The Three Family Heads

Jay and McElroy became the most sought after personnel.

And why not, their combat skills are high, they can use magic very effectively and efficiently.

Their intellect is on a high enough level that they could follow orders.

And plus they have plenty of experience on the battlefield.

Honestly speaking it would be a big mistake to miss such a great asset like this. And now the most prominent families are not after them. Because who doesn't like glory for their family.

Livia :

Would you mind not taking my fiance away from me like that.

Jay :

Livia is that you.

Nora :

Fiance? What do you mean by fiance?

Jay :

Yes even I like to ask that, what do you mean?

McElroy was somehow stubbed as he returned to normal without anything. So what was he doing was an act all along was what he thought. Or maybe he was shocked enough.

Livia : cute irresistible smile.

Its like I told you I still haven't given up on you.

Azuma : delighted

Oh it's the saintess, it's been a long time since out last expedition with your clan 20 years ago. I see that you are doing well yourself.

I didn't know you were going to come here. It's quite a surprise.

Livia :

Oh patriarch, I've heard about you a lot from my parents, thank you for supporting our clan in our need.

Azuma :

You've got yourself quite the man. And a fine one at that.

So who is it McElroy?


No it's the other one old man.

Azuma : Expression changed for a second. Sweats

Saintess you have made quite the choice. I must say this man will be quite a bit of impact full choice for your clan.

Azuma started to worry about her choice. While Nora was still shocked about them. As well as excited.

Nora :

So how much time have you been together.

Livia :

Well, about 1 months.

Nora :

And how did you meet him.

Livia :

I was working at a guild.

Both of us wanted to slip out of the situation but we realized that this is not a game or a novel. They don't have any tunnel vision to not notice us.

Nora :

At they were contacted with us then it's already decided.

Azuma :

I might be old but I know they are only contracted as just an escorts.

Livia :

The their responsibility have come to an end.

And I'm willing to take responsibility and accountability for any actions that they will take on the battlefield.

Livia had entrusted and wagered everything with the statement. It means that if both of them betray, desert all responsibility will be taken by the clan. And with a such event with demons. It won't be taken lightly at all.

Especially by the saintess.

Azuma :

As an elder, I must warn you saintess. You should watch your words. I will allow you to take your words back. The words of a clan words are absolute and should not be given on a whim. Or in the heat of conversation.

McElroy :

May I have a say in this.

Azuma :

Ah we forgot them withins our healthy conversation.

The conversation was so healthy that even a snake would refrain to take the bait.

McElroy : conversation 100

All of you were truly grateful for you being our allies.

But I can't bare to watch my dear allies fight over us.

Were truly grateful for your offers but we would like to decline all of them.

McElroy :

We would like to take our leave.

In the end it ended without then taking sides.

Firstly between the immortals and the gods and now this.

Can they be considered truly neutral.

Are humans on the neutral side if the declare themselves so.

From the smallest decisions such as waking up at morning to large decisions like picking a side where all are correct and equal.

Are we truly neutral?

And now with nowhere to go we stared at the clouds that covered the sky. With little amount of light penrtrating the clouds.

Strong winds and low temperature during the night.

But now enough to cause snowfall.

Jay again lost within his own game of guilt. I finally found a moment that I could talk with him.

And sort out.

McElroy :

Why are you sad, Jay.

Jay :

I feel like what I did was wrong. I destroyed whatever they had built all over the years.

How many lives we destroyed. And I even regret that I pull the trigger.

McElroy :

What you did was wrong. You should feel something about that. That is true. And yes we are at fault.

With this being a moral issue.

But take a look no one had died.

Jay :

No Jack the Ripper died. He was shit by his own teammate

Guy Emerson when he was almost defeated.

What Era said was in fact was the truth no matter how much you prevent bloodshed. There will always be someone who will die for a stupid or an unreasonable thing.

McElroy :

Jack the ripper was a criminal who was responsible for murdering innocents.

Jay :

Then what do we do. How are we different from them.

McElroy :

With the fact that we never go after civilians.

If we did I'm sure we wont be having this conversation to begin with.

Jay :

Yeah you're right.

McElroy :

I still don't understand one thing. How did you managed to get the gods after you.

Jay :

Yeah so I died and then I somewhat remember Sein. Who came and took me away in the clouds.

Then I dunno they were talking something about me breaking the laws by time traveling here.

McElroy :

I think you might have caused something very big.

But I can't just point it out.

What do you think had happened when we left.

Jay :

That Elder God would have been very angry and he might be sent his forces to find us.

McElroy : sudden realization

Well then let's keep it at that. We have a war coming up don't we. We should prepare for that.

Jay :

Yeah you're right.

Well everywhere is jam packed what do you think we should do.

McElroy :

I think we can pass this night camping outside.

Jay :

Let me check our gear.

Quest completed.

Rewards :

Demon blood. 500ml.

Holy water x 3

+10 to all stats.

Bonus reward :

Demon blood 500 ml.

3 rubies.

The rewards are weird this time around. By demon blood does he mean, X is calling our actions demonic. And that's why he gave us the holy water.

And the stats this time are small compared to before.

And even the bonus reward has demon blood in them.

My god.

I'll have to see what even can I use it for.

Jay browsed through his phone where after endless amounts of scrolling he just happened to glimpse past something.

Jay :

He did plan all of it out.

Jay :

McElroy I know what were going to do tomorrow