Ash flowers

A new side quest . Herb collection. I sometimes think the quest screen appears even before I take a quest . That's not the point , the point Is that we are going to the volcanoes . Well both choices were terrible but I think for sight seeing volcanoes does seem like an evil lair thing . And I am down to see a castle which is built on a volcano .

It's better to die after seeing something like that rather than being drowned by a monster living in the water and waiting to drown its prey and kill them .

And McElroy can breathe underwater so he should be fine .

Right now I've left Era in Serlet's care . And if he was an dangerous individual Era would've said something .

Oh right . The thing I'm supposed to get us known as the Ash flower. This flower is named so because it grows on ash instead of soil . both

It can survive extreme temperatures and mostly it has a aromatic smell . But as it lacks other nutrients , after pollination the plant bears fruit and dies soon enough and passes the nutrients it preserved to its offspring.

And if the plant is planted in normal soil with abundunt nutrients it's life can be extended upto 2 years but still as it's genetics have not been set to be accustomed to the soil . It dies. The fruit of the plant looks like an apple but it's completely inedible and said to be tasting just like ash .

Anyway .

I'm currently to say flying through a mountainous pass. I currently like this development . At first I used to walk , then I started to run using the Hermes boots .

And then when I had enough mana stored and I started practicing . I started to fly .

And it was much better than when I look back upon my progress .

Take that other isekai protagonist . Try to fly . Maybe try begging to your pathetic system .

At that moment for saying this aloud karma struck me . When I hit a flock of birds and lost control and started spiralling .

But just before reaching the ground at 60 kmph I gained control . And flew away parallel to the ground . And stopped the flight and started to run .

And eventually stopped .

That was frightening. I was just 1 meter close from a massive accident . And my mana is almost empty . Guess I'll have to run .

The boots of Hermes which were worn out were used again . The time I get back to the present it might be destroyed. I hope not. I finally reached the end of the mountain pass which requires hours of travelling .

And I see the volcano correctly . From my information it's an inactive volcano . It might erupt anytime but it's quite uptil now. The volcanic ash is covering the volcano . I hope I don't get any bronchial disorders. Can I even get diseased ?

I wonder what is McElroy doing .


Worst day ever .

McElroy: (Talking to himself loudly )

My clothes are a mess due to the mud I've been dragged atleast three times underground by some random plant . And I now have to wait until nighttime for the moon grass to show it's characteristics.

I was swimming to see if I could find the moonlight grass but the annoying tentacleonsters tried to drown me .

It's good that I've now frozen the entire lake .

I hope atleast Jay's doing well .

Returning .

Measuring the distance it would take me atleast 1 hour to reach the volcano by foot . But it's okay it's been 30 minutes and I'm good to go .

I leapt off a cliff and started the engines and took off .

Crossing the forests , rivers and even small villages on the path .

There was one large shiny thing in the distance . Was it a statue of something. Don't know maybe it was made of gold . Maybe I'd visit that place sometime .

On my way I was shot with some arrows since they thought of me as a bird . But they didn't even managed to pierce me . It just felt like something sharp just poked me .

Finally I reached the base of the volcano. And once again my mana had run out . So I now need to make the trek. I started climbing the volcano . It was approx 2 km high . So climbing it was not that terrible , I don't dislike trekking though . But just one thing why are rocks falling over now . Was there a landslide or something.

Still I kept climbing . sometimes I stepped on the ash thinking it as a solid ground and fell off . But still kept climbing . Still kept climbing . Still kept climbing . Still kept climbing .Still kept climbing .Still kept climbing .Still kept climbing .Still kept climbing .Still kept climbing .Still kept climbing .Still kept climbing .Still kept climbing .Still kept climbing .Still kept climbing .Still kept climbing .Still kept climbing .Still kept climbing .Still kept climbing .Still kept climbing .Still kept climbing .Still kept climbing .Still kept climbing .Still kept climbing .Still kept climbing .Still kept climbing .Still kept climbing .Still kept climbing .Still kept climbing .

Ah when will the volcano end. Af many many attempts I finally made it to the peak .

When I looked down there was hot sizzling lava

in the crater and the entire top was covered with ash flowers . blooming in the sun . And I thought I would be alone but there was someone else .

He looked like Bruno from the famous monster catching series . just that his eyes were open and they were crimson red and it felt like fire could be seen from those eyes .

But he looked like he was in his 40s and 80s at the same time . His hair had gone completely white .

And he was sitting besides the patches of ash flowers . Where a space specifically was cleared out .

? :

Even at the top of the volcano there is no peace .

At first he was staring down at the land below but then he turned towards me .

? :

For what purpose do you seek me for .

Jay :

I was just here to collect some ash flowers for someone.

? :

Hmm , that's a surprise usually when someone come here it is either to seek my guidance or challenge me to take my rightful place .

Jay :

That sounds stressful.

? :

Ahahaha , finally someone gets it . You're right it is stressful . But as the strongest I have a responsibility to uphold .

Jay :

Then I will leave now , please enjoy your peaceful time .

? :

You aren't from around here are you ?

Jay :

Yes I'm not from here . Its far away where I am from .

? :

I meant to say from this time .

? :

There is no one who hasn't heard my name or seen me atleast once in these lands and bowed their head towards me as respect .

Because I'm the one who has reached the pinnacle . And the one who will go beyond. The one who will be the spark of generations to come .

And the one who will be respected even after my death .

The lava in the volcano erupted as he made his introduction

I am the one the only