The King's Final Will

How to tackle these cases . Step 1 determine who's lying .

Both of them are not lying .

Step 2 : Check for Amnesia or hallucinations with others .

Result : Unverifiable

Step 3 : Find the inconsistency.

Jay :

If they already confess that they commited the crime .

Then shouldn't this case be solved already .

Sher Khan:

I don't think it works this way it means they are either lying or hiding someone who's not guilty .

Jay :

If they are the murderers then how will they be punished .

Sher Khan :

That's the thing they won't be punished . Since a new King has already took their place .

Jay :

That means they won't be held accountable for their crimes .Since this is an order from their new King .

Then what is the point of all this.

Why point out the murderer , why do any of this . Why freeze everyone in time.

Sher Khan:

Justice might be delayed not denied .

Jay :

But is there any justice in this case .

Sher Khan:

There's only one way to find out !

Jay :

Let's get working one last time.

Jay :

Ms Mera I want your testimony.

Mera :

I already confessed that I am the murderer who betrayed the King .

Jay :

We need to check the facts once again . One last time .

Mera :

I have lots of time to kill , ask me anything.

Jay :

I want you to dictate the events that Happened at the time of your fight with the king .

Mera :

It was nighttime when the King ast on his throne with a smile on his face .

The Four of us Generals arrived with our new king.

That night every guard was dismissed from the duty and the gates of the palace were locked in order to block them from coming .

That day all the houses of the nobles and wealthy merchants were burnt down and the inner circle was burning down .

There was resistance with the mercenaries that the wealthy contracted who were supported with the army to stomp out any sign of rebellion . The commoners unloaded their weapons on them.

Weak mana stone bullets , sticks and stones , pitchforks and guns .Every weapon available was picked up and there was a fight .

Many soldiers betrayed the army and soon it turned into a one sided massacre against nobility .

That day all of the nobles were executed their assets seized by the people . The mob was so angry they even burned their childrens and children on the stake .

And the mob reached the palace who's gates were locked down . And that's when this scenario began .

All four of us were determined to bring down the King .

Ian :

I request that you let me make the final blow .

The rest of us agreed .

Ian interrupted the story .

Ian :

Propesterous , I would never betray my King .

Sher Khan:

Let's assume you did betray him .

Ian :

So you are all ganging up on me you want to make this innocent man a murderer fine . Execute me , but know that I am innocent .

Sher Khan:

Please countinue mam .

Mera :

Where was I ..... Ah yes .

Ian asked us to make the final blow on the king which we agreed.

At first when we confronted the King he was sitting on his Throne smiling wryly . He had become pale , his mind had become weak , he was nothing but skin and bones .

The King knew what was about to become of him .

King :

So the day has finally come . In the end I couldn't beat my destiny . I mindlessly wandered , studied and gave huge amount of donations so that I could avoid this day . But in the end

"It is what it is "

King :

I still don't plan on dying without any resistance . So come my dear Generals . Pave the way for your so called new King .

At the time he saw the forgotten one .

King :

You're the forgotten one . I see (Laughs manically) that is why my destiny wasn't broken .

But I can make things go right again . The King will rise again broken from the bounds .

He attempted to stop time by the jewel given to him.

But I shot an arrow in his neck which was poisoned with the poison of a Cobra .

He stopped the poison within tim itself so it stopped absorbing and stopped interacting with the nervous system .

Then Carlos followed suit when he shot the King due to which he was pushed back in his throne .

And Ian stabbed his prized and famed Sword through his highness heart through the ribs and pinned him to the throne .

With the time magic again he touched the sword and it aged and rusted .

He touched Ian and he started turning old and then Shield bashed him with his shield and then we got back .

The King's head started bleeding profusely and he was still conscious he reversed the wound that was bashed and somehow Ian turned to normal .

King :

You have to do more than that to kill me.

The King coughed and vomited blood .

The forgotten one stepped in .


There's no need to do that , I have already done it . Thank you for being such a good person to us .

It's time to rest , please sleep well , don't worry we will be here to tend for everything.

The fire in the King's heart still lasted . He was teleported to one of the rooms and was locked down by magic .

While we were rendered unconscious and woke up now .

Well versed in magic and science . With his last dying breath

He used all of the mana he had available and we started to float in the air then he pushed us to different rooms and locked us .

And thats how we end up here .

Jay was awestruck and riddled with questions that he forgot to ask one .

Sher Khan :

Now Ian , any arguments in this testimony .

Ian :

Wind , that is ridiculous, there is no magic that can make one float .

It's honestly ridiculous.

Mera :

We can have a bone magician , then why isn't this possible .

Jinka :

As a matter of fact there are several other streams of magic as well. But for the king to do something like this . It might be that he was already well versed in the unorthodox or he just suddenly happened to gain enlightenment.

Ian :

Now that I recall he did start behaving weirdly when he found a tome in the library hidden in a secret compartment .

Shield :

He was normal before, acting like a king but a normal human being worried about his fortold death .

Carlos :

After he saw the tome and read it that's when he started to behave abnormally .


Might I get a word again .

We are all talking about the king but there's one thing we forgot about . That's one more body which was in the dining room what happened to it .

Mera :

That body belongs to her Highness . Her life was ended the same way the Kings did . She was killed in order of the Forgotten one .

Jay :

Then what about the formalin . Formalin is poisonous when consumed but the smell came from the body .

Jay :

I think I have it who's the true murderer .

Sher Khan:

Are you thinking what I'm thinking .


What are you both thinking .

Sher Khan:

It's time to end this fiasco once and for all .