The Lands Of Steel

After spending an entire chapter on just a cave our heroes finally get out of the cave and enter a mysterious place .

Filled with abnormalities , everything made with some sort of metal , there were crystal overgrowths with gems in them . The ground itself was made with pure unadulterated steel .

We reached the cave of reflection at evening and crossing the cave took us nighttime . To get past those mimics .

That skill Stopwatch isn't that useful either . Since I can only dodge using that skill. It only gives me time to change my stance .

As for my memories, I don't know what I know .

They don't feel that clear . I know there is a gap unaccounted for . But I think I should countinue ahead .

It had been night the starts gleaming with light as always . There were no clouds in the area . So their light was in full display . The light of the moon and the starts hit the metals and they reflected the light back giving the expression of them being lustrous .

Every kind of metal such as Aluminium, Tungsten, Copper, Bronze, Silver , gold, Platinum, Brass , Tin and all different types of gems were also present .

There were monstrous growth of these metals in form of trees , grasses , random rock structures and they were all blended in different metals to express an elegance . In them

It was so wonderous , that even Era who knows everything about everything was in awe .

Started walking forward finally we encountered something out of place .

A man and a tree ? Playing chess . The man had pieces made of steel while the tree somehow sentient had pieces made out of soil .

And don't misunderstand this game wasn't played on a small chessboard while both of them sitting facing the other. While moving these pieces with their arms .

A wide space had been made where light coloured spaces were made of glistening metal and the dark space were occupied by the earth .

The border was covered with a mix of gold and platinum .

While the man sat with his legs crossed . On a platform which was about 5 meters in the air . While the tree made itself a platform made out of wood . And it planted its roots in it .

Both of them were very engrossed in their game .

The man said " Queen to C4 "

And the queen piece levitated and moved to the position .

The tree took the knight which was besides the queen with his bishop . But the bishop was protected by its own queen .

The Queen took the bishop while offering the queen a trade . But instead it moved a pawn in the way . The Queen took the pawn . But this was just bait for the knight which took the bishop on the kings side .

But it was ineffective as the Queen took the queen and the king was checkmated .

After the checkmate both of those platforms descended downwards until they both got off them .

? :

Hmm , that was a very close match .

? :

Yes you played very well this time , almost close to beating me.

? :

My leaves are telling me that someone is here .

? :

I see , I was so engrossed in the possibility of chess that I forgot to pay them any heed .

? :

I'm sure I set up some trials for them .So they couldn't get here easily . They're quite early to say .

He opened his eyes to reveal metallic eyes . His whole body was bulked up like the Fire King.

Steel :

I've heard the Fire King taught someone was it you . (Points towards Jay)

Jay :

Yes .

Steel :

I can see the fire in you aura has allowed you to mould metals even more directly .

Steel :

Before I forget.

Let me introduce myself.

I am the one whose body is stronger than steel .

I've trained my body and my arts through countless amounts of training .

There is no one paralleled when compared to me .

I am truly peerless .

Four pillars rose from the background consisting of different metals . And then scattered like confetti or flowers in the air .

I am The Man Of Steel.

Steel : (Inner thought)

Nailed it .

Besides him was a tree . The tree had human like characteristics and it seemed quite old . Despite being a tree it robed itself in green .

I was expecting another flashy intro .

He just came forward and started shaking his hand with us .

? :(To McElroy)

Good evening , I'm Eren , Nice to meet you

Eren : (To Era)

Good evening I'm Eren , Nice to meet you

Eren :(To Jay )

Good evening I'm Eren , Nice to meet you .

Jay :

Nice to meet you I'm Jay Garrick .


It's a pleasure to meet you Eren , I'm McElroy.

Era :

Nice to meet you.

Eren :

My my what an energetic bunch . You must be hungry here eat this.

He handed us a 3 fruit from his branches . We ate them and they were extremely delightful as well as extremely fullfilling .

Steel :

Tell me how did you defeat the traps I set .

McElroy explained the entire process .

Steel :

Now that I think about it it's extremely clever .

Eren :

I had sensed them already the land told me .

Eren :

You the ones I'm looking for .

Eren :

Before my leaves fall in the autumn , and I wither to my age I want to pass what I learned .

Many of the masters wish so .

Even my friend here

Steel : (Cough)

Nothing will happen to me as I am the man of Steel.

Eren :

Steel is tough , but age still corrodes it .

Just like you were not once you were .

Eren :

And they saw something in you that they couldn't in anyone else .

Eren :

Ambition, desperation , and much more .

Eren :

Which is why I the oldest of the treants wish to pass on my art . To you .

Steel :

As my friend said . I am as tough as steel , but it doesn't mean I'm not corroding .

For that I would like to enlighten the new ones .

Eren :

Oh my introduction, have forgotten I .

Eren :

I am Eren the oldest of the Treant and I'm the one they call me " The one with the Earth " . Because my roots are firmly planted in the soil get it .

Eren :

I have studied and practiced Earth Magic for many years but I lack something to fully understand it .

And thus we were dragged into another training arc . My God . Why ?