Jay's story

The Fire King briefly introduced himself with a lot of energy .


Tell me child , when are you from .

Jay :

A thousand years into the future.

King :

So you came back after all this time to seek my guidance . I have to say that I'm touched with your dedication.

I've had many students who came from the ends of the lands . But I've never had someone who travelled this far into the last just to meet me .

I've heard your request and I accept you as my student .

Be proud that I've accepted you .

Jay :

As I said I am just here to get some Ash flowers .

King :

No need to be shy , boy

But first I must test you . How deep knowledge of fire magic do you have .

Be ready here I come .

Quest updated : Fire King .


Defend against Fire King's attacks and retaliate .


Failure to defend .

King :

Here I go .

He punched an insane flame towards me which I rolled towards the side .

I have no choice but to retaliate . I circled around the volcano and finally came face to face .

Let me start with the basic moveset . Right now I have no boots on me . Since I took them off during climbing .

So a basic sweep should be a good move .

I closed the distance with my opponent and performed a low sweep accelerated by fire rockets from my legs .

To which he simply jumped at a distance which was just 2 cm above my feet . And i launched a second kick same accelerated with fire .

He defended against the kick and caught my leg .

King :

Try once more .

He said as he tossed me into the volcano . Shit I have to get the fire started again . I don't have the resistance to survive in the lava . Even just touching it will cause severe burns .

I got the fire started in my legs again and moved up .

And landed again in the side . Where the King attacked me with a fiercely burning fist . And as just I had gotten up I couldn't retaliate to the attack and got punched in the face .

But the fires were not that hot. It means he is not trying his best . If he does try his best then I will die .

I got up and blasted him with a flamethrower . Which he countered with his own .

King :

Make the flames stronger . Don't worry about getting burnt get used to the fire . Increase the heat . And push the fire out with more force .

I took his advice . And increased the mana flow and conversion rate as well as the heat . The red hot flames turned into blue flames .

These flames were much more concentrated than before and not spread out .

King :

Good . Apply that to your fighting techniques.

The fire which I was exerting I turned it in my first and punched the King with a blue flaming punch

stronger than before .

I concentrated my strength in my fist and jumped towards him .

But he turned on me . He mimicked the same technique I was using . Flames propelled his feet and he kicked me in the abdomen and I fell . This time on the other side . Tumbling down till I grabbed some branches growing on the sides of the volcano . It stretched my arm quite a bit . It did hurt me somewhat but something's are better than dying .

And the cycle of climbing countinued again because I lost the ash flowers I had because I didn't keep them in my inventory . And climbed once again till I reached the top .

King :

That was some praiseworthy performance but it still needs work . The combat style you currently practice has many flaws . Some of the moves are incompatible with your style . And it does produce some awkward movements .

Might as well go with something which is fluid and goes well with your style of fighting . The second kick after the sweep lacked in power . Try switching it with a better move .

Also do you need to deliver that Ash flower urgently.

Jay :

Uhh , it's not that urgent .

King :

Then , your training starts now . Till you iron out all your mistakes .

Jay :

Actually its somewhat urgent.

King : (Intimidating) (Deadly)

I heard you saying it's not that urgent. If you want to leave then you can leave . But I can't say you'll ever reach your destination.

My hand might slip and maybe you'll be blasted with a strong attack that might take you down and you might die due to falling .

This is straight up down right threat . I have no choice I hope atleast McElroy has returned .

Meanwhile McElroy


The area is damp it is filled with various slimy monsters . I don't know how many times I've gotten dragged into water now . Just because some random plant was trying to kill me .

And I have to wait until nighttime . To even start my search for the moonlight grass .

I've done many quest . But I hate this one the most .

I knew that Jay knew that I knew that the volcanoes would be much better .

That bastard might be enjoying his time there. Enjoying the view on top of a volcano .

Call down McElroy calm down . Purge out those evil thoughts born out of jealously and hatred .

And think would the volcanoes be much better .

There might be a monster Jay would be facing and having trouble against .

Meanwhile :

Jay : (Shouting into the distance)

I can't do this anymore

King :

Hey who said you can stop . Now you have to start again . This is the volcano here . Control the lava .

Jay : (Frustrated)

I'm trying , it's not happening.

King :

Follow my instructions down to the last detail . First try to insert mana into the lava itself . And control the mana .

Jay :

The lave is too far away for my mana to reach .

King :

Then if distance is the problem .

Jay :

No nononononononononononononooooooooo


He got thrown into the volcano again for the second time .

Meanwhile .

This place is swimming with alligators . I've killed atleast 34 alligators . Comeone when will it be dark so I get the grass and get out of here .

The journey countinues .....