
As Jay defeated the Loki units after lots of struggle he received a message on the phone.

For the completion of the fight before the estimated time you have been rewarded.

+7 points to be allocated anywhere.

After the fight Jay had realized that he was weak. And the fact that if he were to fight Ikaros now he would be absolutely obliterated with a single swipe.

Because he scaled his level of strength from the Loki robots.

Even though he managed to defeat them but he realized that he was neither strong neither intelligent nor carried an unlimited reserve of mana. Nor any broken overpowered skills that would give him the edge.

Jay was just Jay.

But it would be a shame if he would have been defeated by some tin cans who happened to use metal magic.

I think McElroy would have a much better time dealing with these tin cans.

McElroy did not.

McElroy climbed back through the hatch he went down from.

And found himself surrounded with 4 Loki units.

Along with the 4 units Viva also climbed out of the hatch.

Chasing after McElroy.

Viva :

McElroy stop. You can't escape anymore. And where will you go back to Jay. I have sent Loki units after him too.

He'll be dead in no time.

McElroy :

Then I should be leaving this island even more.

And you won't hurt me. Because of course even if I have nothing to do with it. There is this tag attached to me.

You can't hurt me.

Saying this McElroy tried to slide away. But this action was not tolerated by the Loki unit as he shit a well aimed chain knife at Mcelroy's foot piercing the muscle and the Loki unit pulled McElroy as his skin had gotten stuck due to the knifes hook structure. He was pulled back.

Huge chains of iron emerged from the ground and they bound McElroy completely stopping his movement completely.

Viva :

Nier you can't go anywhere.

McElroy was completely unfazed but he looked like he was wondering something.

McElroy :

Viva if your from the future. You must know what happens to Jay. If you're that fixated in him.

Viva remained silent. And tried not to show even an ounce of emotion but this silence confirmed Mcelroy's suspicions.

McElroy :

Looks like I hit the bullseye. You really don't know who he is, except for the fact that I travel with him and how I die.

And it means only one thing. Jay succeeded in going through the ordeal.

Which makes my path even more clear.

There were loud laughs in the back ground with some claps.

These familiar hearty laughs could only belong to Ikaros.

Ikaros pushed aside the two Loki androids.

Ikaros :

Hey McElroy it's been a thousand years we finally met once again.

Ikaros looks around the demon island. But he couldn't find Jay anywhere. Ikaros wore a key around his neck as apart of necklace.

Ikaros :

I thought both of them would be together. So where is he.

Viva :

He would be most likely be killed by the units that I sent.

Ikaros :

Those Loki units or what you call them. You might have forgot a fact that Jay is also a metal magic user. Meaning it was one sided all along.

He should be making his way here now.

The prediction of Ikaros was correct. Jay once again tried to make his way over but this not from the battlefield. But instead from the stormy seas. With strong wind currents pushing him back and forth. He once again walks over from the battlefield instead of taking his chances and drowning.

Jay once again met the Reaper. As he once again hear a sweet sound Reverbrsting throughout his ear. The Reaper was indeed nearby.

Reaper :

The Reaper does not warns twice.

The Reaper warped and appeared in front of Jay as he swiped his scythe in a upward position piercing the dragon armor.

Reaper :

Tch dragon armor is so irritating.

Jay grabbed his cloak as he once again move through space.

Jay felt the himself rotate at his speeds. He shut his eyes while being still held to the Reaper. And he had a dirt like sensation as he had crashed with a dirt like sensation running though his entire body. Jay's felt extreme vertigo.

As he emptied his innards.

He found himself in the presence of an McElroy who was tied down by chains made of steel with the Loki units restraining him the steel chains they crafted with magic.

Ikaros :

Oh at last he's here too. Nice work Reaper.

Reaper :

I didn't meant to bring him here. He grabbed my cloak and we warped here.

Jay looked at Ikaros and he was still the same armor made of cheap aluminum, the sword made of other swords which might weigh at least ten tons. And not the least but his cheery and carefree attitude.

Ikaros :

Hey how does it feel being after seeing and making history. You've become a fully fledged time traveler now now that's a tough record to beat but you've got a competitor.

With Jay barely lifted himself off a ground his eyes saw the enite scene of being in a area devoid of trees but filled with grass.

There were the Loki units restraining McElroy, Ikaros, the Reaper and... Is that Viva?

Jay :

Are you Viva?

Viva dashed and punched Jay's gut and caused a mana reflux but due to Jay's majority mana spent in fighting demons and the Loki units that too five of them.

He was instead filled with mana and was bit overflowing.

But due to that the symptoms were less severe.

Just some rigorous coughing. For a few seconds.

Ikaros :

That techniques of yours Viva you need to work on them.

They aren't that refined either.

What they need is more firepower.

Like this.

Ikaros flicked his finger at one of the Loki units head and the head was launched at a very huge force such that it broke though the trees with ease the pressure was so intense that the entire head deformed and lost it's shape completely as it launched itself. But by its speed if it was launched upwards it would fly even faster than a rocket.

Which to break through the earth's atmosphere it need to go at least at 11 kilometer per seconds.

But due to curvature it eventually might break through the atmosphere. And flyoff into the space or might even be retrieved by X . If the sky that he had created is a fake sky.

Viva :

What? I don't under stand.

Ikaros :

It's simple you just need more POWER.

Viva :

No not that, why are you here instead of the battlefield.

Aren't you the Demon Lord.

Ikaros :

You're embarrassing me with that title. Just head would be enough or even Ikaros.

But I'm here because because of the terms that I talked with you.

I need you to recognize that the era of God Slayer is over.

Viva :

But we need him we cannot win if he doesn't support us.

Ikaros :


McElroy while bounded somehow managed to ask the question.

McElroy :

If I may can someone explain about the God Slayer.

Ikaros :

Why not.

Ikaros :

God Slayer was a person an ordinary person. I'm sure you met him when you put an entire kingdom in emergency.

Jay and McElroy shocked as how he was aware of how he knew.

Ikaros :

I've lived a thousand years. And over known for a long time.

So just chill. It's just now the past man

Viva :.

They don't even deserve to know even an ounce of truth let them die in their facade of built up reality.

Even though the truth is not that bright.

Jay rushed towards McElroy as he felt that everyone had let their guard down.

Jay broke through the chains and helped McElroy get up.

Jay :

I don't understand Viva why are you siding with them.

Viva :

You still don't understand do you Jay. I was never on your side. From the very beginning till the bitter end I have tried to kill you.

Just because we developed somewhat of a bond don't forget that I am right now tried to kill you.

Ikaros :

Everyone just calm down just chill let's not get things heated.

Ikaros still tried to call down the friction between Viva and the both of them.

Viva was becoming more and more unreasonable.

To the point she sounded desperate.

Ikaros finally pick up his sword and lightly bends it down.

A mighty winds started blowing from his sword.

Ikaros puts his sword on his back.

Ikaros :

When I first posted the hologram I thought you won't come.

That's why I had to show you something you desperately needed.

That's right the Key.

Ikaros showed off the key which was bound to him like a necklace. The key was tied to him with a string made of cotton most likely.

The key itself felt like it was made from frosted glass due to it refractive appearance. It looked so fragile but yet elegant.

Ikaros just casually threw the key upwards and struck it with his sword hard with all of the strength he could exhibit.

So much that not just very heavy winds that left us clinging to the ground but even the weather the clouds shifted their course away from the southern island. The soil started to erode. And it was like Ikaros was digging a hole without intending to.

The remaining Loki units flew away as they couldn't hold on and landed in water. Very far away.

The Reaper who was levitating also flew away but kept tkelepoting to his position.

Even Jay and McElroy used their rockets to propelled them forward.

And with the hit the key propelled downwards but Ikaros just caught it before it even touched the ground like nothing ever happened.

Ikaros :

This key is made up of some indestructible material but even we can't figure out what's its made of despite having the latest technology.

McElroy shouted at the Immortal.

McElroy :.

You could've just told us that instead.

Ikaros :

Oh my bad.

Ikaros casually lifted his sword again and pointed at both of them.

Ikaros :

You are after this key. Then come and get it.

Ikaros pointed his sword at both of them and revealed a killing intent concentrated for a thousand years.

This intent was so bad that the entire human and demon races fighting on the battlefield could feel their presence.

Nora :

It's the presence of the Demon Lord.

He had finally shown himself.