The Royal palace

Most of the messages on the shrines and religious destinations were the same . But there were some difference.

' The Forgotten one is here , Rejoice for he will drive the stagnation away '

' The change is coming , The stagnation will end . '

' The wall will collapse and everyone will be equal ,

If you wish to see that dream come true . Join the Forgotten one '

These messages of propoganda once I saw them . They were everywhere some burning some were on the board of the people supporting them .

But most importantly who's the ' forgotten one ' .

Maybe it's something like the French revolution. Where the King was executed . For neglecting his people .

But I can't say for sure . But it is a plot to overthrow the power . Every house , every store was burned in the inner circle and the nobles and wealthy merchants couldn't do anything but just watch . As even their most trusted turned their backs against them .

Jay :

With this much evidence I can now prove who is the forgotten one .

Everyone's attention was on me . I was the star of the show . Here comes the next Sherlock Holmes.

Jay :

The identity of the forgotten one is .....

Everyone is excited and nervous now the time to take the shot.

Jay :

Brok .

Everyone's expectations were betrayed so much that even a single expression wouldn't come out on their faces .

Era :

And what is your reasoning.

Don't worry I can turn everything around with my awesome reasoning.

Jay :

Because the culprit is always the person who is in the group of the detective.

McElroy :

Is this your reasoning. I'm just disappointed .

Jay :

I was just messing around . Don't take it too seriously

Brok :

Hahahah I can see how you can totally think that .

But there is one flaw in your deduction. That I myself was scouted by you .

Jay :

You aren't , offended ?

Brok :

You clearly meant it as a joke . Anyone can see it clear as day .


So it was a joke after all . But seriously dude it wasn't comedic at all .

From there the group of Scholar split up and we followed Michael wo was heading to the royal palace .

According to my reasoning the three doors could belong to the royal palace.

The inner circle was on fire it means the doors couldn't be one of them . The outer circle has not much activity going on .

Before the walls of the royal palace there was an frozen angry mob with knives and weapons and flintlock pistol and torches trying to bash open the gate of the palace .

But they weren't able to get inside because they were trapped in time .

Jay :

How do we get to the palace .

Collins :

We cannot . The gate is closed .

Jay :

We could just climb that wall .

Collins :

If the wall is damaged even a little bit the consequences could get our heads chopped off .

Jay :

No break deal then if we fly right .

Collins :


Jay :.okay then , McElroy wait here I'll get you after I take them.

I grabbed Collins in one hand and Brok in other while Era hung on my back. And I crossed the wall

Brok :

This is indeed fun . I was right to count in you .

Collins :

Don't leave me . Dont leave your grip .

His words were getting drastic due to fear .

As soon I landed and everyone got off without looking I took off once again and came with McElroy.

And landed where we were greeted by a tall intimidating statue of the King with his sword pointing towards the sky and below him there was a title .

This is the Kingdom of the King Jamal .

' Sword of the Heavens '

Ah great another entitled bastard . If that's the case I should call myself.

' The man trapped in a world of dreams ' Jay Garrick .

Then for others

' The Oracle ' Era .

' The God Slayer ' McElroy.

Still I don't know which part of him is God slaying.

The path around the statue was placed in a circular pattern and the paths were made out of stone . Which seemingly fit in place very well .

The path towards the royal palace had gardens which were encased by bushes on both sides . And a stairway built with white marble and on its side were two lions statues roaring .

And before us was a huge metal gate standing before us

The gate was made of iron and a plating of gold was layered over the door to make it look fancy .

Brok tried opening the door but the door wouldn't even budge . I tried using my elemental affinity but it still wouldn't budge . I hypothesis something that this gate must be running mana through it .

Which means there might be a source of mana running through it.

I have other methods of entry but I don't think the system will allow me using it .

Such as breaking the wall and breaking the window . But itogjt have consequences.

Brok :

This door might have an hidden switch , we need to find it .

The door itself was ordinary . So we searched the exterior

And tried the left lion statue .

McElroy touched the tongue of the lion and it moved . He tried moving it upwards but the lion snap shut his mouth leaving McElroy only a few seconds to react .

The door opened . And we went inside . The palace was itself dark as it was already night when we entered the courtyard. There was a coloured window pane which showed the lineage of the royal family in the form of a tree.

A family tree . Descendents from one common ancestor as least as long as they can remember or preserve the information.

And below the window was moonlight shine at the throne .

A simple throne on which lied a carcass of a dead carcass with a iron sword in his chest . The carcass was robed with a red robe .

All of us was shocked at what we saw . As the door behind us closed trapping us inside the castle . In my fright I tried to break the wall . But it also had mana running through it.

Era : (loudly)

The game has begun . The name of the game is

Who killed the King . You cannot escape this is now an inescapable structure.

Brok :

Stop joking with us . Nothing can stop this dwarf .

He threw his trusty hammer at the window and the hammer bounced back . Falling to the ground .

Collins :

I can't believe the King is dead . I mean this is a huge discovery that could affect the fate of this kingdom.

Outside there are wolves if they get a whiff about it. They would do everything to take this kingdom even if it means it's destruction .

Jay :

We can't stay in this palace .


We can't ? I mean this is a pretty cozy mansion after all .

Jay :

Would you want to live with a corpse .


It wouldn't be a problem if you creamated it .

Jay :

There's no way I'm doing that .

Era : (Annoyed)

Just start already.


Calm down there's no need to be annoyed .

And so we approached the corpse . The rotting smell filled our noses and we hated it .

Jay :

Yeah you were correct I should cremate it .

Jay spawned a fire in his hand .


Hey stop don't dishonour the dead even further .

Jay :

This thing here is so grotesque I can't even look at it .

The corpse had been brutally mutilated . So much that it would be unrecognisable if it weren't for the robes .

The sword was struck in the heart and it pierced the throne .

The king died while holding the sword in his right hand trying to remove it .

His face was almost seemed like burnt as well as cut . Maybe it was caused by the sword . His face was also seemed to be bashed inside.

Bro what in the actual hell does this person had to go through . I can't even think .

His body seems to be old but it seems that has been dead for days

But why isn't he decayed yet .

I didn't want to but I had to . I rubbed my finger over his skin and smelled it and I was right .

There was a hint of formalin on him .

Formalin is a chemical which is used to preserve dead bodies or organs from decaying.

From his skin there also seems to be hard patched and black in colour . It may be signs of arsenic poisoning .

That's why his skin hasn't decayed yet .

There are almost no traces of blood except the throne . Where it is flowing like a river . And the throne had been encased in a huge pile of blood.

But the blood bad been clotted .

Jay :

Hey Brok can you take a look at the sword .

Brok :

I wouldn't want to touch that thing . That thing is so ugly it makes me want to puke .

Jay :

We know but we can't do anything about the body.

Brok :

I'm not taking about the body . I'm talking about the sword .

That sword is so damaged it feels like it was cheaply made .

Look at the area where he's taken ahold of the sword .

That area is also filled with cracks .

And this is filled with so much rust , If I showed this to my fellows in the keep they might kick me out as an incompetent blackmsmith. Let aside rust why is this filled with impurities.

I would say it is highly unlikely that it was this sword that pierced the heart .

Aside from the sword there was an arrow stuck in the king's throat.

Jay :

Hey Brok what about the arrow.

Brok :

I'm not a Fletcher don't ask me about it.

I'll still take a look .

Brok tried to take the arrow out but it was stuck deep within his corpse . He touched the tip of the arrow and felt a stinging sensation and writhed with pain for 6.4738 seconds .

It seems that the arrow was dipped in poison .

Era :

The poison on the arrow belongs to the King Cobra .

And it's a type of neurotoxin .

These weapons belong to three different person . And the face of the King was bashed with a shield .

And near the liver should be another wound which got covered up by the amputated hand.

And she was right there was an wound it looked like it belonged to a projectile based weapon .

A gun.

But in this era there should be flintlock around. There might be some gunpowder marks in him but I could see none .

Era :

The game is to figure out how the King died and what killed him .

You are alloted 3 hints . And within the palace you're allowed to do anything as long as it doesn't cause destruction of the crime scene .


Did you set this thing up little girl .

Era :(Innocent face)

I don't know what you're talking about , mister .


Then how do you know this is a game and we're trapped here.

Era : (Cute doubt face )

I mean the door doesn't open right . And even the windows are not brekable . So it must mean were trapped .

Era gave a sign towards me to fend him off .

Jay :

Hey Michael tell me about the king what kind of person is he .


The King , hmmm not much is written about the King in the text . His position is very vague even in the history of the kingdom .

Jay :

What about the forgotten one.


I think he might be the leader of the revolution . But I don't get what is 'The Stagnation ' .

Suddenly McElroy shouted .

And due to my instinct I got ready for battle and braced McElroy.

Jay :

What happened .


In the other room . There are more bodies .

I peeked in the other room and found a body which was pinned to the table by a butter knife attaching the head to the dining table .