The War Plan

After the watchtower our time was spent in watching the island. Observing the daily lives of the demons as best as we can and soon it was evening. And we could no longer see anything. So we stepped down from the watchtower

There was nothing special to see and even if there was why would they even show it.

If all the news are true there hasn't been any movement at all. Aside from the beach.

At the night we engaged in our little plan of tactics.

McElroy :

I know you're bored but now is not the right time.

And got flat out declined. But he was right doing this might put him in much more stress than he already is.

And so the night passed and the war meet commune again at the Frontera Manor.

I washed myself up either water drawn by McElroy and heated by me. It's actually a perfect solution when outside.

A big metal tub and hot water in the middle of the woods really feels bliss sometimes. And the best part is the I can reheat it whenever I want and maintain it to a specific temperature I want thus I can remain in it for hours on end.

But I never do. Because of public indecency. And second

Why am I even talking about this. Don't I have much more important stuff to talk about rather than this.

Well long story short I got ready and actually I was need of some new treads. Because my old one became unusable.

So I went over to the tailor. The tailor was actually very nice.

At first there are two types of tailors in this world first being the ones who sell enchanted clothes these and then there are they who don't.

I went to the normal ones. And asked for some clothes best suited for me. He took my measurements and asked me to com later.

With this I was off in my existing clothes to the estate where I met my mortal enemy. The gate guard

Guard :

Halt, show me your entry permit.

Jay :

Let's just turn back. I'm tired of this now.

McElroy :

Yeah reusing the same joke over and over it's actually getting on my nerves.

We turned back and it was obvious that we won't be allowed everywhere all times.

McElroy : serious.

It's time for tactics. If you can find a Map it would be better.

And Jay had made a beeline to find a map and he eventually got one which he stole from someone.

Frontera :

Has anyone seen the map of the estate. I'm supposed to use it today.

They met outside the town where Jay handed him over the map.

He scanned the map with meticulous eyes.

McElroy :

Jay stand back. I'm going to try something.

A perfect 3D replica of the estate and the distance between the demons covered with water which conditions are perfectly replicated.

Such as strong currents, whirlpools.

He created troops which had been stationed at the bay and at the shores. A set of statues representing different heads and their family.

And one statue of Ikaros and 3 statues representing the generals of the Demon King.

Jay :

Wow where was this all this time.

McElroy :

Well I had a sudden enlightening moment of sorts.

McElroy :

Take the opening remarks Jay.

At this moment the War Council had started their planning. There were all the family heads deciding their positions as where they would be placed.

The most prominent families were seated together while the less known were placed distantly.

There were 103 families willing to stake their men.

Lloyd :

Once again I would like to thank the ones attending this war council. Today we are going to study and strategise.

Llyod :

Let me get this out of the way first. Some basic knowledge.

There are signs that the demons are preparing something.

And this region is the first and the last line.

Lloyd :

The sea water is special compared to other seas. This one has less salt content than others thus there are no salt farms here.

The currents are very fast and the most likely drag the person under water.

There are at least 3 confirmed whirlpools encircling the island.

And the last thing is that there are constant rains throughout the seas.

Lloyd :

Now that we have gotten these simple facts.

I would like to talk about the main issue.

Scene change.

Jay :

There's just no way you can cross it.

Jay created a metal. Boat made of metal and let it float on the simulated water. At first the ship tossed and turned and flipped and then it got sucked into the whirlpool and finally the entire ship drowned.

McElroy :

Even air is impossible.

Jay :

Maybe they are digging an underwater tunnel to crossover.

McElroy :

They have massive frames and mass so a large tunnel is required. And I doubt they can built it without any of the earth mages and even me noticing.

It's gotta be something else.

Jay :

I think If the foundation is involved then it might be possible.

McElroy :

What if they can tekeport. You know like you told me that day. The got us out here from the past. They might be able to do the same thing.

Jay :

Mass teleportation, then why not just set their array at their base instead.

Can't rule this out. I was thinking more of a submarine.

Jay made another metal boat enclosed on all sides it was sucked inside the whirlpool but it still moved ahead.

Scene changes again.

Lloyd :

We have devised the formation through which we will defend.

Scene change.

Jay :

I have watched enough movies to know that the most influential clans will be in the rear and the weaker ones will be sent to slaughter first.

McElroy :

This is surprisingly makes sense.

McElroy placed small statues of our comrades and acquaintances in the back.

Jay :

Now I would like to address the main issue.

Scene change

Lloyd :

There is a demon who rules them all knows as the Demon King. He is the strongest of all demons. Once we get his head. All demons will lose morale and we will achieve victory.

But guarding him are 3 generals.

Scene change.

Jay :

Our main issue is Ikaros. He holds the key that we need.

I think the best approach is to negotiate.

McElroy :

I agree but what if they fail. Like all the other times.

What if he forces us into combat.

Jay : Very Confident.

It's actually very simple and I can explain with just two words.

" We're Screwed"

McElroy :

Any escape plans.

Jay :

Run. Very simple.

Jay :

But for even a chance to talk we have to get past the generals. And we don't know anything about them.

McElroy :

Maybe we can -

There was a loud sound of the horn so loud that it could be heard from miles.

It was coming from the island of demons indicating that the time for war has come. The discussion were over.

Now it was time for action.