
Niro the Dragon Hunter . After this time finally someone asked me why am I doing whatever I do without attacking me and then he also tried to help me . But had to give up . Since there was no better solution. Or there was nothing which was a good solution.

I kinda like the guy . His personality . I wouldn't want to fight him . But here we go as always .

Also a personal note this looks like something really put of a game . Like two guys versus an entire army .

Fighting to gain whatever they want .

For Victory.

Getting back .

Niro removed his twin sabers and took the first approach

His twin sabers resembled the sabers from God of War and they had similarly been bound to him by chains .

He attempted to slash me in two . But suddenly drop his arms and went for a longsword stab instead . I pushed the longsword away but he just left the sword hanging and swing the sabers and slashed on the Armor.

But my Armor didn't even get a single scratch .

Niro :

It's really dragon scale Armor .

Niro took out a bottle of a solution and poured it on his blades . I wanted to rush in at that time . But I decided to wait till it was over .

Niro :

Thanks for waiting .

Jay :

What is that .

Niro :

I got this from that bird beaked person . A special medicine that could melt dragon scales .

Jay ; (inner throught)

So my Armor is completely useless . Good strategy .

Jay :

Does it do anything to metal .

Niro :

No I don't think so .

Jay :

Can you wait a minute .

I brought back a tribute from the past which I was t ready to throw away .


It is unusable . It makes zero difference having and not having Armor at all .

So we're doing this armorless .

And I took the whip sword . With its non whip form and tried to make an overhead strike but directly deviated and used the whip to bind his leg . And pull him .

But instead he wrapped the whip around his sword .

And pulled it in like a fishing reel and very forcefully . And I actually went along with it . In fact I pulled towards him and drop kicked him . First he pulled me and then I pulled towards him .

This dropkick sent him backwards hutrtling towards the ground . He rolled and stood up .

Niro :

That kicked me into shape . Nice one .

Jay : (confused)

You're complementing me . ?

Niro :

That was a good one I fell for it . But I would really like if you fought at your full strength.

Oh and don't worry about me I won't die

Jay :

Suit yourself.

I started with most basic spell . A flurry of fireball ge gently slashed through the cores of burning mana .

Question :

Is mana flammable .

Answer :

Non flammable .

It just converts into flames burning at a specific temperature.

Because it is a right over the power of creation .

After the flurry of fireballs I used my very high-power flamethrower and he shielded himself with a set of braces .

Niro :

Dragons breathe fire son have to use it

I intensifiedy fire and eventually Niro started to feel the burns .

Niro tried to fend and flee from the fires . But the pressure of fire was so much that Niro started getting burns on his skin .

Niro used a wimd element stomach and blew away the fire .

And what followed suit was a barrage of needles after the wind calmed down .

Niro swung his blades in order to deflect them and deflected them and that was when I noticed something .

I once again led him with a shower of needles falling like the rain in the sky .

About 3600 small needles fell from the sky .

Once again Niro swung his blades to create a vortex of wind and covering himself from the rain .

But he was not ready for what came next .

The chain which were connected to his blades were made of iron .

And I purposefully crushed the chains holding the blades with metal bending and the blades flew away from his hand .

And with a torrent of needles after him .

Death was imminent .

Death was immenent ?


SHIT !!!

I messed up I got too involved . So I tried to control those needles to send them back .To dispel the attack .

But the number of the needles were far to great .

I tried my best to stop the rain . But the rain still dropped down . The Zero casualty was coming to an end .

But suddenly somthing covered Niro under it and the rain covered the ground .

And it also pierced something that held Niro tightly in his arms . The rain stopped .

The creature lifted it's dark wing . And it stood up and what I saw was unexpected . A dragon protecting a dragon hunter .

The dragon bore the same skin as Niro's Armor . It had a lighter shade of blue on its belly whereas everything else was very Dark Blue . It seemed that it doesn't possess scales . It had a rough skin and fangs .

The wings of the dragon were on its back confirming it's identity even further.

Niro :

I told u you to stay back . You shouldn't have come here.

The dragon covered itself .

Niro :

I'm a disgrace aren't I .

Jay couldn't understand his statement .

Niro further countinued .

Niro :

A dragon hunter getting saved by a dragon .

Jay :

That's so cool .

Niro :

You aren't disgusted . That I was saved by the ones whom I have sworn to hunt .

Jay :

If it was me I would've shown this to everyone .

Dragons are a very sensitive topic to talk about within dragon hunter families . They believe the glory in bringing down a strong opponent rather than taming them .

A dragon is much larger in size and much stronger than an average human . And even there is pride and honor within the dragons .

The dragons are ranked across depending on various factors . Such as the age of the dragon .

A baby dragon won't be perceived as much . But adolescent dragons and adult dragons are harder to kill .

Then there are those who have received distinguished names . Such as the Ice dragon, the Fire dragon .

Specified on the magic they use .

And then there are named dragons .

Said to have lived a very long life . In the span of centuries .

While there are also subclasses of dragons .

Such as wyverns which due have their wings and front paws joint together .

Then basilisks , Asian dragons , quetzalcoatals , dragonets , African dragons . These dragons have distinctive features that make them different from the European Dragons .

So Niro who possessed a dragon could no longer be called a hunter . And if found out he would have to leave his family .

So he decided to hide the dragon .

The the secret was out .

He thought that he would be despised but exactly the opposite happened . That even ushered more courage within Niro.

Niro The last of the Defense Line was ready to counter attack