Hallucination or Amnesia

Ive got the following questions in my mind. One why are the generals not frozen in time. Two who killed the King .

And three why was there formalin in him.

I sometimes think that if I was a righteous character then how would have things gone through .

I would have given the stone to her . Then I would have lost and not get the stone . But X would have forced it upon me anyway .

Then maybe I would have been a righteous figure . I actually have no idea . But I might time to time ponder on it . Moving on to the matters .

The four generals have awoken . From their slumber and one of the generals especially the gunwrilding one looks like

Napoleon while the bow weilding is a female Archer . With black hair purple eyes.

Jay :

McElroy aren't you going to interfere.


I would like to see where this goes through.

Bow :

Put down your weapons and surrender .

Jay :

I'm not here to fight , out away your bow. I'll put down my weapon at the same time .

She put away her bow . And I threw my weapon I. The inventory .

Gun :

How can you trust this man he might be involved with Jinka .

Bow :

He's not here to fight out down your weapons .

Gun :

As you say so darling .

Ian :

Let me introduce to both of them real quick .

They are both a married couple . Carlos and Mera .

Mera :

What is a child doing here . This is not a place for a child to roam around .

Mera : (To Era )

Hey , what's your name .

Era : Era.

Mera :

Come with me let's go out of here and let me show you the gardens , the flowers are blooming maybe we can have some girls talk while we are at it .

Era :


Era : (Towards Jay )

Want to ask something ask now.

Jay :

I would like to use Hint 1 .

Era :

Get all of the testimonies.

Jay :

Is that it .

Era :

Pretty much so .

Jay : (Disappointed and ashamed )

Damn I wanted it .

Carlos :

Tell me what are they doing here .

Ian :

Our King has been killed they are here to investigate his death .

Carlos :

What a stupid investigation, listen everyone the killing blow was delivered by Ian himself . And we are accomplices who bought down the King's tyranny .

Ian :

What are you talking about Carlos , have you gone insane .

Carlos :

I thought I was insane when I saw him at first but now my eyes have been opened to the truth .

We don't need that stupid king anymore . We have a new King's orders to follow .

Ian :

What truth , which King . It doesn't make any sense Carlos .

Carlos :

The one almighty , the one who's direction is followed by the stars the sun , the entire universe itself .

He's the truth and he's the lie . The one who's even above the Elder Gods.

The one who lives in the void and one who controls all the power of creation and destruction.

A single look can make a person go insane.

He's the one . The one who's name cannot be uttered by a mere mortal.

Ian :

Carlos , stop this Blasphemy at once you're going to anger the gods.

Carlos :

The Gods are just wee little babies against him . That child there Era Is his emissary.


Is this the same one who you curse every morning .

Jay :

Seems like it .

Ian :

I have never laid a single finger on his majesty ever .

Carlos :

That sword there in his heart is your sword if it doesn't seems like it. You can check.

Ian :

Then wouldn't I remember if I had laid the final blow in him .

Carlos :

That's what I am confused about . How don't you remember that day you went against your oath .

Hey shield help me out here .

Shield :

I mean I don't even know who I am supposed to side with . Both of you seem to be correct.

Carlos :

Then you dint remember that you bashed the Kings face in when he tried to retaliate when sword struck the King's heart .

Shield :

Honestly even I don't remember .

Sher Khan:

They seem to be under amnesia. Exactly forgetting what we are here to find out .

Or maybe Carlos has some fake memories .

Jay :

I have a question.

Carlos raises his gun .

Carlos :

Speak with respect commoner.

Jay :

Do you wish to die so soon , prideful bastard.

Ian :

Carlos stop , this is not time to be fighting . I beg you to help him and answer all of his questions

Well let me guess by these events uts just a matter of minutes before another fight erupts for something like the undying pride .

Carlos outs his gun away.

Carlos :

Talk commoner .

Jay :

Tell me about the events that happened during the murder of the King.

Carlos :

It's easy . Before the night we met up with our future King and set up a plan .

The King has the ability to control time so we had to be quick .

He has the ability to reverse wounds. Using time .

Thus one day we confronted him with our new king and killed him .

Sher Khan:

Who's this new king you reffer to .

Mera :

Let me get this one for you , You guys need supervision or you guys will fight endlessly , God . The King I serve is the forgotten one.

Sher Khan:

And what is the identity of the forgotten one .

Mera :

That I cannot reveal just yet . His identity will be revealed at his time for coronation .

Sher Khan:

And I guess the coronation will not happen . .

Mera :

It will . Once the door opens .

Sher Khan:

You mean to say the forgotten one lies behind the locked door.

Mera :

Yes , he is trapped behind the door by the King's last will .

Mera :

His will was to expose the murderer . To show his truth of his tyranny to everyone.

Sher Khan :

And he was he planning to do that.

Mera :

You didn't understand yet being a detective. How disappointing.

Mera :

The mana barrier the locked doors . All the generals along with the psychopath Jinka being trapped here.

It was all a part of the game.

The King's Last Will .

Sher Khan:

I recall a statement , from before

Sher Khan :

Jay , how many locked doors there were left .

Jay :

One was the door to the basement , there are two more rooms left .

Sher Khan:

There might be more we don't know about this entire fiasco . But one thing I can say for sure.

This is the most challenging case I have taken on .

Sher Khan:

The testimonies don't match each other at all . There is no room for analysis. Even the number of wounds and blow the King has taken is astounding .

What disturbs me is the presence of Formalin . Normally you don't use it for poisoning. Then why was a need to preserve the dead body .

And with many supernatural events occuring in this palace alone like manipulation of time in a certain way .

Or the involment of one Lower God and a hypothetical being that might not exist . The solution might be simple and in the future I might even laugh at this case one day. While remenescing the past for nostalgia or for the future cases I might challenge .

But right now . I am literally confused. And that is not one of the emotions a detective like me should be having right now .