Defeated Idiots

Ikaros was now battle ready with his intent reaching to the skies and his sword cleared the weather in a single strike.

How are we going to face such a monster.

Ikaros planted his sword in the ground.

And cracked his hands and neck casually.

Ikaros :

Let me show you what one thousand years of strength looks like.

When he took a step he disappeared in the air.

Jay :


Even in stopwatch he was nowhere to be seen. Until Jay reflex kicked in. For a second he dodged to the side and Ikaros flicked him.

Ikaros :

Too slow.

Jay was sent flying into the distance with a force so huge that his tissues were on the verge of tearing apart. His rockets were lacking the power to neutralize the force.

And he crashed on the other side of the island directly in the Manor where all the heads were putting their heads together to stratergize an effective plan to deal with the Demon king.

Jay crashed into the glass windows and then on the table where the map of the area being displayed in its full glory.

And broke the table in pieces.

While McElroy tried to break his speed by making the floor ice. And use his speed against him.

Ikaros :

I don't know why but everyone I meet uses the same technique when they first. Meet me.

Ikaros stomped with his one foot to the ground and all the ice scattered and a mini earthquake ensued the island.

That was Ikaros's strength on full display. And we were forced to accept that.

I was wrong about an sword saints even An army of Heavenly Demons. The demons who have broken through their form they have received enlightenment and can fight with methodical ways and the only ones who can use mana

Theit use of mana is deemed as cursed and in the island of demons there are 5 heavenly demons capable of this feat.

The structure of the demons army is here as follows.

First are the demons, which are considered as fiends or malevolent beings they are either very disfigured or human like. But doe to their disease like deformity even asura don't like to go near them. It's like a discrimination within them.

Second are the asura themselves.

In the Indian mythology Asura themselves mean

Enemy of the Gods. And that's why I think both the immortal foundation and the Asura might be together for the same purpose.

As the immortals themselves are the enemy of the gods.

So. I don't know why they won't cooperate.

Next are the ones of the uncharted category. They gene pool according to the Immortal Foundation is a big mess.

As these chimera like creatures either consisted of various animals brutally mutilated and their body parts stitched with other animals. Or they might be born through very aggressive breeding. Something like this will only happen deliberately.

Next are the Heavenly Demons.

These demons are the only demons who can use mana. These demons live on the island and live a very solitary life.

They are said to have received enlightenment after rigorous training and they are said to not engage. Their arts and curses differ from demon to demon.

The asura which Jay and McElroy fought at the entrance of the dungeon was an Asura who's enlightenment remained incomplete. As such he was killed.

In the Demon army there are only 5 heavenly demons.

But they don't have orders to engage at the current moment.

These heavenly demons are also the ones who consider themselves as enemy of the gods.

Finally next are the three general of the Demon King.

One of them is the berserker or the only one who goes by a different name

The Heavenly Asura.

A state where it is said that an Asura reached his peak potential or the very pinnacle.

Whole the others are the witch of blood. And the Reaper.

And not a whole is known about them.

And the one who stands above them all the Demon King.

And the mantle of the Demon King is now worn by the one who can overpower the Heavenly Asura without even trying


The child with wings that flew too high and got burned by the sun

During the battle there was not even one female demon seen on the battlefield.

The reason is not known.

But it is hypothesized that it is to protect the future generation of the demons and Asuras.

But given the patch of land they were on it would be too small for everyone to live on them. They might even run out of resources on Day 1.

While the Asuras and demons fight like barbarians. Heavenly demons and Heavenly Asuras are disciplined.

The constant rage and wrath which burns in their hearts is quelled.

But the pinnacle is not the final point that a Asura aims.

As they are blessed with a long life.

Their final standing point is the God of Demons.

A point when the Demons acquire a point where they change completely.

From the blood that runs in their veins to their skins exposed to everything perilous outside changes.

There has been only one God of Demons the strongest of the Demon Kind.

And he was crowned the honor of the Demon King.

But he was slained. By a human who stepped in his court.

And adorned the title for himself. And now leads the demons to his own will.

Even the title of the God of Demons was faced with humiliation. All of Demon kind which was a chaotic land of monsters and demons and Asuras was reformed under one flag.

The Flag of the Immortals. During the time when the veil was present.

And once when the veil had disappeared then all of demon King emerged and prepared to take back their birthright.

The mainland where in the past they once held supreme.

But just because their kind was not so much blessed with mana they lost. And due to their hideous Ness their were forced to retreat to live on the island.

Jay and McElroy who had crashed into the Manor of the Lord Lloyd Frontera.

Were defeated with the flick of a finger they were alive and conscious. But they couldn't move even a slight inch.

And their healing power were trying desparetely to undo the damage that had been dealt.

Their will to fight severely crushed.

Lloyd :

Whag the hell happened. Hey Lord they're severely bleeding.

Call the healers here now.

This was the limit they could endure finally Jay's eyes closed.

Vivva on the island with Ikaros argues with him.

Viva :

Why did you do that they could've died from that.

Ikaros :

If they die just from a flick then that's that. They don't even deserve to stand in my presence.

But I know something that even you should know.

After years of fighting on the battlefield I have seen many comrades come and go by.

And the two of them are something that I call Idiots.

They will be back here.

Till then prepare what I've assigned you with. No further arguments.

Viva :

Yes sir Ikaros.