and they broke off .

Then an attack on the torso breaking the doll completely.



Jay gave McElroy a thumbs-up and they moved forward .

They moved forward this time two more dolls faced then both made of adamantium which could not be destroyed by Jay's skill .

Both of them mimicked the faces . And they moved exactly as Jay and McElroy. They copied their exact movements but in opposite directions and blocked them from moving forward .

Both of dolls were facing Jays and McElroy's direction from the opposite side .

McElroy took up arms and flew towards the mimic and the mimic copied his exact moveset and made an exact copy of the weapon with utter perfection. Like the moves were being made by McElroy himself.

And it was not working out the only who took the blow was McElroy. He tried using magic the other party did the same .But McElroy took the blow and the doll was unscathed .

Jay analysed the situation and had an enlightenment .

He approache the doll until he came face to face and did the unthinkable in that situation. But he made various moves and combined his movesets like high fives , handshakes , fist bumps .

He linked his arm with the doll and spun in a circle and went to the other side . And started moving ahead that's when the doll caught Jay by the neck and threw him to the other side .

Jay : (Cough).

Hey this is against the rules . I completed the challenge legitimately.

I want justice.

Era :

Just going past won't work you have to outsmart the doll and destroy it .

The doll copied the exact same movement and spell . So it's essentially pointless .

McElroy understood the fundamentals and started brainstorming with Jay .

Method 1 : Explosion

Jay :

How about we use the explosives and bring the cave down and you use you earth magic to move the rocks .


Won't they do the same . And clear the area

Method 2 : Attack till break .


How about we attack then till the break bh the clashes .

Jay :

They are made of adamantium they won't break .

Just by clashes . You could do that all day and won't get results .

Method 3 : Era

Jay :

Hey Era my 1st question is

Era :

I will not be helping you getting past those mimics .

Jay :


Era :

It's prohibited .

Method 4 : Trust .


Jay , answer truthfully . Do you trust me .

Jay :

Yes , I mean we have been together for a long time so I trust you .


I have a plan , but I need your entire trust .

This method may or may not work .

Jay :

Let's do it then.

We faced the mimics once again . And to say their detailing of our body looks realistic .

McElroy started some setup and for 10 straight minutes moved my position by cm ,mm , inches .

He started scratching his head . And finally he was ready .

McElroy :

Jay listen to me carefully , whatever in the world will happen do not flinch or react . If you do the entire plan will fail. You are not not even move an manometer.

Your senses will warn you to move but you have to reject them .

Jay :

What are you going to do .


Just trust me .

I kept staring the doll and I sensed that the temperature started decreasing rapidly

Even if I'm damaged but heal the mimic also heals . A rule which was tested earlier .

I hear the crystals forming all over the place. I hear McElroy breathing . My senses are extremely heightened just by saying that they shouldn't be trusted .

I feel the wind blowing from the outside .

It was extremely quick but I saw an ice spike piercing the head of the mimic completely and the mimic falling down . While at my side was an ice spike which was targetting me . It was 50 millimetres meters away from piercing my skin and after seeing that my heart rate spiked and I realised as I screamed for I was millimetres away from death .

I was immediately repulsed by the shock as my feet felt weak and I was in the ground .

Fear resistance didn't work this time . Because it only works against foes .

McElroy :

We did it . Jay quickly destroy my doll .

Still I picked up my black and called on Rim and after donning the Armor in one slash I spilt McElroy mimic in two .

I took a few calming breaths and asked McElroy how did he managed to do it .


It was not easy at all . Listen carefully I'm only going to say it once .

I knew that any attack I make will be reflected in the moveset even if it's not towards the mimic .

So I considered the geography of the cave into place and I knew I only had one shot .

I placed you such that the mimic would be closer to a wall and you would be farther to the wall than him .

Then I attacked the mimic and due to him being closer . The attack pierced his skull . But at the same time the mimic attacked you . With the same attack , same trajectory and same length of the ice spike. So you didn't get pierced by the spike .

If you had moved just a bit the mimic would have also moved with you . If you had closed your eyes then your senses would have heightened even further and it would case the plan to fail even more.

It was necessary for me to keep it as a surprise element . If I had told you , your survival instinct would have kicked in . And you would have dodged it . Even if you didn't want to .

Jay :

That's a very sick move but impressive strategy . Taking advantage of the geography of the cave and using geometry to calculate the trajectory from where you should launch the spike .

And we pushed on deeper into the cave till we found an exit and went outside .