
How do you fight love with love. Is a question every mercenary had in their minds. For they were the ones who were unloved their entire lives. And to suddenly love something was beyond them.

Delcado :

Were going to fight love with love and gratitude with gratitude.

Every mercenary was confused with the leaders strange words.

Delcado :

If they give us gratitude we're going to give them gratitude back 10 folds .

From then they started accepting the love and gratitude of the aureus. And then returned them 10 fold.

Every kind words they were met with. Were returned 10 fold.

AND one day Delcado met her again.

Delcado approached her.

Delcado :

Hey wait.


You're Delcado right I remember.

Delcado :

I forgot to ask you your name.

? :

Well my names Auren.

Delcado :

I thought about what you said last night. And I made a decision we're going to repay everything 10 fold.

To the ones who showed those positive things.

Auren :

That's a great way.

Delcado :

And as you helped me yesterday I must also answer you with my love.

Auren :

We aureus have always loved peace and tranquility and since you have decided to spread that with us.

There is nothing you can do to repay us further.

But there is something that I do need repayment for.

They came across the same bench and the same fountain from yesterday.

Auren :

Not everyone is like you. There are many who had plundered this kingdom in the past and sold many of our people to slavery. But we can't raise a voice to that.

The only thing we can show is gratitude and love and respect. Spread the words of Joy and happiness

But we can't protect ourselves from others.

So I need a promise. You might say a vow.

Delcado :

A promise from a mercenary. You realize that I can just end your life to get my way.

Auren :

But that is just the easy path. You said so yourself to your men. I heard.

Delcado :

The what do you want from me.

Auren :

I want to protect my people. And I need you're help. You who has sympathized with us. Protect us Delcado.

Delcado stood up and started walking.

Delcado :

I'm sorry, but I can't do that.

From the gates there was a loud noise. There was a group of plunderers whose strength was around 1000.

Plunderer captain :

Take everything you can money, women, children. Gold. Whatever fancies you.

An entire group of plunderers had flooded the gates and began plunder the kingdom.

The captain came rushing towards Delcado

Captain :

There are plunderers here what should be so boss.

Delcado :

How dare they set foot in our territory. Kill then all.

And protect the aureus.

Captain :

Got it.

And there was a long battle which was waged between the

Death whistle and a sea of plunderers.

This battle lasted many hours.

Delcado cut one men after another and finally reached the plunderer captain.

Plunderer captain :

You're Delcado leader of the death whistle. So this is your territory now. What a pity.

Delcado raged as he shit the plunderer captain with his flintlock pistol. But the shot missed.

Captain :

You've gone soft Delcado. You're time is now gone.

Delcado :

You're right I have gotten too much soft.

The captain was bleeding profusely but he didn't know.

He looked down below. Then he acknowledged that he was bleeding

Captain :

I don't feel any pain.

Delcado :

You're right you deserve to die in agony. But I shit you with a numbing bullet. I guess idiots do have their lucky day.

And as the captain couldn't prevent the bleeding he lost his life without any pain.

And the wave of plunderers was pushed back. From the Gold kingdom.

And the death whistle rejoiced. As they had win and successfully defended their territory.

The freed the captured hostages by the plunderers.

And seeing the smiles of Joy and happiness on their faces.

Dekcado had an enlightening.

He returned to the fountain where he had met Auren.

And found her sitting on the same bench.

Delcardo :

Why didn't you hide they could have taken you away.

Auren :

I know. But I also knew that if they did you would have surely arrived.

Delcardo :

Oh is that so. Then

From now on I declare this as my territory.

And since you're on my territory. I should do something for the ones living here.

Starting with you.

And that how the tale of the mercenary ends.

Since then the death whistle has prevented many attempts of sieges, plundering.

And protected the aureus from the cruel will of humans.

But now they had a situation they had never faced before.

The tremors were increasing day by day.

Everyone was getting uneasy.

Many had even started to leave the kingdom and live in other places.

Auren :

Dear I'm scared, what will happen if this countinues

Soon we won't even have a place to love.

Delcardo :

Everything will be alright.

There had been a lot of suspicious activity lately. Mostly the guys planting something.

I think they have some answers.

Delcardo searched all night for them abd he found them arguing with each other.

He decided to listen in.

Jay :

This is very tough job. We've been at it for many days.

McElroy :

This was your idea. To spread destruction throughout the kingdom.

Jay :

But I didn't know that it would be this tedious.

They say destroying something is easy but building something is hard.

Delcardo stepped in between.

Delcardo :

You there, I've been chasing you for many days now.

I want answers.

Jay :

Let's scram.

Both of them started to rain away at an incredible pace.

Delcardo chased after them and shot one of them.

Jay :

Oww that stings.

Delcadi uses custom projectiles. So they have varying effects. The projectile he used was a bullet meant for high penetration. It's penetration power is so high that it can tear through bones easily. If shit with the right firepower.

It could pierce through an elephants leg twice.

But it only just stringed Jay and then he managed to stop.

Delcado tried to throw a punch. But Jay just kicked his leg and made him fall.

But Jay's stenght caused the bone to snap in half. And Delcado writhe in pain.

Jay understood that he had messed up and left a mid healing potion for Delcado.

Jay :

Sorry my bad. Your bone has snapped drink this potion. And it will be good as new.

Saying that he went off his own way.

McElroy :

You broke his damn leg.

Jay :

It was a mistake. I gave him a potion as an apology.

Delcado drank the potion and ran after them but he lost them again.