Timeline split.

Jay and McElroy crashed through the Frontera mansion crashing through. With their fighting spirit crushed.

2 hours after the war.

Jay finally opened his eyes. To find himself in the medicinal camps set up by the order of knights and other gods.

His armor throughly tattered and even became unusable.

Another armor went down the drain. The armor was not even in an condition where it could be used once again.

And dragon scales are considered to be the most strongest substance which is organic..

Jay wakes up and feels a pain running through his chest at it was there where he was flicked.

Jay :

Isn't this supposed to be a trashy story where I'm supposed to be overpowered with beautiful girls at my side.

What the hell is with this story.

The healer who entered the camp to check on him when he found out he was off the cot. He ran towards him.

Healer :

Don't stress yourself too much you need rest.

Normally Jay would have objected the healer that he needed to go. But he calmly laid down on the stretched rags that had been laid.

But in his mind there was nothing no thought no feelings, not even a single emotion. It's as if he was just there floating in the vastness of the hell that he was put in. Besides him lay McElroy with the same dead like look on his face.

McElroy : weak voice.

So what now.

Jay :

Maybe we should open a farm and Name it

Brothers. Co.

I'm sure we can earn lots of cash by doing so.

McElroy :

I can take care of the fertilizer and water while you see to it that our tool never break. And use your outside knowledge.

Maybe we can make a bigger yield.

Jay :


This this is what it has now come to. A now dream about farming.

McElroy :

The well get married to the women we love and after that we'll grow old and die.

Jay :

Might be good for you. But I don't think X would let me live this kind of life. But if I take up farming it will definitely piss him off.

McElroy :

What do you think where should we sell the fruits of the labor.

Jay :

A good question indeed.

? :

I've got a great suggestion.

Suddenly there was a voice which came from somewhere.

Jay flipped to the side which revealed a chip from which voice was being emitted.

It was like a coin which which sound was being emitted so clearly that one would actually believe that a real person is actually speaking with them in the room.

The coin itself was reflective thus it was not hard to spot.

It had a silver like metallic layer and showed a thumbs up on it.

? :

After you produce your yield you can sell it to the foundation.

If you want we can set you up with a big chunk of land and farming devices. And maybe automated robots so you can

Sit on your asses all day and enjoy.

Jay :

That does not sound bad at all.

McElroy :

Yeah, it's seems like a good idea.

? :

Oh for the sake of the world, would you two idiots get off your asses. Don't you understand sarcasm.


Don't you want to travel the world. And get rid of whatever nightmare binds you.

Jay :

In video games terms you're the second stage final. Boss.

But someone unintentionally buffed all of your stats by

999 points.

? :

Is that so the climb to a thousand points. It took me a thousand years to get where I was. But your growth is hundreds not thousand times faster.

In one year you were able to take down the. Blood demon.

Many of my skilled personnel, clone of the other head,

A being which was almost a heavenly demon.

And a monster from the abyss. What more do you need.

Just get back up fight grow and seize victory.

McElroy :

I have several questions behind your words that you intend.

But I have no motivation to do so.

Ikaros :

Then I might have to take some hostages.

Jay :


Ikaros : sighs

Now I feel sad for myself that I wasted my precious time on idiots like you.

I was right if I was an correct in recognizing you.

Dumb stupid, greedy, unlovable, ugly, dishonorable, pig faced,

with a lot more curses which should not be mentioned but include familial, racist, sexist and even some things are forbidden to say.

And end his note with you pieces of dips it should just die in a tank full of manure. That way you'll atleast be useful to the society.

With a whole lot of profanity used Both of their blood stated boiling as they got up once again.

Jay :

I know you are trying to get us back on the battlefield and i have to say that it worked. Worked too well.

McElroy :

I can't believe this approach worked.

And that was too much profanity.

On the other side.

Viva :

You just hit then when they're down and even rubbed salt on their wounds.

Ikaros :

Didn't I say idiots need to be dealt with differently.

Viva :

Won't it be better if they were gone. It would've made the plan to transport the demons much easier.

But why are we taking them by foot across.

Don't we have vehicles capable to transport all of them.

Ikaros :

You're right. But if you're from the future you might have foresaw everything a while ago.

Viva :

No. It's different, in the future where I belonged to all the demons were taken home to the foundation.

And there was not much of a resistance to begin with.

As the foundation units were there to support them to begin with.

But now there is no one from the foundation except you and me and the Reaper.

Viva was puzzled as she couldn't decipher what caused the dividend. Between the war of the demons.

But after some more thinking she figures it out.

Viva :

I caused the divide didn't I!

Ikaros :

Took you long enough.

The timelline had shifted completely into a new direction with the inclusion of Viva. Meanwhile the past still remains the same.

Nothing has changed.

Ikaros :

Even the past should've changed when both of them traveled back In time. But instead of chaos increasing in the space time had Stabilized meaning it was an event that was planned or supposed to happen.

Sort of like a constant value which never changes.