Spear of the Demon Hunter

Jay had overlooked something that was important.

For which he was collecting materials for all along.

And when Jay found that he now had everything he left everything and scrambled over to find a workshop or a blacksmith.

He had dragon scales, demon blood, dragon blood, wood of the mother tree, high grade elemental stones and finally

The spear of the successor itself.

He had the schematics that he needed to upgrade the spear. McElroy ran after Jay and tried to catch up as Jay was running with full speed and somehow he crossed half the town in less than a minute even with all of the crowd.

His speed was half of the hermes boots he wears which is said to let the wearer run at a speed of a bullet train.

And with his rockets his speed becomes comparable to a

143 mph.

Though when equipped with artifacts and other equipments its speed increases.

And running at top speed yields a speed of 100 mph.

Meaning he can cover quite a distance if he just ran.

And McElroy unknown if through his sheer efforts or something else can also match his speed.

Meanwhile the Hermes boots are finally rendered unusable due to their excessive use. And they had to be laid down to rest as did other pieces of equipments. During the fight with the dragon. It's claws we're able to damage the armor made up of the scales of the Frozen Dragon thus needing repair.

And the red overcoat that provided Jay with a much needed fire resistance was torn when Jack the ripper slashed right through it.

And finally Jay equipped himself with a workstation.

And ready to start the process.

According to the detailed schematics. The wood of the mother tree will be used to strengthen the body of the spear itself. While giving itself a somewhat flexible body.

And providing with a grip to throw the spear as per the strength of the user.

While the crushed dragon scales will be used and infused with the spear itself increasing its strength and durability.

The elemental stones can be used in another way.

When elemental stones are crushed all the mana inside them will expand and resulting in a huge explosion of the type of element.

But if the stones are punctured slightly all mana will diffuse out of the stone and resulting in 0 explosions and then can be powdered safely.

The powder when infused with the amalgamate will result in an attack with the specific attribute as the stone type.

Jay used fire stone for this thus when infused with the demon spear will add the fire attribute and set the spear in fire.

While the fire in the sword was Co sidered very situational.

A spear on fire when pierced will definitely do damage.

And Jays other weapons included a whip sword. And that too was damaged when it was used on the diamond beasts at Maria's hometown.

It just states one thing that even a legendary weapon can rust if not maintained and used correctly.

And that is just the state of this world.

The mechanics that have been introduced I am not used to them.

Sacrificing stats for skills. Not having mostly more than set amount I've noticed that the growth slows down.

When low on stats the system provides with huge boost of stats. But when the limits are crossed or near approaching the number of Stat points which are distributed are slowed down tremendously.

This encouraging the player to use the points. And simply not just stack stats. Basically like a limiter.

And finally the blood. Both the dragons and the demon blood. I don't understand the reason myself. But it says that in the schematics that the finished spear needs to be dipped in both the blood of the dragon and the demons. Separately.

I don't understand this part. And when I asked the people from the workshop they were also confused.

Maybe it's like the scent of the dragon hunter like hot it acts as an hot spot.

So maybe the blood of the demons have some own properties of their own.

The explanation part is over and now it's time to actually create the thing.

For this the first step was to separate the head, body and the lower part of the spear. Which was easier said than done.

Next was to prepare a cast with the specific dimensions and design. And melt the spear of the successor and infuse the body with the mother tree.

I made the cast with metal which had a high melting point such that It would not merge with the spear

Cover the cast and pour the mixture and let it cool down.

Till the mixture cools down crush the dragon scales into fine powder and puncture the elemental stones to be used.

Repeat the same process as for the head.

Also include metals such as adamantium in the spear.

MLet the cast sit and cool down. When all the parts are ready join both of them together.

And the final step prepare a bath and submerge the spear inside the bath. Prepare the water such that when the blood will be mixed the bath will not be very diluted.

Add the Demon blood and let it rest for half hour.

After that add the dragon blood.

Add the blood slowly.

When Jay added the blood the bath began to boil by itself and waves started to form in the bath itself. There was smoke forming from the bath. As well the smoke was very poisonous. As the smoke rised, the bath water continously decreased and when all the water has evaporated.

A new weapon was born.

The parts of the mother tree had completely envolped the body the wood encircled around the entire body and infused itself with the head.

The base hadn't changed much especially but it was the only part that retained its original coloring.

The body of the spear had turned red due to it being infused with adamantium

And finally the head the spear head was especially very different. When in the dark it would feel like there were orange and blue stars glowing in the spear head.

It felt like it was burning on fire but it emitted a cool aura from the head. It became way stronger than any of the weapons that Jay had on him. A perfect weapon for this situation.

All that needed was sharpening. And that would prove to be a difficult task for all the smiths at the workshop. As they even touched the weapon they would be impulsively be repulsed.

And when asked about it the simply stated. That they felt

An ominous and cold creature with 6 arms and a dragon was staring at them coldly.

But when Jay picked it up he felt nothing he gave it a nice little spin. And passed it on to McElroy who again felt nothing.

The worship owners were paid handsomely by them.

And thus the Spear of the Demon Hunter was born.

Name :

Demon and Dragon slayers spear.

Ark : 495

Desceiption :

The spear of the Demon and Dragon Slayer. It bears the will of the one who has hunted both dragons and demons.

This spear was passed down in Raizon made to hunt demons and dragons and it was made with the assimilation of the remains of the blood demon with the spear.

This allowing different forms of the spear to be created.

The mother tree also absorbed the nutrients from the blood and has manifested its will onto the spear. It is a powerful weapon for dealing with demons and dragons

But on other races the results may vary.