The Frontera Estate.

The rover stopped at the Frontera Estate and then swiftly disappeared as soon as we were kicked off the vehicle.

The Frontera Estate the only barrier between the island of demons and the mainland.

To keep the demons in check one of the believers of God of light built his station here to keep a unmerceful eye on the demons.

When the veil existed the security was very lax but now things have changed drastically, a number of demon hunter clans have made their base here.

Waiting for the shot at glory. The most prominent families were, the Azuma clan, the Darb clan, the yonwer clan.

From which their names makes no sense. But hey what do I know.

Aside from families there are individual groups of warrior mercenaries, volunteers, soldiers from various parts.

And aside from them Merchants. To grab the opportunity seizing every bit of coin.

So even in the time of such danger the small town is still a bustling one.

Full of people and traveller's. So now that we have arrived here what should we do.

Might find a place to stay at.

McElroy :

Let's Find a place to stay first.

We asked all the inns. But all of them were jam packed.

McElroy :

Well at least we should eat something. We have been hungry for a 1000 years after all.

McElroy chuckles.

Jay's mood was off.

Jay : dry response.


Goddmit Why doesn't Jay admit that it wasn't his fault.

Thinks more deeply.

Actually it is his fault he did activate the switch leading to the destruction himself after all.

Why am I even following him what caused me to be with him.

I could've left him in the village and left on my own and wandered around. Why did I even talk with him. Despite not even knowing him.... Yes I was thinking of only myself thinking about Jay as a side character. His antics his broken growth resembles as a perfect side character. While I achieved growth by actually working for it. I trained and trained and trained.amy more times harder than Jay. Despite the knowledge disadvantage I had over Jay I still worked hard. Before I even knew magic Jay had already mastered on how to make a fireball.

Albeit not powerful but it got the job done. Learning water magic wasn't easy and earth was more difficult.

I used to use spells in order to cast magic but time and time again I proved why chanting is useless.

Our mana would spike from 0-100. As our capacity was too low.

Even one simple low level spell would drain us out.

Those were very difficult time.

We walked by the pier with no ships but the structure was still built and on the pier we saw some familiar faces.

Two of them actually. Nora and the paladin. They finally made it all the way.

But they were talking to someone and seemed pissed off.

The paladin wasn't that much interested in their conversation so he was looking around and just happened to see both of them.

At first he blinked both of his eyes and then he rubbed them.

But from his viewpoint it was like the dead had resurfaced.

He quietly shifted from the conversation and met up with them.

Paladin :

Look who are back from the dead.

McElroy :

It's good to see you made it.

Paladin :

You bet we did.

Both shook hands. The paladin saw Jay and his sad face.

Paladin :

You what happened to him, did someone steal his girl!

Don't worry my man well get you a new man.

At this time Nora had noticed that her paladin was gone and looked around D to find out the both of them.

She quickly ended the conversation with the person and marched towards both of them.

She first pulled the paladins ear tightly.

Paladin :

Owowowow ow ow. Don't pull my ear.

Nora :

Then act like a proper paladin.

Paladin :

OK ok im sorry.

Nora :

I'm relived to see you both are alright after being sucked in the void.

Jay :

Look here, I'm sorry for what happened in the Chroma kingdom. You were right the dead shouldn't bought back.

Nora :

Oh I'm not angry. About that. But about something else.

When both of them were sucked. The caravan was resembled and then they started traveling once again but was attacked by bandits twice. Fortunately the guy with the big sword was with us.

As your replacement. He took his job very lightly. To the point that I was almost kidnapped.

Jay laid his eyes beyond and saw the turbulent sea that lied ahead. The clouds covered the entire sky. The waters so turbulent that It was very unlikely chance of survival. There were whirlpools and the wind blew with such an intensity that using a ship would be generally impossible. There is no way of traversing the waters. And beyond the water lies an island which was known as the island of demons. Where the entire demon race lived.

The Demon King Ikaros, and his three generals.

The Grim Repaer, the berserker and the blood witch lying in patience.

While this side slowly build up their forces for what is to come.

Nora :

I can't even believe they are not even a little bit worried.

Just because of the waters. I tried to warn everyone in this town. But the Frontera Estate has grown to become very lax.

Nora : looks at Mcelroy's

You dont have a place to stay don't you.

McElroy nods.

Nora :

You can stay with our group. But at one condition.

You're going to fight the war under our banner.

? :

Now that's a bit underhanded tactic from a large religion.

A voice came from behind another familiar voice.

Turning back another group of warrior droning the name of


The Demon hunter clan Azuma had reached the battlefield where they once again will battle against the demons.

And the head of the clan Toni Azuma with his magnificent radiance. And glorious mustache.

Azuma :

Why don't you stay with us. Free of cost and conditions

You've done much for our clan anyways.

Nora :silently.

Tch Azuma why is he here right now. And how does he know them.

Nora :

So you know these men.

Azuma :

These men are our honorary members. And our clan is always grateful for them. They are coming with us.

? :

I will have to ask you not to take away once fiance.

Jay :


Another familiar voice a woman's voice and from the west side of the pier another saintess approached.

She was the saintess as well as the matriarch of the

Monks of the shadow forest. Livia.

Livia :

Would you mind not taking my fiance away from me like that.

Jay :

Livia is that you.

Nora :

Fiance? What do you mean by fiance?

And with this the major players have started placing their bets on the most prominent ones who will bring them glory.

A three way tie.

First is the knight order

Second is the Azuma clan.

Third is the Monk tribe.