Aroth the Magician

Jay Garrick was dead.

The support line rejoiced while McElroy was devastated.

When news reached Delcado his expression were still the same. But Delcado did felt somewhat relieved.

Thoth was still drawing up plans. Guy Emerson was still looking for a shot. Aroth was still preparing his magic.

McElroy stood by Jay's corpse where all the cells that were present in his body had died. There was no neuronal response. He was truly dead .

McElroy was in no condition to fight.

Thoth :

Aroth keep continuing the attack, he will not attack back any longer .

Aroth :

Why do you want to torment him. He cannot fight any longer.

Thoth :

As a strategist I think I know better. You will do as I say.

Thoth :

Emerson ready your shots and fire.

Emerson loaded an mid grade elemental stone poured some mana inside it and fired.

The mid grade fire stone landed besides McElroy and exploded catching McElroy off guard.

As he was in mourning. Fire sprayed off everywhere.

And when the fires cleared. McElroy was seen walking towards the kingdom walls once more.

Thoth :

Keep firing don't stop.

Guy Launched another shot with this time multiple elemental stones loaded inside.

These stones were primed to explode when they touch the ground. And McElroy realized that when the stones exploded.

Causing various effects to occur in the battlefield.

Next Guy Fired a total of three shits consisting of Middle. Grade fire element stone.

And before they fell McElroy caught them in a ball of water and slowed their speed down as well as use the flow of water to keep them afloat.

McElroy realized that the firing method has changed.

He launched those stones back at the walls where they exploded and damaged the structure.

Despite this the firing continued. And the walls continued to be weakened.

The walls were cracked due to intense explosions that were returned. So much that they could fall anytime.

Thoth :

This is bad. Think Thoth think what would be the optimum solution.

Where is Aroth.

Lackey :

Hey went onto the battlefield.

Thoth :

Dammit why at this time.

McElroy slowly walked towards the Walls while being attacked. And from ahead there was a wall of fire that covered his path.

And from the walls Aroth walked through.

Aroth :

I cannot allow you to take even one step forward.

McElroy was silent.

Aroth :

I know the feeling of losing close ones. I have become so old that I have lost everyone who was ever close to me.

Even my son.

But you should know that you were about to do the same.

Destroying their homes their lives.

Heed my name I am Aroth the Grand Magician.

Thoth :

What is he doing on the battlefield.

Thoth kicked over the ammunition in rage.

Aroth engaged in combat with McElroy. Aroth had been observing McElroy magic.

McElroy attacked with his magic. He compressed pressurized bullets and tried to attack at the joints.

Aroth :

By God's holy grace help me to fend this attack of a foe who is overwhelmingly strong.

I ask the earth who has constantly fed and blessed the living to protect me.

Wall of Earth.

A wall of earth was raised and it was so compact that it survived McElroy's bullets which were traveling at ridiculous speeds.

McElroy destroyed that walk with a stronger blast of water.

Like a Hydro Cannon destroying the wall entirely.

But Aroth shifting aside. Didn't get caught up in the blow.

Aroth :

God's of thunder and lightning. Grant me your blessing and grant the roar of thunder upon the evil doers.

Let him receive the God's divine wrath with all of its divine grace.


Aroth shit a ball of lightning in the same stream as McElroy's and he wanted to recreate the same thing AS with Jay and electrocute McElroy but he was fooled.

As the water McElroy spewed was pure water free from any contaminants.

Which rendered Aroth electric attack useless.

Aroth :

By the God's of Fire. I heed your command to burns my enemies to cinders and not even let their ashes be part of this world.

Fire Vortex.

From Aroths wand a large fire vortex was shit at McElroy.

And hit McElroy. When the attack was over. It was quickly discovered That McElroy had encased himself inside a body of water. And noe he was wet.

McElroy snapped his fingers and he became dry in an instant.

McElroy closed the distance with Gunther. And tried to hit Aroth with the side but Aroth blocked it with his staff.

McElroy tried once more but the hits were blocked time and time again.

Aroth :

I don't understand swordsmanship once. But your blade is not stable right now.

Aroth smacked him with his wand on the stomach. The blow wasn't deadly but did quite hurt.

The another blow in the back.

Aroth :

God's of earth become a pillar of support for I pray to your for protection.

Earth Pillar.

A pillar rose up from the ground and struck McElroy to the skies and tossed him behind as he slammed in the ground.

Aroth simply walked forward. Aroth chanted a spell and

A ball of lightning was formed on his wand which was launched towards McElroy which electrocuted him.

Aroth :

You've come this far just to lose to an old man.

Is this your resolve.

Like Jay McElroy most of the time didn't get affected with the death of his teammates.

For him it was a loose consequence. And now that Jay was dead he was unaware and unsure if what to do.

That's why the only optimum move he thought was moving forward.

Despite hie many times they fought each other. Despite how conflicting their nature's and interests were.

Despite how different their principles were.

They had a tightly knit bond.

Aroth :

If you truly wish to avenge your friend stand up and fight.

Somewhere in the future.

A researcher rushed to the coordinator.

At a construction site.

Researcher :

Sir we have finally located them!

Ikaros :


Researcher :

Those people who were sucked inside the rift.

After searching we have pinpointed their exact location.

They have time traveled to the past.

Ikaros :

Have they interfered with any events.

Researcher :

No sur it's the opposite the time structure of the past is more stable than it has even been.

Ikaros :

Make preparations to retrieve them.

They might do something that alter everything.

Researcher :


The researcher left the site.