Love is suffocating

This is a story that did not take place ages ago or hundreds of years ago this is a story that just took place 16 years ago.

When the first promise and the vow took place.

This is not a story of kings or nobles. But rather mercenaries and the people of the Kingdom of Gold. Their name was the death whistle

The mercenaries were very famous for their services.

From murder, to kidnapping to looting. Extortion. They did everything.

The Death whistle was divided into various units. Led by

3 captains and 6 Leuitenant who worked under them.

And from their their leader Delcado. Most famous for the assassination of 3 Kings. Those kingdoms either turned into governance or either a greedy noble would sit on the throne.

Or if the death whistle wished they would be wiped off the map .

That's why the name Delcado was feared throughout the lands at that time. It was estimated that Delcado was also involved in the assassination of the King of the Frozen Kingdom.

But it turned out to be false.

This Delcado's squad of mercenaries were blacklisted everywhere. For whereevrr the would go there would never be peace.

When in the wild they either would be ambushed by someone or hunted. And when in town or village it would always smell of death and fear all around.

The operated throughout the lands. But they were searching for one thing. A home that they could never find.

One day when the group was being hunted by the army of the Kingdom recently turned into a governance.

At night they would go back to their hideout deep within the forest. But when they returned they found out that. Not only their hideout was ransacked but the entire forest that gave them cover was burned to ashes.

Captain :

Who could do such a thing. Not only ransack ing our hideout but burning our entire cover with it.

Leuitenant :

Boss there is an army heading right for us. Just give us the order we'll open them up.

Delcado :

Hold it, they must have something else planned.

If we engage right now we risk dying before seeing the morning sun.

Make all the preparations, we will retreat for now.

And that's how the death whistle ran away. For them not choose to engage just boosted the army's ego.

As they continously chased them for 2 hours only to be crushed by falling rocks.

As a trap set by Delcado's Leuitenants.

And word was spread that an mighty army was crushed by the might of Delcado.

Soon battle after battle the Delcado's strength started weakening.

And they decided to move somewhere else.

That's when after traveling they came to the Kingdom of Gold.

At first they brazenly entered through the gates. And threatening the people. But they didn't feel threatened at all.

Even their name death whistle which is feared by everyone.

Was being taken lightly.

Slowly the entire crew's started to soften up. After they had made the Kingdom as their new den.

The would first ask for ransom. And all of the would happily give whatever they had in them.

Delcado :

What is wrong with them. They don't feel threatened by anything. Even when threatened with a knife.

They just smile and say If You Wish.

Every wrong thing we did was met with gratitude. Grace


When one of the mercenaries killed a gold skinned.

The others were shocked for a bit. But then they faced the mercenary and smiled and got rid of the corpse.

That smiled was not filled with even an ounce of negative emotions.

But were filled with positive emotions of love and gratitude.

So much that the mercinary never picked his knife till this day.

He got PTSD from that event.

The leutitenants and the captains complained to Delcado.

Captain :

Boss we just leave this kingdom as soon as possible.

These people are lunatics. They even laugh and show gratitude. We can't handle them anymore.

They keep spoiling us more and more. By giving us gifts,

Handing over their money before they even ask.

Their eyes have no hostility just love and gratitude.

Our men are experiencing Trauma die to this.

This town is cursed and we live here anymore. I say we jump ship.

Delcado :

And go where exactly Captain. Outside these walls there are armies hunting us. We can overthrow one army.

But multiple armies will cursh us in due time.

Captain :

I would rather die by fighting. And not by rusting my bones in here.

Their gratitude has become very suffocating for us to live.

Please let's go from here.

Delcado :

Then we'll be leave in the morning.

That night Delcado was sitting on the bench near the fountain. When a gold skinned lady approached her.

? :

Are you having any troubles.

Delxado looked at her. She was a gold skinned lady with a beautiful posture, wearing a dress that contrasts her gold skin well. She had long golden hair, tied up.

Delcado :

None of your business.

? :

Oh come on you can tell me, I won't tell anyone.

Delcado :

You want to hear what is troubling me. Then there is one

You. You're troubling me right now.

? :

Oh come on don't be so mean. I'm asking nicely. You can trust me. Maybe I can help you with your troubles

Delcado :

Well there is a lot troubling me. My people are saying that they want to leave from here. They know what dangers are waiting for us outside the walls. But they rather die than live here.

? :

Why is that?

Delcado :

Because you're not like the rest we've seen. They fear us, despise us. But you don't even have an ounce of fear.

Or an ounce of hesitation. You're people's love and gratitude overwhelmed our men so much that they are starting to get ill. They had attacks of trauma just from a smile which was filled with love.

? :

You mean to say that Love is Suffocating.

Delcado :

That is exactly I want to say.

? :

Then maybe you're looking at it the wrong way.

Love is gentle, kind, warm hearted.

Delcado :

Then how would you solve their problem.

? :

Its something you must figure out yourself. You're their leader after all

Delcado :

Love, huh never thought about it.

Delcado spent the entire night thinking and the gold skinned was accompanying him the entire night..

She would occasionally feed him ideas and he would occasionally drops some of his stories.

And so the night passed.

And the morning light hit the ground.

The entire squads of the black whistle were awaiting for their leader.

Waiting to finally leave this place.

And Delcado came from the fountain and walked towards them.

Delcado :

Are we ready to leave.

Captain :

Yes we can leave. Now.

Delcado :

A word to my men first.

Delcado stood opposite to the gates facing the black whistle.

Delcado :

We have spent our whole lives being crushed. Being torture disliked, unloved, being together was how we defeated them.

We became the most dangerous people overnight to have around.

And spread our name around as the

'Death Whistle'

But what now. It has been just two damn days we came here. And I'm hearing, our men getting trauma, our men filled with fear of these people.

'Death Whistle' being defeated by just ordinary people.

As your leader I cannot accept this.

I cannot accept our defeat.

We must have our revenge with them.

Someone randomly shouted from the squad.

Mercenary :


Delcado :

That would be the most easy path to walk on. To just kill everyone and burn everything as we have done till now.

But this easy path is how we will lose. We have those who can't even hold their knives straight because they walked on this path.

And I say we fight them. As we fight fire with fire.

Poison with poison.

That's how we will fight 'love with love'

- Gratitude with Gratitude '

Of they showed us love. Then we will show them something even greater. A much bigger form of love they have ever received.

And that's how we win.

Mercenary :

That's the stupidest thing I heard in my life.

Delcado removed a flintlock pistol from his front pocket

And just non chalantly shot his men.

Delcado :

Anyone else.

Mercenary who was shot : (Laughing)

He's still the same, He didn't go crazy.

Delcado :

The it's settled we'll answer them with their own game.

And began a game of back and forth.