Jinka the bone magician

The Support line has finally been decimated. The Sage is recovering in the infirmary.

Let's take a look at the infirmary. It was assembled to heal soldiers that might survive the battle. Mortality rate was estimated to be very high.

So much of the infirmary consisted of very skilled doctors

Vsrious herbalist, druggist were present. And to treat all of them many beds were placed.

But the injured ones came in like a flood. And all of them were in pain but none were dead.

All of the staff were so overworked they had to take the help of the aureun people.

To barely scrape by.

It was almost like Delcado predicted all of it.

And question is if he did why did he choose to fight.

If he knew thsre was never even a small chance. Just why.

There was almost one more body which was unidentifiable.

It had been burned severely so much that it had lost all of its hair. His skin had blackened like charcoal.

But suddenly his skin started turning back to normal. His hair also started growing back too. All the scars he had had been filled. And he was back to perfect health.

The problem was when he woke up. It was total chaos. Everyone knew he was dead. But now when he started walking everyone freaked out. And it was uncontrollable.

A actually dead man returned to the living.

What the hell is happening today. On this day no prayers were offered to any God. The weather was becoming unstable.

The dead starts walking. Leave walking. When he left for somewhere God knows. He actually thanked us and said he was sorry for the inconvenience he had caused. And he ran towards the battlefield. Oh my god I can't do this anymore.

I need a drink.

Meanwhile on the battlefield.

McElroy slowly walked towards the gate. He was recovering his strength and mana which had been drained in the last fight.

Delcado :

We need time to prepare is there anyone left who can fend him for the time being.

There was a loud snoring noise coming from one of the rooms.

Delcado pecukiarly opened the door and it revealed an

Sleeping Jinka inside the room.

Delcado :


Delcado ordered some mercenary to wake him Jinka up.

But when they touched the black aura coming from him they instantly passed out and dropped to the floor.

The mercenaries dropped leading to a lid thud which woke Jinka up.

Jinka : (wakes up and stares at directly)

What do you need?

Delcado was scared of Jinka.

Delcado :

Our forces have been wiped off we need you to hold the grounds.

Jinka stood up and left the room to the battlefield. The atmosphere had become so tense that when Jinka left he took a very deep breath.

Delcado :

That was scary.

Jinka left the castle walls as he slowly inched towards his opponent.

McElroy who had somewhat normalized. Still walked towards the gates.

He came fade to face with Jinka.

Jinka saw McElroy and he remembered.

Jinka :

You're McElroy am I right.

McElroy just nods.

Jinka starts frantically laughing. Nit like before where just rolled off the ground but his frequency of laughing has shortened.

Jinka :

Hey where's the other one.

McElroy :

He's dead. He died while fighting.

Jinka extended his hand which emitted abyss. He seemed to search something.

Jinka :

Is he really dead? I cant seem to find his soul.

Where is his body.


Its just behind.

Jay's body had disappeared.

McElroy freaked out.

McElroy :

Oh my god, I was so focused on fighting I forgot his body was there. It might have been taken away by the winds.

Jinka laughed once again.

McElroy :

Stop laughing. Jinka.

Jinka :

Hey who's that running from afar. Looks like the place where they take the injured .

A man in a red coat was running towards them.

McElroy :

I thought he was dead.

Jinka :

He might be dead.

Jay flew the rest of the distance. And met up with them.

McElroy :

How are you alive.

Jay :

Honestly I don't know.

McElroy :

I just saw you're corpse. It was a fully burnt body Every cell had been struck with necrosis. I think.

Jay :

Well you can say I cheated death. Oh and I had this very weird dream where Sein came to get me to the afterlife.

But instead I was bought before the pantheon.

And it seems that every Elder God is angry with me.

And there was a loud noise from the skies.

Elder God :

Where are you hiding you filthy mortal, show yourself.

Jay :

Yeah that.

Jay :

And hey is this Jinka man he looks different. Like damn man you got some decent threads.

Jinka :

There wasn't much of choice I had in that filthy prison.

McElroy :

Hang on just come to the part of you angering the Gods. And them being after your life . And how did you come back to life.

McElroy :

Remember Chroma no one was allowed to return to the living so how did you come back alive. And how did you even get in this mess.

Jay :

That's just Monday.

Thoth watched from afar.

Thoth :

Why is he just casually taking his time and chatting.

It seems he knows them.

McElroy :

And how did you come back to life.

Jay :

There was a skill I purchased in the path of pain while we were in Raizon.

And since then I haven't died so nothing happened.

And now I died.

Jinka :

So how was dying Jay Garrick.

Jay :

I honestly don't know. It felt like a dream I guess.

Jay :

And Jinka why are you emitting this black soot. From your body.

Jinka :

Oh yeah this. Well I was immersed in the abyss for so long that I absorbed some of it. And it actually gave me some powers.

I can actually see dead spirits.

McElroy :

So what were you doing here Jinka.

Jinka :

There was one dude I worked with a long time ago. A very cool dude I must say. So he asked me for a favor.

He said that they were going to war with someone.

And they needed as much help as they can get.

But I am standing here for 20 minutes I can't see anything.

So how did that guy get your favor. How much is he paying you.

Jay :

Well both of us are at odds with him right now.

Jinka :

Ah scuffle do happen between allies.

Jinka was perfectly mistaken about Jay and McElroys position. He thought that they were fighting on the same side.

Jay :

Who are you talking about.

Jinka :

Delcado leader of the death whistle. Didn't you meet him.

McElroy :

That's the first I'm hearing about him.

Jinka :

So what's your business here.

Jay :

Well what's there to hide everybody knows.

That we're here to blow this kingdom to kingdom come.

Jinka :


McElroy :


Jay :



Wait , really!

So it means that you're my enemy.

Thoth :

What is that bumbling idiot doing. Wait is he stalling for time

. He might not be as dumb as others if this is the case.


You didn't know.

Jinka :

The there's no army and it's just the two of you who sent thousands to the camp.

Well I'll be damned if I don't say the I'm impressed.

Jay :

So what are you going to do now.

Jinka :

Actually I don't want to get my bones broken. And I also want to live . So I'll atleast pretend to fight you.

Just go easy on me okay.

So there was a pretend fight between them. I'm which Jinka raised skeletons which were very gigantic but their bone density was so less. That just a touch would split them apart.

Jay :

Well I can do that much for you as acquaintance.

And Jay demonically shattered the entire skeleton apart.

And then Jinka summoned even more skeletons which were ruthlessly destroyed by both of them.

And then they dramatically fought Jinka. Jinka at first looked like a hero. As he dodged all their attacks. But before attacking they were giving Jinka all the hints on how to avoid the attacks.

And eventually the gave some openings to them.

Jinka gave a knee kick to Jay and Jay tumbled backwards and assumed an injured pose. Jay was clearly enjoying this and McElroy just couldn't see the point.

And Eventually after a legendary battle the great necromancer Jinka had been defeated.

And he went out graciously. Alas a mighty foe was slain.

So much that even Delcado was moved by the fight.

Delcado :

Don't worry I'll avenge you Jinka.

The lands rumbled. There was a sound of heavy footsteps.

There was Noone covering the castle walls. As a huge titan of Gold climbed out of the walls.

Delcado :

This is the last option. The Titan of Gold,

The Golden Warrior.