Niro the Dragon Hunter .

Delcado was heading the support line with Thoth . Who was hatching a sinister plan . To try to stop them dead in their tracks .

Thoth overviewing the battlefield as one by one the defense line fails . It seemed like he was thinking something .

His eyes seemed overly fixated on McElroy rather than Jay Garrick who was heading the support .

Thoth :

Delcado answer these questions, very sincerely.

What is it that you want to protect ?


I want to protect everything that I have . My home , my people .

Thoth :

Do you think that sacrifices are essential for a victory .

Delcado :

If it's absolutely necessary.

Thoth :

Then I'm sorry I'll be commuting a warcrime .

Thoth :

Lackeys come here .

The 2 lackeys stood before Thoth .

Lackeys :

Yes sir , how can we serve you .

Thoth :

Listen carefully this is what you're going to do .

Lackey 1 :

Is this the right thing to do ?

Lackey 2 :

Isn't it a warcrime ?

Thoth :

Sometimes sacrifices have to be given .

Delcado :

What are you going to do . Thoth

Thoth :

Do you trust me , Delcado as your strategist .

Thoth :

If you've made me your strategist then you must trust me on some degree.

Then you must also trust me in this one .

Lackeys go .

The lackeys ran off to obey whatever their ringmaster wanted them to do .

While returning on the battlefield .

Inside the iron fortress of Jay or just a single wall .With a hole for viewing The Asuras countinuing their March were stopped in the middle .

Jay had somehow lost control of them .

Jay :

Something happened .

McElroy notices quickly that the Asuras were destroyed .

And all the crowd which was distributed was now Concentrated towards Jay .


Jay , I'm getting cornered .

Jay :

Someone destroyed the Asuras mana link.

And it is cutting them repeatedly.

Check who doing this .

Jay was repeatedly trying to make a connection with the

Polished , shiny , reflective , soft , high malleable , highly ductile , durable Asuras.

Jay would send mana through a string or a web .

As the form of mana is formless . It is compressed very easily .

It's just like a remote controlled car with a wire that is directly attached to the car itself .

The remote is Jay meanwhile the Car is the Soldiers .

So if you chop of the wires then you can't get the signal to the car .

And that's what has happened

I'll have to see what is happening myself .

Once again I returned to the battlefield from my support position.Bodies of many mercenaries scattered across the ground . No one dead , but most unconscious and those who were not they were wirhting with pain due to either broken bones or an injury .

One of the mercenaries who was writhing in pain pointed at me and exclaimed " Monster "

And he fell unconscious .

There were other mercenaries who were dragging their bodies off the ground . And when they saw I noticed them


Hey man look we aren't even fighting .

I'm just here to get these guys back .

So please spare us.

I just walked past them . And these mercenaries took a breath of relief . And started pulling the bodies off the ground .

After walking 250 meters I reached the defense line . Where McElroy was holding the soldiers back .

I backed up McElroy and told him to take a rest .

McElroy retreated immediately.

McElroy behing was panting but not too heavily .

McElroy controlled his breathing as he tried to decrease his fatigue by increasing his oxygen flow inside the lungs . And it's absorption by the Red Blood Cells.

Meanwhile Jay was bashing mercenaries left and right .

Sending them right to the infirmary without rest .

But unlike McElroy he had magic which could actually cause lethal effects . Fire could cause 1 degree burns to complete incineration .

While for metal if not controlled correctly can directly send you to meet God directly .

The only method is to punch like a Machamp .

It's entry states that . It can throw atleast 1000 punches in per second .

Doni have anything I can use in my inventory.

Paralytic poison .

It seems I have nothing . But it's okay only 36 remain from the defense line .

I used the bracelets Paul lent me . It had a water stone on it .

And I used it to send them flying .

And then knock them out .

And the defense line came to it's last breath . Guy Emerson shot directly at the occipital lobe. It couldn't pierce through

And fell in my hand instead .

I added grooves into the bullet itself which helped it aerodynamically.

And with Guy Emerson looking at me through the scope .

I showed him the bullet and once again sent it back flying through the walls . This time the force I used was a tad bit to much.

It snuck inside the barrel while another shot was firing and the explosion took place resulting in recoil . It broke through the bullet and then the bullet cme out through the stock .

And even pierced the wall behind him .

Guy Emerson looked behind at the wall which the bullet had pierced through . With horror .

His hands were quivering . Guy looked at his hands .

His gun had become entirely unusable .

Guy took a deep breath . Snatched another gun and set up his sights.

Readied another shot but his hands quivered shaking the gun .

And after finishing the last 36 mercs remaining. The defense line had a last man remaining.

He wore an Armor made up of dark blue dragon scales .

He wore a belt which contrasted his Armor .

Black messy hair , dark eyes . Tattooes of dragon on both his hands .

He carried an assortment of weapons , Sais , twin sabers ,

And a longsword .

He had something different about him .

Niro :

You're a dragon hunter.

Jay :

You're a dragon hunter as well .

Jay felt a mighty aura from Niro who had slained many dragons .

Niro :

46 baby dragons , 12 adolescent dragons and 1 adult dragon . You .

Niro seemed proud by his Slayer acheuvements .

Jay :

2 dragons , and 1 Ice dragon .

Niro :

You slayed an Ice dragon. That's not possible they don't exist .

Niro looked closely . He did notice a small wave of chill emitting off him . It was not that noticible .

Niro :

This wave of coldness , coming from you . You're indeed telling truth .

Niro :

Are you a member of the dragon hunters guild .

Jay :

No .

Niro :

Then nevermind . I also sense the same aura from him .

Means you both killed it together .

Niro :

Why you want to destroy these people's homes . What good does it do for you .

Jay :

I have no intention to harm these people whatsoever .

But my hands are tied.

Niro :

I'll be able to hear out your concerns maybe we can find a solution together.

Jay :

I'll keep it very brief .

There's an maniac called X which is stronger than all of the gods both lower and elder gods combined .

He created your lands and now he wants me to destroy your kingdom .

Niro :

Well no-one would just wage a war by themselves so I believe you .

Niro :

Have your ever thought that there could be meanings behind his actions . The one you call X .

Why would he tell you to destroy a kingdom .

Especially this one .

Called a gods paradise on earth .

No corruption . Everything is pure .

No evil lurking around .

Jay :

I tried to find all answers but it just didn't make sense .

Niro :

Even you ambition to not kill anyone is honestly admirable .

What's the count .

Jay :

Zero .

Niro :

This is miraculous how did you manage to do it .

Jay :

It took tedious planning . We had to deal with mercenaries all time . And it also made us feel guilty .

Niro :

I hope no-one ever goes through what you have .

Jay :

Thank you .

Niro :

I knew it no dragon hunter is ever evil .

Jay had a questioned look

Niro :

Let's someday when you have time meet up . I want to introduce you the the guild .

But I fear that day is not today .

Niro removed his twin sabers .

Niro :

Jay Slayer of the ice dragon .

Il will not let you countinue from here .

I will stop you in the path you walk on .

Show me the might of a Dragon Slayer