A Long fleeting dream.

Many events are unfolding at a specific place at a specific time.

A siege on a kingdom. The unrest of the Pantheon.

And the Death and Disappearance of Jay Garrick.

And finally the retrieval mission.

Today's chapter is not about them but another person.

His name is Richard Parker. He is a researcher for the

Immortal Foundation.

Why are we focusing on him today Instead of the battlefield.

Because he was the one who discovered the ones who were lost in the rift.

And on today's agenda we also have a brief tour of the immortal foundation.

As we all know the Immortal Foundation is built on three supporting pillars.

The Witch of Extinction, The Demon King and

The 13151514 1297820.

(The following sequence is encrypted)

The Immortal foundation has many branches all around the world which carry out very specific functions. You can say that it is an individual society in itself seperated from the rest of the world.

Individuals can chase their wildest dreams here. And they can be who they want to be. A place with no discrimination at all.

Now come today and join the Immortal Foundation.

Static noises.

We are going to interview one of the pillars themselves today.

Interviewer :

Today, I am quite honored for interviewing one of the pillars.

Ms. Maria von Lopez.

Interviewer :

Before I go with my actual questions. Please answer some questions from your fans

Maria :

Please go ahead.

Interviewer :

What is your favorite food.

Maria :

I do like myself a chocolate ice cream. And I like eating spicy food.

Interviewer :

Next question, What is your current age.

Maria :

I think it's quite rude to ask a lady her age. But I don't mind it

I am 1002 years old.

Interviewer :

Holy god, I am honestly quite shocked.

Interviewer :

Do you have someone you live romantically.

Maria :

I had one 959 years ago. But he unfortunately passed away.

Interviewer :

Well I am sorry for your loss

Maria :

Don't be. It was a long time ago.

Interviewer :

The today let's begin the main topic that we're here for.

Ms Maria, what are the current plans the foundation is focusing towards.

Maria :

We are in the final stages of testing of the MEP.

We believe this will put an end to the scuffle.

Interviewer :

How will the MEP affect the environmental.

Maria :

According to our research the effect on the environment cannot be correctly predicted.

But it shouldn't put to much of a strain in the environment since these are both different variables being taken into account.

Interviewer :

What about the ecosystem of the lands.

Maria :

About that (static)


(continuous static)

You have seen a glimpse of the future that's not supposed to happen yet.

You are recalling everything.

There was a thorny path filled with red thorns though there were no roses but the vines were full of thorns. Leading to a

Great tree with fruits and vines hanging from it.

The Path of Pain.

Waves resounding from the heaven and the earth are lighting the way ahead.

What will you do.

Walk with the Light or Find another path through the Darkness, Oh Visitor.

A strider making it's way through the vast world.

It does not belong anywhere. But even then it must continue to walk.

Will you give up, will you give in? Or Set out to venture once more. Oh visitor


Interviewer :

This interview was honestly very enlightening.

I must say. You are truly an aspiration for others.

Ms Maria von Lopez.

I would've loved to talk some more. But Im afraid that's all the time we have.

Thank you for coming to our show.

Maria :

It was good to talk in front of everyone.

Maria left her chair and went off screen.

Interviewer :

And that's all for today.

Static continues.

Something becomes visible.

A dark abyss, a throne and in that throne a peculiar person has taken seat. Blue eyes, silver hair white suit and brown shoes.

He smiled. While leaning in his arm.

" Get back there, you have wandered long enough,

You absolute buffoon"

Who is he?

I can now see a garden filled with thorns and roses lined up side by side. I walk through the path.

This is the Path of Pain.

System :

Last chance, ability recognized.

Resurrecting Jay Garrick.

Fixing the state of the corpse.

Enriching and resurrecting the cells.

Generating electrical impulses throughout the body.

Checking Hormonal levels.

Checking levels of Electrolytes, Neurotransmitters.

Reversing previous damages.

The body of Jay Garrick has returned to a normal state.

Finalizing changes.

" They say, What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger

The if something has killed you and you came back,

Took a rebound it should make you much more stronger"

So Go Break This Fleeting Dream Altogether.

You're place is not here but somewhere far far away.

You hear me.

Jay Garrick opens his eyes.

He stares at the sky, from a distance there are sounds of loud explosions that fills the air.

(More static)

Richard Parker is a senior researcher at the Immortal Foundation. He joined the team at *classified*

And most of his research consist of observing the state of both space time structure.

He was the first one to observe fluctuations within the space time when the rift appeared. And due to the rift he was able to. Make progress in his research by leaps and bounds.

He strives to be a better version of himself than he was yesterday. His hobbies mostly included star gazing, reading research articles and drinking expresso.

And that's it for today.

What do you mean, that you somehow destroyed half of the documentary on him.

The data corrupted in the middle. And then somehow it corrected itself and you got that last part.

Seriously that is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard from you.

Fine, try to salvage all the footage you can and we have to start once again with the documentary.

I know I'm exhausted too, I would just like to go and sleep.

Hey turn that damn camera off.

You're recording this. You couldn't record shit and now you're pulling this bullcrap.

Shut it.

The recording ends.

The Long Fleeting Dream Ends.