
Jinka the bone magician added to the list of suspects .

As we ascended from the dungeon

The main goal is to unfreeze the kingdom . So I don't give a damn on who made the King bite the dust .

We heard voices of talking from the background . The other generals had already woken up and they were starting the interrogation without us .

The shield general was agitated when he saw several men in front of him in the royal palace. And his shield was missing .

Michael :

Sir please calm down we just want to talk .

Shield :

Who do you think you are . Talking to me like I am angry I am not .


Calm down . We are here to carry out some work .

Shield :

You here to assasinate te king . You're late I've hid him in a secret place .

Ian :

Our King has fallen . This is the truth , we have failed in our duty to protect him .

Shield :

Our King is alive and well . I can feel it . I know it.

Ian : (Fed up)

Come with me .

The shield general when shown the carcass of the King . He fell down on his knees .

Shield :

Oh my King what had happened to you , to die in such gruesome manner .

How did he die.

Sher Khan:

Your weapons match with blows on the head . Shield general

Shield :

Propesterous , I would never lay a finger on my King .

Jinka Laughs as he see this scene unfold

Jinka :

Oh my the pure comedy , hahahah .

Jinka :

You don't know who killed him . Dan . Of all people you forgot . Hilarious .

Shield :

Jinka the Dark Magician , you must be the one who killed our sire didn't you .

Jinka :

Oh look lad you found one you're friends. The wee little babies who believe dark magic is real .

Shield :

You're the one who killed the King didn't you .

Jinka :

Aw man don't be so hypocritical. Don't blame someone else for your mistakes .

Shield :

You're saying I killed him.

Jinka :

Is there any idiot you here besides you who can't even understand this that he has to ask .

Shield :

You little shit ....

Shield ran towards Jinka with his fist charged for a blow .

But before he could punch the King he was blocked by the carcass of the King who took the blow .

Shield :

You bloody defiler . You now even dare defile the body of our King . Pay with your life .

As soon as the shield general went for another blow he was stopped once again by the carcass .

Jinka :

Hey don't defile the dead . Have some respect for the dead .

McElroy caught The Shield General before he could lay a hand in Jinka and tackled him to the ground .

Shield :

Let me do this swine needs to pay .


Enough is enough. I am not going to let go until you calm down and not lay a hand in him .

Jinka makes fun of the general by showing different gestures . Which agitated him even further .


You too stop . This isn't going anywhere. Fight when this is all over .

The shield general calmed down . He lightly tapped on McElroy's shoulder.

Shield :

I'm fine you can leave me now .

Shield general got up .

Shield in his mind were a whirlwind of emotions moving around .

Shield :

How did he meet his end .

Jinka :

You killed him that's what.

Sher Khan:

The. Let's start with the alibis .

Jay :

When was the last time you saw him alive .

Sher Khan:

I'm the detective here , not you halfwit .

Jay :

Have some sportsmanship in you . Let's work together you can take the entire credit .

Sher Khan:

I don't need anyone . This is my case .

Jay :

You don't want to go there you really don't .

Jay :

Who are you to call yourself a detective.

Era :

Just stop fighting like a kids. All of you .

Jinka laugh like a maniac in front of them .

Jinka :

Hahahahahahahah , a kid is pleading you not to fight like kids ahahahahahah .

Jay and Sher Khan:

Shut up Jinka .

Sher Khan:

Half the credit is mine rest do as you wish .

Jay :

You got it man .

The interrogation resumed .

Shield :

The last time I saw him alive was when I was on seige with Ian .

Sher Khan:

After that.

Shield :

I saw him once he called me in to talk about some revolution.

Jay :

What revolution.

Shield :

He was aware of the possibility that a coup will be held against him. Once which is supported by nobles .

They also recently tried to bribe me but I stood my ground .

Jay :

Jinka where were you around this time .

Jinka :

I was in my cell toying around and also preparing for the ritual . I heard loud rumbling noises

Jinka :

Then , I suddenly could control the carcass of the king meaning he was dead . That's how I know that the King died .

Jay :

The. Why accuse shield of killing.

Jinka :

I was not clear enough so let me rephrase it .

I accuse all the generals if killing the King .

Sher Khan:

Why do you think the generals are the murderers .

It can be someone else , but since you were locked in the cell you have no way of knowing .

Jinka :

Hohoh hat man I like your game .

Jinka :

At that time there was no one there except them .

Jay :

Then how did you know they did it

Jinka :


Sher Khan:

So you have no proof.

Jinka :

Do you have the proof to dismiss the possibility.

Jinka looks at their dismissive faces.

Jinka :

Thought so .

Sword :

Then what about the possibility that you killed him.

Shield :

That is possible.

Jinka :

Are you guys blind . You shits locked me behind a thick steel like vault and expect me to find my way out and kill him without you noticing .

Shield :

Can you dismiss the possibility that you're not the culprit .

You could have used bone magic to conjure up something.

Jinka :

It doesn't work that way . Every human alive cannot be controlled . Cause the skin blocks the weak link of mana .

Thus dismissing the bone magic in its entirety. And me getting out of cell is very idiotic in itself .

Since the gunman had me in his sights all this time .

Jinka :

Where are they .

Shield :

Unconscious but should wake up soon .

Jinka :

Well then where are they .

Shield :

Just in the bedroom of the king .

Jinka ran over to the bedroom and others ran to stop him .

Jay boosted with his feet to gain some speed but tripped in his way . McElroy kept his calm and blocked the entrance with an earth wall. Causing damage to the palace structure.

Jinka :

That gun son of a pig must die .

He countinously bashed the earth wall . And everyone apprehended him . Shield bashed him and pinned him .

Jinka who had a knife tried to free himself and stab him but his knife was kicked away by Ian


Ah feels good. Feels good to be alive .

Jinka had released any intentions to murder the gun General.

The earth walls were bought down . And because of the noise the other generals woke up .

Gun :

Uhh , I am feeling dizzy .

The gun General saw Jinka . And immediately pointed his rifle at him .

Gun :

How did you escape your cell .

Jinka :

Hahdahshahahahah , you never change do you General .

The gun General shot a warning shot at Jinka's feet .

Gun :

There won't be a second warning .

A flame wall erupted between them disconnecting them .

There's too much of hate around these guys .

Gun :

Who dares to block me .

Jay :

I do .Now you're going to stop fighting . Or you'll have to deal with me.

Besides Jay a flying arrow passed by undetected .

Bow :

Fine by me .

The Four Generals have awoken . And now how will their testimonies shape the story . Find out next time .