
A bipedal robot with a red cape and his body was painted with black paint. As if he were to blend in his surroundings and lying in wait of his opponent striking him at the vital moment. His eyes were bright red with hue as it's base which symbolizes the night vision that is used by agents to see in the dark while for humans there are two different compounds which help in this function.

Rhodopsin and Iodopsin. But they were of no matter to him.

They could be called functionally useless as the time from the start of the battle was around 11.15 am. Making the glasses functionally useless as sunlight from the clear sky graced the lands. With their gift of sunlight and heat.

The robot also dressed like a normal human being but in his case he wasn't alive. He might have been given a conscious or just he was simply controlled by artificial intelligence or he might even could've been controlled remotely by someone watching from a far. Just trying to act that they are a robot.

Many conclusions could be drawn from his objective but one statement was heard very clear that his objectives were to eliminate Jay Garrick. And he would not leave that behind him.

The four eyes of his started and scanned intensely.

Loki : robotic voice

Biosignature of individual Jay Garrick confirmed.

Estimating combat ability.

And Loki just stood there.

Loki : robotic voice.

Scanning stance, form, estimating muscle mass and structure.

Loki : robotic voice.

Combat ability calculated. Threat level 0

Jay was mildly infuriated but had a brilliant idea.

Loki threw a knife at Jay and Jay caught the knife like an expert and returned him the knife by throwing it at him at a slower speed than the last.

Loki tried once more he threw a knife at him and was once again returned back.

Loki this time threw two knives and was once again returned with the same knives he had.

Loki this time came in speeding swiftly like a cheetah chasing it's prey through the fields and forests. He held two knives in his hands and they were in the reverse position

After closing sufficient distance he lunged at Jay like a predator with his pointed sharp fangs driving into the prey and bounding it to death.

But the knives were turned to dust at just a flick of both of Jay's fingers and also Jay tried to punch his internals out but it seemed that it was running mana through its parts thus Jay couldn't just turn him to dust.

Maybe he had a A mana source on him somewhere. Maybe a compressed mana box. That is supplying that android with power.

Jay realized that a lot of work had been put into asthetics also. And Loki looks like a proper soldier rather than a moving scrap of metal or even nightmare fuel.

Though there is a possibility that he might in a moment.

The frequency and the number of knives thrown and times Loki tried to stab increased exponentially in a straight line.

And Jay was having a field day with this experience. As if he was toying with him.

Loki : robotic voice.

Recalculating threat level to Maximum.

Humane kills have been deactivated.

Processor output turned to 200%.

Mana box charged upto 100%.

Ethics have been deactivated.

Loki shrieked out loudly as his body flared up and the night vision he wore changed color to even more deeper and darker red like the blood moon.

Loki was now something else entirely now.

Jay still had his guard down. As he thought the maximum limit he might go to he was not expecting the unexpected.

Loki :

Blade barrage.

An river of knives spewed from the surroundings of Loki and targeted Jay like a stream of river. And once again he encountered the problem. He couldn't just sidestep there were others as well engaged in fighting the demons.

If he dodges then all of them would be in danger.

These knives were created purely from metal magic and they had a distinct lack of handles. They were just blades floating in the middle of the air. Accelerated greatly such that the gravity has a less of an effect on them but their mass being in a considerable range.

Each knives in the stream of knives were apart from each other but some were even clubbed together. Being propelled forward in a single direction the distance between the knives being 1 centimeter apart and the stream consisted of hundreds of knives if not the grand total to total around a thousand.

Jay faced the stream of knives as he knew that won't be a able to hurt him at all.

But the issue at hand is the loki and his turned off ethics circuits. He won't even spare the others I need to take this fight somewhere else fast.

The problem is bow do to defend this attack.

First is making a giant thick wall.

And that is what Jay did the most basic defensive position he took was to put a partition between him and the flying knives. And in the matter of moment there was a loud noise of knives crashing into the thick wall made of stainless steel like bullets crashing on the wall. Some of the knives penetrated through the barrier that was hastily created by Jay while that was the case these knives also prevented the entry of other knives from the sea of knives.

After the indiscriminate ruthless barrage of knives which was blocked by a soulless body of metal. A mound of knives was piled up of the knives that didn't managed to get stuck on the wall. And when the wall was taken down.

The deepest knife had penetrated the wall around 3 to 4 inches thick. And that too it could've penetrated further and protruded through the other side if not for the correct material selection and supplementing the wall with mana.

The mound which was created by the stream of knives suddenly burst into tiny scraps of metal and disappeared.

Jay shouted at the android.

Jay : robotic voice.

Hey scrap metal, let's take this somewhere else.

Jay urged Loki to go somewhere else. But Loki was a ruthless bloody android and now with his ethics circuits turned off he wasn't going to slide off a big advantage he had.

Loki grabbed one of the hunters who was in the middle of fighting with the asuras with his left arm The hunter tried to free himself from the heated grasps of the cold blooded android but to no avail. He desperately shook himself from his hands.

At one point he had accepted his future. But his will to live hadn't changed. So he flailed with all his might.

He swung his sword at Loki and managed to hit his eye with a great deal of force but he only managed to create a small crack on his eye.

Despite the hunter flaking desparetely Loki won't even budge for a moment.

Loki : robotic voice.

I have a hostage with me. You have a choice either you die or he dies.

Jay wondered at the back of his mind about what a cheap trick it was. It felt very cheap.

Jay took a step forward to try and do something within his range.

Loki : robotic voice.

You shall not move or else.

Loki prepared a knife untouched by mana as he underestimated his opponent.

Loki : robotic voice.

Prepare to be perished.

Loki threw the knife with great force towards his opponent who was standing with his right hand. The force was estimated to be so great the it could pierce at least 5 elephants back to back.

Which would give one a very thick layer of fat to go through.

While having no vendetta against elephants. They are the best example one could compare to.

The moment the knife left the from Loki's hand. Loki suddenly want able to see with one eye. It was like it was an instantaneous reaction.

The knife that he had thrown towards Jay never reached its final destination which through calculations was chosen to be Jay's torso with the error calculated for missing.

This Loki had aimed for his heart.

Loki was left dumbfounded and astounded by how his vision went blank. He felt his body go backwards and the force came from his head. And he fell to the ground.

At a moments notice the hunters took the advantage and once again flailed with his entire might and strength.

He with all the power he could apply pushed aside the arm of Loki and rolled.

He at first crawled for a bit and ran away. Thanking Jay.

The hunter ran towards the back where he could catch his breath. He was so afraid for his life when the knife was beneath his throat waiting to slit him into two halves.

Loki on the other hand had his vision blurred with an unknown cause.

He relied on the sense of touch as he felt that his eye which ad been blurred had been pierced by the same knife that had he had thrown but it somehow had changed its trajectory and stabbed the thrower in the eye.

Loki knew that he couldn't just make such a critical error. He replayed the feed recorded from his eye once again and analyzed the feed.

Within the speed of a super computer Loki had managed to deduce his situation.

When Loki threw the knife Jay controlled the knife with metal magic and changed its trajectory targeting the eye.

And while changing the trajectory would also mean the the speed would be reduced while turning. When the knife turned he pushed the knife even more with metal magic and the k ife accelerated and stabbed the eyes.

And that specific eye lost the video feed.

Lpki had been stabbed in the upper dark red eye. Which now blinded shut off and everything became dark to him like a closed room devoid of light.

Loki : robotic voice.

Upper right eye functionality has been lost.

Upper right eye feed recovered.


Jay considered the risk that if he escapes there is a good chance that Loki will not follow him. Rather either it might consider another target or once again grab another hostage.

Just to lure Jay in His trap. This time Jay might not be able to outsmart it.

Jay took the opportunity and attacked Loki. As he closed his distance with Loki and concentrated his fire in a single point.

He punched Loki at his chest and released all the heat in the form of plasma through his fist. Like a fire fist but the heat is condensed to a single point.

To which when they came in contact it was allowed to expand. Thus creating a violent stream of fire surging through its body and melting all of its circuits.

Loki tried to shut off its system to avoid heat generation and instead used the mana to focus on cooling by disoelling the same heat the body had accumulated.

The bonds of the armor started to be cleaved and broken down or they reacted with oxygen, carbon and nitrogen present in the air to create waste by products.

The cooling of the system was being overwhelmed by the excessive heat that Jay provided.

Jay :

Youre lucky, if it was master you wouldn't have even had a chance to start the cooling.

And with this final regards Loki was officially turned into scro metal by Jay.

Jay took a deep breath. It was certainly exhausting dealing with bystander.

Jay was about to return to action when 4 more Loki jumped into action.

Jay sighed loudly. As he thought he had to just deal with one of them. And forgot about the part where they were androids.

Loki : robotic voice.

Target identified. Jay Garrick.

Preparing for extermination.

Jay :

I hope atleast McElroy is doing better on the island.