Metal and Thunder

Metal and Raijin crashed on the ground with a loud thunderous noise. As the clouds in the background filled with lightning. And there were lightning strikes everywhere in the ground.

Raijin :

I was waiting just for this moment I was bored after killing time and killing these armies of heaven.

Metal :

It seems you are strong I admit.

Raijin :

So now it means I can fight you with all of my wish.

Come on the two of you. I can take both of you.

Metal :

They are experienced. Raijin you will lose.

I shall, also, participate.

Metal at first spoke very rigidly not taking many words while Raijin was much more. Vocal with his words.

Raijin :

Metal who would you like to face against.

Metal :

Let, them, choose.

Raijin :

It would be much more fun wouldn't it kyahahah.

Raijin as we know controls lightning then it would be good if McElroy fights it with water but if he used pure water it would render lightning useless. And I have nothing that can give me a leverage on him. Fire might be one thing but metal would be useless since it would mostly become a good conductor of electricity.

While McElroy also has earth magic which will help in dispersing the lightning.

So the choice is made.

McElroy will face off against Raijin and

Jay will face against metal.

The match up is decided.

McElroy :

Hey Jay toss me that spear. I think I will need it for this maniac.

Jay :

You sure this spear is metal.

McElroy :

The wood don't transfer electricity right. Then I'll be Allright.

Jay :

All right.

Jay tossed the spear and it landed in Mcelroy's hands.

McElroy actually has a leverage against the maniac.

Raijin beat his drums around his back gleefully with a hammer as he danced second and produced lightning

Beneath his feet it made a crackling sound which resonated with his drums.

Raijin :

What a beautiful prey I'm about to have. It makes my body rumble.

Raijin beat his drum once and a lightning fell from the sky and struck the ground before McElroy.

Raijin :

It seems my move was a miss.

McElroy without flinching heads in with his spear and as Raijin was able to beat the drums McElroy shot them down with a wall aimed compressed projectile of water which knocked the drumstick out of his hands.

Raijin :

Ho them what about this.

Raijin striked every drum in quick succession as now there was a filed of lightning spread over the area. Giving dangerous electric shock enough to power an entire train.

But McElroy shock proffed himself. Using pure water he covered his body in a similar armor.

Thus it became an electricity proof armor..

Raijin :

Water, you gave up already before I start.

You got guts for a suicidal.

Raijin :

Very well I Raijin the Heavenly Demon will honor you with your death.

Rising clap his hands together and IT form a Bolt of lightning which was shot toward McElroy body of water but it had no effect because the lightning didn't penetrate the body of McElroy as the pure water is a non conductive substance it didn't have much affected him rising the heavenly demon was shocked as it did not expect that the lightning be blocked out so soon and everyone resulted in the death of

Asura and humans alike.

The pegasi who were hit fell out of the sky. And now there were no more pegasi in the air. The aerial forces had been entirely wiped out.

The gods no longer have any aerial units left. Raijin's lightning carnival rampage ended with wiping of the many units of both demons and humans fighting each other by a shock of upto million volts. This caused a loss to both Human and Demon side.

And it did hit the nearest victims Jay and Metal who were fighting with metal bending but and due to conduction even they got shocked. And after a moment of pain there was a steel beam of retaliation weighing almost 16 kg being thrown at an insane speed which was almost shy of hitting Raijin was faced with an unexpecting attack and thus his guard was down. But from another side an other steel beam collided with it changing its trajectory Thus he was able to dodge to steel beam which would have almost smashed his face.

Raijin : Angrily

Hey who threw that beam of steel.

Jay :

First you shock everyone and then complain when someone answers, you idiotic battle maniac.

Keep your attacks to yourself.

Metal :

This one missed, next won't.

Metal even he won't express himself that much. But it was clearly visible that metal was also pissed from the lightning attack.

With that attack McElroy wasted no time on the offensive.

As he manipulated the earth and make a field of earth spikes which protruded in the same direction and targeted Raijin.

But Raijin never left his sight over McElroy.

Raijin with the beat of his drums struck the earth with a very strong lightning and disappeared with a flash of lightning just to appear before McElroy with an electrified spiked metal club in his right hand.

He had taken his stance where he maximized the amount of force he could output. And swung the electrified spiked club

Into a fifteen layered earth wall which McElroy deployed to cover his defensive needs.

They say when someone is attacking it leaves a big hole in their attack. McElroys defense was already covered before attacking that's why he covered his pure water and had it rotating like a chain saw. While jumping out of cover during his strike.

McElroy decided that if he wanted to surpass the Asura with speed of lightning he had to be faster himself so he used light magic to increase his perception speed.

And it worked Raijin attack looked like it was somewhat slow. That's because McElroy went e further than before he and increased the amount of information he perceived at a given moment even more .

That's why he abondined his cover and leaped at Raijin as soon as he broke the 10 th layer. Out of the fifteen layers of earth. And with the spear of the Demon Hunter in his hand.

McElroy attempted to. Plunge the spear into the Asuras innards.

But Asura reacted due to his lightning fast reflexes. He grabbed McElroy with his left hand. And lifted his up.

Raijin :

I saw you facade a mile away. Try something better.

Lightning drove through Raijins arms as they connected and shocked McElroy. McElroy howled with pain as his body twitched and twisted violently in all directions. There was a smell of burning which had covered the air.

Raijin stopped his surge of lightning. As Mcelroy was not showing any movements. Raijin thought he was dead.

Raijin :

Tch. Just when I was having fun you had to die.

Raijin tried to throw McElroy off his hands but he felt the strength in his arm getting weaker.

McElroy pried himself open and got down when Raijin from the corner of his eye saw his palm was bleeding without any stopping. And there were patches of blue and black skin formed on the area of the bleeding.

While McElroy got electrocuted but he returned the deal when he stabbed Raijin with the spear. Which Raijin failed to take into account as he saw a chance of countering an incoming attack. And when Raijin grabbed McElroy with his hands by a stroke of luck for McElroy he stabbed himself when he grabbed McElroy the spear head pierced his skin.

And released the poison inside his system and the toxin entered inside his system.

But due to Raijin large bulking body the toxins concentration was much lower than needed to kill Raijin despite the spear doing it's best to produce large amount of toxins.

And after a few clashes between McElroy and Raijin.

The stabbed arm fell asleep as if it was rotting away. It became unresponsive.

This would most likely be a winning move but Raijin had many more arms to count.

Raijin :

So what if I lost an arm.

Raijin used his other arms and tore off his infected arm.

And threw it aside to prevent the toxins from spreading in his. Body.

Raijin was in pain from losing an arm but he still tried to brush it off. Then he had the idea of passing electricity through the severed arm and cut off sensation from the pain receptor in the arm. Thus he no longer felt pain but there was a feeling that seemed that something was missing.

This caused the Asura to lean slightly as his arm was gone which threw the balance of the body off by a little bit.

Raijin :

Tis is but a scratch. Nothing big for me.

While Jay was under the restriction that he couldn't use potions McElroy was under no obligation to so. He used a high potion to recover from that deadly shock of thunder.

McElroy launched an in itiative and counter attacked. Covered in an armor of pure water. Raijin tossed lightning bolt after lightning bolt at McElroy like Zeus.

But everyone McElroy would shed his armor and make another one.

Raijin waited for a chance and clubbed McElroy. Using the same strategy when he let McElroy attack him. And used that initiative to return the blow the blow was so strong that it sent McElroy flying.

And as a birthday gift Raijin threw 3 bolts of. Lightning which hit a flying McElroy. Which because the remaining pure water layered on his clothes as a remainder helped him reduce the damage caused by the lightning bolts.

Raijin followed that up by violently beating his drums. As a celebration.

Question how do you kill a hulking demon who can react and move at the speed of lightning.

Answer :

By using something that is faster than him.

Caught between his belt was a big grade fire stone which McElroy secretly snuck it in there when he made a move before being clubbed.

Even though McElroy had to suffer the consequences he chugged another potion and quickly recovered.

He manipulated the earth to make an army of golems made from earth. Lightning had no effect on them and the shot which did have effect. McElroy just made new ones.

And with that he added. Ew types. Such as sand soldiers which when hit would regenerated.

Just to stall Raijin dead in his tracks. The golems which reached Raijin would climb onto him andaking it difficult for him to Move.

McElroy gathered the man's that he would need to use.

And fired off a sandstorm. Which enveloped Raijin. Raijin's eyesight was blurred. And his visibility was also gone to hell.

Making his final move McElroy

Picked up the spear and threw it the spear flew at max speed limiting by air resistance and it finally hit Raijin and the poison spread through his entire body.

Now death was inevitable for him.

Raijin was still standing with the spear in his chest.

Raijin :

Never thought I'll be beaten by a human.

Raijin :

But it doesn't mean I won't take you to hell with me.

Raijin started playing the drums with all might as lightning rained everywhere over the sea the land. Targeting everyone the humans the demons and both Jay Garrick and Metal once more.

While McElroy shielded himself within another layer of earth and pure water while doing the same for Jay.

His performance truly roared as the persona of

Lord of Thunder. Every beat was electrifying. Every beat was around 200 beats per second. Waves of lightning crashed everywhere.

There was cracking of lightning every second and the performance continued till the poison spread all over as his body turned entirely black and blue. His arm lost their strength as the beats slowed down little by little and finally the lightning carnival ended. The fourth heavenly demon has been slain.

Humanity moves one step closer to winning the war.