The Demon Island.

McElroy and Jay sperated from each other making their way to the Demon Island. While Jay got shot down like a bird in the air gets shot with a shotgun and it falls to the ground.

Except it was the Reaper who made him fall. His fall was so intense it created a crater like a metriorite. But the altitude that he flew wasn't that high. Then a conclusion could be drafted that it was the strike of the Reaper that made such a thing happen supplementing the fact with Jay and Ragnar weight combined.

As well as other such conditions such as total force the acceleration due to gravity, the distance they fell, the speed at which they fell and air resistance.

And now Jay fight at the battlefield with the four Loki that appeared in the middle of the battle.

When McElroy dived into the water when they both were separated he propelled himself using his feet and the water jets and gracefully like a dolphin and functional like a human submarine he crossed the waters without much issues.

One of the problems were the huge fishes that patrolled the seas. Apparently fishes from all over had come to find game. And somehow they were bought here. There's right now no reason to believe such hypothetical statement but it is worth giving it a thought.

McElroy fought many of such monsters as he made his way to the island. When he finally reached the shore his body was covered with teeth marks, claw marks and all the excretants such as stomach acid. He collapsed on the shore.

McElroy had been ingested completely by these monsters and as a result he had to cut through stomach, intestines of these monsters numerous times. As he inched his way forward but by bit.

McElroy : tired.

That was hell. I hope atleast he's doing better than this.

He drank a high potion he took from Jay as Jay was advised not to drink potions anymore. As it could cause irreversible damage to his body.

And when Jay fell ill. He has developed a mental barrier to potions. Especially health potions. He used to actually take a lot of potions but since whatever happened in the desert. He is immediately repulsed by them.

Not much of a miracle it would seem.

But that's not that much if a problem since he makes up for it by his actual vitality regeneration.

We don't now use different potions like strength or speed potions. We used to before at that time we felt like Gods but at this stage when we take the potion now it feels nothing different than a drink. Just extremely bitter.

Was a thought by McElroy when he saw the empty bottle of high potion in his hand.

As the potion had been consumed he just left the potion within the sands to cover for his tracks. And waited for Jay.

McElroy looked at the sky with extreme patience and waited for his comrade to arrive. He saw a black spot in the sky.

Flying off in random directions.

McElroy was puzzled by his flying ability and how he was flaking in random directions . And then he saw that the black spot which was flying high in the sky suddenly started dropping as if they were falling.

And McElroy had known about Jay's diving from the sky for a long time. So when he didn't rise once again. He was concerned.

About Jay.

But McElroy brushed off his worried by a simple fact.

McElroy :

Even if he dies, he'll be back once again.

And with his concerns out of the way McElroy took a wide look at island.

It was exactly like an tropical island. At the beach there were huge trees of coconut. With their fruits hanging on them. It seems that the right time to harvest then has not arrived yet.

While it seemed that the island was full of greenery unlike expected.

Expectation were that it would be a land covered with Hellfire and everything would be darkened. With river of blood flowing from the island and broken cliffs rives and death everywhere. And the land would be entirely barren and if there was single patch of fertile land then it would be covered by carnivorous plants would eat anything they would sight.

On that land the asuras will eat each other in order just to survive like the survival of the strongest.

Atleast these were the expectations. But McElroy was relieved that was not definitely the case.

As he made his way deep into the jungle he wasn't able to fund a single trace of Asuras. And he was definitely sure that they were there as indicated on the battlefield.

There were signs of agricultural traces. But McElroy wasn't sure that if their race was into agriculture. And their diet has also be in massive amounts counting in kilograms acclimating to their body mass.

But hell the entire island looks like no body has been living there for a long time.

Something was definitely amiss was the thought that Mcelroy was having.

He bent down and touched the soil with his hand and spread his mana through the soil and the rocks.

How is one able to perceive mana. It is formless, colorless and tasteless after all. When someone shoots a spell the other side don't see the mana involved but they see the spell.

And mana being the right over the power of creation makes things more difficult and simpler for interpretation . Because if there is a way for creation there must also be a way to create something that will let McElroy perceive mana.

For this time McElroy used a tell tale sign for the thing he was looking. Because it was much more simple to pull off.

When the mana bounced back on something unknown and once again reached McElroy hand his hand started vibrating.

As the mana had connected to the receptors present in the arm responsible for the movement of the arm and thus his hand started vibrating.

McElroy :


McElroy confirmed that there was something metallic underground. And with every sign of haste visible McElroy excavated the ground with earth magic and found a metallic wall. After some digging McElroy found a hatch as if it was specifically placed there.

At first McElroy was somewhat reluctant to enter the hatch.

But he just wondered what was the worst thing that could happen.

It's not like he was going to be shot down like a bird.

He entered the hatch and to welcome him were androids.

Specifically Type : Loki.

Within those four walls made of metal and closed off. Type Loki had an extreme advantage as the walls were made of metal.

The four Loki units scanned McElroy

Loki : robotic voice.

Target identified name McElroy.

Bio metrics : God Slayer.

The four Loki units bowed before McElroy. McElroy found the situation very puzzling as if he hadn't heard the first of it.

McElroy had seen the original God Slayer and McElroy looked nothing like him except for his face. McElroy was much faster, much stronger much better than the kid.

McElroy in his back of mind had many theories but many of them lead to dead ends.

One of them was the Twins theory that suggested that they might be twins, sibling from the same mother. That's why the android might have mistaken.

Another was the theory of an identity thief. That McElroy before had stolen his identity. And now he was wearing it like a badge but he was an impostor.

General signs of impostor syndrome.

Third theory is the time travel theory.

This theory did hold some merit. That when God Slayer somehow time traveled over to the present from the past and somehow got his memories erased.

These were the theories that he had theorized.

The Loki units stood down from their battle stance as soon as they scanned the biometrics.

And the Loki units bowed before McElroy. And one of the Loki units spoke up.

Loki : robotic voice.

You have been summoned please come with us.

McElroy followed those Loki units as they walked through the hallways The Loki unit had surrounded McElroy in an diamond formation to prevent his escape.

Door automatically opened when McElroy stood before them and they would close when he had walked past them.

McElroy tried to make small talk with the Loki units but they treated him with utter silence.

Finally the small hallway opened into a huge corridor.

To which was a medium sized door. Which was like a control room of some sort. And when the door slid open.

Utter darkness flowed out of the room along with some light from the screen showing image's of the island of demons.

With a full three hundred and sixty degree view and on one other screen was a Jay fighting with 4 Loki units. In the middle of the forest.

And watching all of the footage was a person on a giant chair leaning on the chair like a recliner.

The Loki units behind McElroy left. As they were now both alone and McElroy stepped inside the room.

The chair spun one hundred and eighty degrees but it was still to dark to see the individual in front of him.

? :

Oh sorry it's too dark.

McElroy heard a very familiar voice as if had been missing somewhere within his memories. A familiar voice which he had not heard for a long time. A voice belonging not to the present or the past.

The lights turned on revealing the truth which had been perceived by McElroy made him exclaim and question at the existence of the person at the same time.

McElroy was stunned at her sight. McElroy was taken a back by her the only words he could utter right now we're.

McElroy :

You, how are you here!